Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 161: Encounter in the Holy Land

Seven days.

For seven consecutive days, Chu Fengmian stayed awake and walked through the Holy Land, searching for the elixir.

The elixir Chu Fengmian obtained was already half in a storage bag, and there were hundreds of plants at least.

During these seven days, Chu Fengmian also roughly understood everything about this holy land.

This holy land is actually a huge mountain range with countless mountains in it.

The place where Chu Fengmian is now is just on the outskirts of the mountains. The rich spiritual energy in this holy land comes from the depths of the mountains.

The closer you get to the depths of the mountains, the richer the spiritual energy in them becomes.

Chu Fengmian also figured out why there weren't many people around here, because most warriors would go deep into the mountains in pursuit of richer spiritual energy.

All kinds of adventures in this holy land can only occur deep in the mountains. Chu Fengmian naturally had to get up and go to the depths of the mountains.

It's just that the Monument of Fertility in Chu Fengmian's mind has never been so silent since Chu Fengmian came to the Holy Land. Instead, it seems to have woken up.

In this holy land, for some unknown reason, the Monument of Fertility was awakened.

"Could it be that this holy land has something to do with Emperor Fengrao?"

Chu Fengmian frowned and called out the Monument of Fertility.

This Fertility Monument is not willing to recognize Chu Fengmian as its master. With Chu Fengmian's current strength, there is nothing he can do about this Fertility Monument and cannot control him.

However, although this fertility monument is unwilling to be controlled by Chu Fengmian, it also has no intention of resisting Chu Fengmian. It has always been hidden in Chu Fengmian's body. Chu Fengmian can call it out if he wants to. This fertility monument calls out.

As soon as the Fertility Monument appeared, Chu Fengmian immediately felt a desire for the Fertility Monument in his mind.

This desire guided Chu Fengmian to go in one direction.

This direction is the center of the Holy Land and the place with the strongest aura.

"Where does this Monument of Fertility want to take me? His deep sleep has actually been awakened."

"The Monument of Fertility is a spiritual weapon refined by Emperor Fertility himself. Only if the Monument of Fertility senses the aura of Emperor Fertility will it awaken. This holy land is located in the Kingdom of Wusheng, and it is very likely that it is related to Emperor Fertility. "

"I'm afraid only people like Emperor Fengrao can set up restrictions around the Holy Land."

Chu Fengmian thought slowly in his mind and analyzed this bit by bit.

"If it is really related to the Emperor of Fertility, with this Fertility Monument, I may be able to obtain the treasures in the Holy Land. The things left by the Emperor of Fertility are not trivial. If I can get them, my strength will definitely increase to another level."

Chu Fengmian said coldly in his heart.

If this holy land was really created by Emperor Fengrao, then the person who is most likely to obtain the treasures in it is Chu Fengmian. He has the Fengrao Monument, and it can be said that he has inherited the tradition of Emperor Fengrao to a large extent. .

And even if it is not the treasure of Emperor Fengfeng, this holy land is so magical. Chu Fengmian still needs to master the treasures in it. Only by getting more adventures can he become more powerful.


Thinking of this, Chu Fengmian did not hesitate, and with a movement of his body, he ran quickly in the direction pointed by the Fertility Monument.

This mountain range was almost endless. At Chu Fengmian's speed, it took him an entire hour to feel that he had finally entered the interior of the mountain range.

The aura around here is several times thicker than outside. One day of cultivation is at least equal to a hundred days of hard work outside.

As Chu Fengmian walked along the way, he saw many traces of battles between warriors, and a large crater was blasted out of the ground.

I don't know how many warriors died in each of these battles.

In this holy land, people understand the rules of killing people. If they disagree, they will kill each other. There are no restrictions, and everyone is free.

The rules in the Holy Land are only strength, and strength means you can get everything you want. Without strength, there is only one way to fall.

"We discovered this Thousand-leaf Spirit Grass first. Please leave, brothers."

"Hmph, a bunch of kids from Wusheng Academy still dare to go against our Zhuyan Sect, get out of here! We, the Zhuyan Sect, want this Thousand-leaf Spirit Grass!"

In Chu Fengmian's ear, a voice came.

Hearing this voice, Chu Fengmian frowned, and there was another fight.

He didn't want to pay attention to it, but one of the voices was one that Chu Fengmian was very familiar with. It was someone Chu Fengmian knew well. He moved and walked towards the direction of the voice.

"Boy, let me give you a chance. Kneel down and offer the Thousand-leaf Spirit Grass to our senior brother Yanxuan. We are leaving a way for you to survive, otherwise you will all die here today!"

Chu Fengmian glanced at it, and saw two groups of people standing on both sides of a Thousand-leaf Spirit Grass. One of them was a group of people, all dressed in red. There were more than ten people, exactly what Chu Fengmian had seen. , those disciples of the Zhuyan Sect.

That Yan Xuan was among them. He was aloof and obviously the leader of this group of Zhu Yan Sect disciples.

On the other side, there were only four young warriors, two men and two women, all of whom seemed to be disciples of Wusheng Academy.

"It's actually them?"

Seeing the four disciples from Wusheng Academy, Chu Fengmian also showed some surprise in his eyes.

These four people were the four people from Wusheng Academy that Chu Fengmian had encountered before from the wild mountains.

Hao Lan, don’t ever regret it. The clouds are blue and the moon is clear.

In the wild mountains at that time, Chu Fengmian joined hands with them and obtained one of the Huangluan grasses. That Huangluan grass is still lying quietly in Chu Fengmian's storage bag.

Chu Fengmian originally came to Wusheng Academy and tried to find them, but was told that they were going to a secret place to practice.

Unexpectedly, these four people also came to the Holy Land.

Now the realm of the four of them has reached the Divine Sea realm. The four of them have extremely high qualifications. In addition, each of them got a Huangluan grass, and after taking it, their qualifications are even more terrifying.

In a short time, they have already reached the Divine Sea Realm, but now it seems that the four of them have encountered a lot of trouble.

"Senior brothers of the Zhuyan Sect, we at Wusheng Academy have good relations with your Zhuyan Sect, but it seems unreasonable to snatch it away now."

One of them came out, it was Mo Changhen, he frowned and said.

Mo Changhen's strength is the most powerful among the four of them, and he has reached the third level of the Divine Sea Realm.

But facing more than a dozen Zhu Yan Sect disciples, and even Yan Xuan, who was at the peak of the Divine Sea Realm, he did not dare to resist and could only offer words of persuasion.

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