Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 167: Easily Kill

The current number one genius in the Wusheng Kingdom, the crown prince of Wusheng Academy, even Ling Tian, ​​is probably not as scary as the current Chu Fengmian.

Although Zhi Lingtian had soared into the sky back then, if he were to challenge the warriors at the peak of the Divine Sea Realm at the Body Forging Realm, it would probably be impossible for him to do so.

This kind of miracle can be said to have been possible only when Emperor Fengfu was still alive.

"This Yan Xuan is not a strong man."

Chu Fengmian said calmly.

The Ancient Huang Clan is indeed extremely powerful, but with Yan Xuan's thin bloodline, it is still far behind the real Ancient Huang Clan.

What's more, even the real ancient Huang clan is no match for the ancient war dragon. The ancient Huang clan can only be called the best among the hundreds of ancient clans.

The ancient war dragon was the supreme overlord at that time, and the Xuan Yan was nothing in terms of emotion or reason.

It was not surprising that Chu Fengmian could kill him.

Without the Scarlet Flame Sword, Chu Fengmian might still have to use some means, but with the Scarlet Flame Sword, killing Xuan Yan was nothing.

Hearing Chu Fengmian's words, Han Yueli felt extremely helpless.

Yan Xuan can be regarded as the best among this generation of newcomers. Being able to become the leader of this Zhu Yan Sect, there is no doubt about his strength.

At least Han Yueli knew that Yan Xuan was stronger than her. Although he would not lose when facing Yan Xuan, he could not defeat Yan Xuan.

If anyone else said this, Han Yueli would definitely think that person was arrogant.

But now that Chu Fengmian said it, Han Yueli didn't have any reason to refute it. Chu Fengmian had just killed Yan Xuan easily. He said these words and could not be refuted.

"You have to be careful even if you kill Yanxuan. Yanxuan is a disciple of the master of the Zhuyan Sect. If the news of his death spreads, all the disciples of the Zhuyan Sect in the Holy Land will kill you at all costs. "

Han Yueli warned from the side.

Yan Xuan's identity was not that of an ordinary disciple of the Zhu Yan Sect. The news of his death would definitely spread quickly.

At least Han Yueli knew that there were still several core disciples of the Zhu Yan Sect in this holy land.

Those who can become core disciples among the four major sects are all warriors who have achieved the Wind Control Realm.

Although there is only one realm between the peak of the Divine Sea Realm and the Wind Control Realm, Han Yueli, as a warrior at the peak of the Divine Sea Realm, knows how big the gap is between the two.

Han Yueli can still be invincible when encountering Yan Xuan, but when encountering a random wind-controlling warrior, Han Yueli will definitely be defeated within ten moves.

"Indeed, if the guess is correct, the warriors of the Zhuyan Sect have already known the news of Yan Xuan's death."

Chu Fengmian said in a low voice.

"We have to get out of here."

A trace of hesitation flashed in Chu Fengmian's eyes, but he still spoke.

"I wonder if Miss Han would like to go together?"

There is something about Han Yueli that Chu Fengmian is extremely concerned about, and Chu Fengmian wants to find out.

"Okay, now that Yan Xuan has fallen, it is impossible for me to escape."

Han Yueli nodded.

The aura of Yan Xuan's death was enough to understand who killed Yan Xuan.

This kind of inference technique is not difficult for warriors in the wind control realm.

"Let's go back first."

Chu Fengmian did not escape immediately, but returned to the place where he had just fought.

"I wonder how Brother Chu is doing."

Looking at the direction Chu Fengmian was chasing, Hao Lan murmured to himself.

It was the second time. Unexpectedly, when he encountered a crisis for the second time, Chu Fengmian came to save him.

Hao Lan couldn't believe it when he saw Chu Fengmian defeating Yan Xuan and forcing Yan Xuan to flee.

In such a short time, they thought their strength had progressed quickly enough, but compared to Chu Fengmian, they were simply scum.

They had just stepped into the Divine Sea Realm, and Chu Fengmian was already strong enough to defeat the warriors at the peak of the Divine Sea Realm, especially since Chu Fengmian was still in the Body Forging Realm.

Crossing more than ten realms, is it really possible for a warrior to achieve peace?

The current Chu Fengmian is much more evil than the Chu Fengmian he saw last time.

"Don't worry, don't you know the power of Brother Chu?"

Mo Changhen said calmly.

He knew Chu Fengmian's methods well. Since he was going after him, even if Yan Xuan was not dead, it wouldn't be difficult for Chu Fengmian to escape unscathed.

"Everyone, long time no see."

A voice suddenly appeared out of thin air, causing excitement to appear on the faces of Mo Changhen and the others.

"Brother Chu."

Hao Lan said in surprise.

"Hao Lan, long time no see. In a short period of time, he has grown to the realm of the divine sea."

Chu Fengmian laughed loudly and landed in front of everyone. He glanced at Hao Lan and said with a smile.

"Brother Chu, is Yan Xuan dead?"

Mo Changhen looked at Chu Fengmian and asked.

If Yan Xuan is not dead, he will always be a hidden danger. With Yan Xuan's character, he will definitely come back with revenge in the future.

Chu Fengmian was powerful and not afraid, but Yan Xuan could kill the four of them with one hand.

"Yes, Yan Xuan has been killed by me."

Chu Fengmian nodded and said.

"But you can't be careless. The disciples of the Zhu Yan Sect may already know this. It's better for you to hide outside the Holy Land."

"With your strength, if you don't meet the disciples of the Zhuyan Sect, you will be in great danger if you meet the disciples of other sects."

Chu Fengmian gave instructions.

The level of the Divine Sea Realm is not low when looking at the Wusheng Kingdom, but in this holy land, those who can enter are all geniuses, and there is no one who is not a genius.

The realm around the third level of the Divine Sea Realm can only be regarded as the lowest level, and you will also encounter danger when you encounter warriors from other sects.

These four people have some friendship with Chu Fengmian after all, but Chu Fengmian still doesn't want anything to happen to the four of them.

Hearing Chu Fengmian's words, Mo Changhen couldn't help but reveal a bitter smile.

It is indeed a bit strange for them, who are in the Divine Sea Realm, to be told by Chu Fengmian, who is in the Body Forging Realm, but Chu Fengmian's strength does have such qualifications.

Being able to defeat Yan Xuan, this kind of strength can be considered as mid-range in the Holy Land, and he will not be in danger when encountering warriors.

"Actually, we were originally on the periphery, but recently there have been some changes in the Holy Land, so we chose to go deep. But we didn't expect to encounter Yan Xuan and the others as soon as we arrived."

"Mutation? Are you talking about the tomb of the Emperor of Fertility?"

Han Yueli, who was standing next to him, suddenly spoke.

"Yes, it is the mausoleum of Emperor Fengrao."

Mo Changhen nodded.

"We also want to get in there and try our luck."

The third update today, there will be a fourth update soon.

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