Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 178 Crisis!

With a flick of the sword, it struck in front of Chu Xuan almost instantly.

This sword struck Chu Huan almost silently.

The edge of the sword is also extremely sharp, it is a real killing sword.

This sword was a sword that Chu Fengmian had been waiting for the opportunity to use, waiting for the chance to kill with one strike.

With Chu Fengmian's current strength, the strongest sword intention that he can activate is this condensed sword.

Although Chu Fengmian possesses divine veins, his spiritual power is almost endless.

This sword consumes not only spiritual power, but also the sword intention cultivated by Chu Fengmian in his previous life. One strike of the sword is enough to exhaust Chu Fengmian.

Chu Fengmian was almost waiting for a decisive blow before using this sword.

But now that Han Yueli is in crisis, Chu Fengmian can no longer wait any longer, and this sword breaks out in advance.

"not good!"

Chu Yu was also a peerless genius, and he suddenly felt the threat of this sword in his mind. He quickly retracted his punch, and then hit the sword edge.

Back in front of Tongtian Road, Chu Fengmian's sword hit even Ling Tian.

The sword energy like a violent storm slashed at Chu Yu's body crazily. Each of these sword energy was extremely fierce.

"I'm here to help you! Space Xuanmen!"

Cheng Tiantian also roared, activating the Sealing Heaven Divine Diagram, and a space mystical gate condensed and stood in front of Chu Xuan.

"His! His! His!"

Thousands of sword energies struck at the Space Mysterious Gate. The condensed Space Mysterious Gate was riddled with holes and shattered into pieces.

Among them, the most powerful sword energy struck directly at Chu Yu's hand.


A finger suddenly flew out.

Under Chu Fengmian's sword, one of Chu Huan's fingers was cut off.

Seeing this result, Chu Fengmian felt a chill in his heart. Originally, his sword was at least intended to seriously injure Chu Yu.

Chu Fengmian was not satisfied with the result of just cutting off a finger.

However, taking advantage of the moment when the sword was struck, he temporarily withstood the offensive of Chu Yu and Cheng Tiankong. In a flash, he grabbed Han Yueli and ran away quickly.

"Run away!"

Two figures quickly walked through the jungle.

"Damn it! Damn it! A loser actually cut off one of my fingers!"

Chu Huan roared hysterically.

"This damn waste! I want him to die! Even if he dies countless times! It can't offset Wu's anger! I have to make him taste all the torture in the nine realms!"

Although it is not difficult to recover after a finger is cut off, Chu Yuan is different. He is a body-forging warrior.

All his power comes from his body.

His body had been soaked in many elixirs before it became as strong as it is today. This severed finger was regenerated and regenerated with the elixirs.

It is impossible to recover to the strength it is now. This kind of loss will definitely make Chu Huan extremely heartbroken.

What's more, he was cut off by a warrior in the physical training realm with a sword, which was an insult to his heart.

That made him so hysterically angry.

"Brother Chu, don't worry. The area around here is already isolated by the Sealing God Map for several miles. This kid can't escape even if he tries to escape!"

Cheng Tiantian said from beside him, and he was also extremely shocked.

The sword strike just now broke even his space mystical gate.

This is still Chu Fengmian's only realm of body forging. If Chu Fengmian steps into the divine sea realm, or even the wind control realm, who can resist the sword just struck.

"This boy! He must die!"

Cheng Tiantian's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

The two figures of them once again pursued Chu Fengmian in the direction of his escape.

"Damn, this Sealing God Diagram is really troublesome. The entire space for several miles around here is sealed off."

Chu Fengmian brought Han Yueli to the edge, but was blocked by a transparent space barrier.

Chu Fengmian could feel this space barrier. Unless it was a blow that reached the peak of the wind control realm, it would be impossible to break it.

With Chu Fengmian's current strength, it is impossible to defeat him.

What made him even more anxious was that Chu Fengmian could already feel that Chu Yu and Cheng Tiankang were chasing after him.

If the two of them catch up again, Chu Fengmian will have no choice but to retreat from them.

The time bought with this sword was already Chu Fengmian's last chance.

"Is this barrier impossible to break?"

Han Yueli, who was at the side, also felt the space barrier in front of her and couldn't help but ask.

"Of course, this barrier was condensed by Cheng Tiantian's full force of the Sealing God Diagram. Only a full blow with power reaching the peak of the body forging realm can tear open the barrier."

Chu Fengmian said anxiously.

Now, even if he tried his best, he still couldn't figure out how to break this barrier.

Suddenly, Han Yueli next to him hesitated and said.

"If I have a way to break this barrier, can you take me to escape?"

"Do you have any idea?"

Chu Fengmian was shocked.

Even he couldn't do anything with this barrier, so where could Han Yueli find a way to do it.

Chu Fengmian was still about to speak. Behind him, Chu Hun and Cheng Tiantian were about to catch up. This gave Chu Fengmian no time to continue asking.

"If you can break this barrier, I promise to take you away!"

Chu Fengmian said decisively.

Now he has no choice but to treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor and pin his hopes on Han Yueli.

"Okay, it's a deal!"

Han Yueli gave a soft drink, but an icy chill suddenly broke out on her body.

"The body of Xuanhan?"

Seeing the chill on Han Yueli's body, Chu Fengmian suddenly thought of something.

"With Xuan Han's body, coupled with the Ice Lotus Sword Skill, Han Yueli could be preparing..."

Before Chu Fengmian finished speaking, Han Yueli's spiritual power began to rise crazily.

"First level of wind control realm, second level of wind control realm, third level of wind control realm..."

Almost instantly, Han Yueli's realm had climbed to the ninth level of the Wind Control Realm.

She was only one step away from reaching the peak of the Wind Control Realm. This was already the limit she had reached.


Han Yueli gave a sweet shout, and the sword in her hand fell down.

The blade of this sword was filled with countless biting chills. Chu Fengmian, who was standing next to Han Yueli, felt the terrifying chill and shivered from the cold.

"Ice Love's Absolute Sword, I didn't expect to see this move now."

Seeing Han Yueli's sword strike, Chu Fengmian's eyes were filled with endless nostalgia.

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