Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 180 The Great Escape

If Han Yueli is left behind now, Chu Fengmian will not be able to get past his true intentions if he still practices martial arts.

Chu Fengmian's martial arts is to protect everyone he wants to protect.

"There must be other ways!"

Chu Fengmian frowned, and flew away in the direction of Emperor Fengrao's mausoleum at almost the fastest speed.

Speed, as long as Chu Fengmian's speed is faster, it will be enough!

"Power! We must have stronger power!"

"I can't die here. In my previous life, I had no choice but to jump off a cliff and die because I had no strength. In this life, I can't die in such a useless way, in the hands of others!"

Chu Fengmian groaned.

Chu Fengmian was on his left hand, his eyes already looking at the Dragon Dragon Pill.

The only thing that could give Chu Fengmian instant power was this dragon pill. A dragon's dragon pill might really be enough to create miracles.

"Are you planning to swallow this dragon pill now?"

Looking at Chu Fengmian's eyes, Xingxuan's voice changed.

"You have to think clearly. Although this is just a dragon pill, it is still a dragon pill after all, a wind-controlling dragon pill!"

"The power he contains is definitely not what you can bear now. Maybe if you swallow it, you will end up with one thing, that is, you will explode and die because the power cannot bear it!"

"Even if you practice the Dragon Slaying Technique, you won't be able to swallow such a huge amount of spiritual power in one breath! You can escape and survive as long as you leave that woman behind. Why are you taking such a big risk now!"

Xingxuan's voice also contained disbelief.

There is obviously a better choice, why, why is Chu Fengmian so desperate.

Is it just to take that woman and leave together, for a promise? Or is it because of the life-saving grace.

A dragon pill is equivalent to containing nearly half of the spiritual power of a dragon's body, and it is still the most essence of spiritual power.

Even if you want to swallow it, you must combine it with other elixirs to reconcile the spiritual power in them. Otherwise, a saint may be burst at once.

Especially now that Chu Fengmian is still being hunted.

There is not even a stable environment.

In such an environment, swallow and refine the dragon pill.

It's no different than committing suicide.

"Shut up!"

Chu Fengmian roared.

It was impossible for him to leave Han Yueli behind. Now Chu Fengmian had no choice.

Rather than die a cowardly death, it would be better to truly fight to the death. Even if he narrowly escapes death, Chu Fengmian does not consider it.

Chu Fengmian opened his mouth and bit down on the dragon pill. After a few mouthfuls, he swallowed the entire dragon pill that was as big as a human head.

Immediately, he activated the Dragon Fighting Art and started refining it.

At the entrance of the Dragon Pill, Chu Fengmian felt almost instantly that an extremely huge amount of spiritual power had poured into Chu Fengmian's body.

This Dragon Pill is definitely much more effective than any elixir in the world.

If a warrior in the Wind Control Realm is asked to refine the Dragon Pill, he can only swallow one thousandth of it in one go. Any more may be broken by the spiritual power in it.

For someone like Chu Fengmian to swallow a dragon pill completely in one breath, it was simply an extremely crazy act.

Especially now, Chu Fengmian couldn't devote all his attention to refining the dragon pill. He had to continue to activate the escape light and escape quickly.


These are the two most taboo things for warriors, and now Chu Fengmian is doing them.

"Why did that kid's spiritual power suddenly expand? Could it be that he swallowed the dragon pill and refined it?"

Cheng Tiantian looked at the sudden change in Chu Fengmian's spiritual power in the distance. The bursts of spiritual power carried a dragon's power.

He immediately guessed what happened.

"Damn it! That's a Dragon Pill! This Dragon Pill was actually swallowed by that kid!"

Chu Meng was behind, his eyes wild with jealousy.

One Dragon Pill was worth hundreds of millions of Qi Gathering Pills. Such a large amount of wealth was devoured in front of him. How could Chu Yu not go crazy?

This Dragon Pill was originally in his pocket, but now it was taken away by Chu Fengmian, and it was actually swallowed by Chu Fengmian.

In this way, even if he kills Chu Fengmian, the Dragon Pill cannot come back.

"Damn it! We must kill this kid today! Get his Fertility Monument! Without the Dragon Pill, the inheritance of Emperor Fertility must also be ours!"

Chu Huan roared angrily and sped up to catch up.


Xingxuan looked at Chu Fengmian and was speechless.

Under such circumstances, choosing to swallow the refining dragon pill is definitely an act that only a madman can do.

Among the countless people Xing Xuan has met, there has never been such a person before.

Especially now, Chu Fengmian actually remained silent while suffering countless pains from the countless spiritual impacts of Long Dan.

It seemed that the person suffering the pain was not Chu Fengmian.

"I, Chu Fengmian, will never die in a place like this today!"

Chu Fengmian's body already had countless spiritual powers, which were rushing through his body crazily.

The spiritual power of this Dragon Pill is definitely comparable to the sum of tens of millions of Qi Gathering Pills, or even much more.

This huge amount of spiritual power, even if the ancient war dragon's shadow in Chu Fengmian's body kept opening and swallowing it, the devouring speed was not as fast as the power released by the Dragon Pill.

For a few moments, Chu Fengmian's body seemed to be inflated, and became extremely swollen. This was exactly what he looked like when he was hit by huge spiritual power.

In this state, Chu Fengmian could explode and die at any time.

"No, I can't die yet! I want to live! I will never die!"

Chu Fengmian roared crazily in his heart, pushing the Zhan Long Jue to its limit, constantly devouring the spiritual power in the Dragon Pill.

His flesh and blood were burst, and his whole body looked bloody. He didn't know how many wounds he had.

Along the way, Chu Fengmian's blood could be seen wherever he passed.


While enduring great pain, Chu Fengmian actually activated the Phantom Body Technique again.

His spiritual power had expanded to its limit, and he wanted to see what kind of speed this spiritual power could achieve.


The figure flashed.

Now Chu Fengmian's speed was actually more than twice as fast as before.

This speed is enough to surpass Chu Hun and Cheng Tiankong's Escape Light.


Chu Fengmian's eyes finally showed some joy.

Chu Fengmian's desperate fight finally had an effect. Such a dodge was enough to get rid of those two people.

At the same time, a huge magic circle appeared in front of Chu Fengmian.

Behind this magic circle is a huge mausoleum. It is more like a huge cave than a mausoleum.

This is the tomb of Emperor Fengrao.

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