Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 147: All kneel down

"Stop talking nonsense! Let's see if you can take the punch from Mr. Japan today!"

Chu Beige laughed wildly and said that he was well prepared to deal with Chu Fengmian.

"Cang Ba Fist!"

Chu Beige's punch came out suddenly, and the punch was filled with the aura of the supreme overlord.

"It's the Chu family's martial arts! A high-grade Xuan-level martial arts, Cangba Fist!"

"Not even some strong men from the Chu family are qualified to learn this martial skill, but this junior actually knows how to use it!"

The moment this punch was struck, Chu Fengmian felt a pressure that seemed to be immobilizing his body.

This is the true fist of the Overlord. The pressure alone is enough to make ordinary warriors unable to resist.

But in front of Chu Fengmian, this kind of coercion was just like a child's play.

The Tyrant is just the king of mankind, so what does it mean in front of the real ancient war dragon!


The ancient war dragon essence began to bleed in Chu Fengmian's body.

Wave after wave of power surged up.

"Break it for me!"

Chu Fengmian punched and also met it.

"court death!"

Seeing Chu Fengmian punching each other, Chu Beige laughed.

He had long guessed that with Chu Fengmian's character, he would never retreat and would confront him head-on.

This Cang Ba Fist can only be struck once at his current level. If Chu Fengmian dodges, maybe his plan will fail.

However, Chu Beige believed that with Chu Fengmian's arrogant character, he would never hide. Chu Fengmian did just as he had planned. He did not hide, but resisted with strength.

"This Chu Fengmian is too generous."

"This Cangba Fist, not to mention warriors of the same realm, even warriors of several levels higher, would not dare to compete head-on."

"It seems that Chu Beige won this battle. There is no way Chu Fengmian can withstand this punch."

Many people present shook their heads.

With this punch, the winner has been decided. With this punch that is invincible at the same level, it is impossible for Chu Lege to lose.

Even Chu Qianjue had a smile in his eyes.

As long as Chu Fengmian dared to resist the Cang Ba Fist, there would be only death, and there could be no other outcome.

A murderous intent appeared in Chu Fengmian's eyes. He moved his feet and faced him directly.

"What is this boy going to do?"

"Does he still think that he still has the ability to fight back?"

Seeing Chu Fengmian's actions, everyone present was shocked.

Under such a terrifying punch, what any warrior might be thinking about is to escape or how to resist.

But looking at Chu Fengmian's actions now, he actually wants to fight back against Chu Beige. Could it be that Chu Fengmian is really confident that he can withstand this punch.


Countless onlookers were shaking their heads. It was impossible to resist this punch.

The Cangba Fist, which is invincible at the same level, will definitely win if it hits a low-level warrior.

"What's Cangba Fist, it's just a small Xuan-level martial arts skill! And it's also claimed to be invincible and undefeated?"

A sarcastic voice sounded from Chu Fengmian's mouth.

"It's time for you to see what it means to be a true overlord and what it means to be truly invincible!"

"Dragon fights in the wild!"

Chu Fengmian's figure moved.

His punch was aimed at Chu Lege.

The moment the punch was struck, everyone actually heard a loud roar.


Dragon roar!

Chu Fengmian's punch actually contained a dragon roar.

"So what about Dragon Roar? Cang Ba Fist is invincible! It is the invincible fist of our Chu family!"

Chu Beige was shocked when he heard the dragon roar, but he still laughed the next moment.

He believed that his Chu family's martial arts skills were absolutely invincible.

But the next second, his face completely froze.

His fist was shattered almost instantly under Chu Fengmian's punch.

At the same time, the remaining spiritual energy was directed towards Chu Beige almost at the same time.

Chu Beige's figure was suddenly knocked several meters away, and then all the remaining power actually fell on him.


There was a sound of kneeling down, and Chu Lege's figure actually knelt down on the ground as well, kneeling down next to the elder of the mission hall.

This kind of control over spiritual power is really terrifying to the extreme.

Everyone was speechless.

They originally thought that Chu Beige could challenge Chu Fengmian, but this turned out to be the case.

The strength of the two sides is completely different from the same level. A body-forging realm warrior actually plays with the divine sea realm warrior in his hands.

This scene is so similar to the scene in the northwest desert.

It seems that Chu Fengmian is the real Shenhai realm warrior, and Chu Lege is the Body Forging realm warrior.

"Damn it!"

Chu Qianjue's figure almost moved the moment he saw Chu Beige kneeling down.

He made a fist with his right hand, and almost instantly, he was behind Chu Fengmian and punched him quietly.

"Junior, you die!"

Now that Chu Qianjue was angry, he no longer wanted to use this method. He would rather make a sneak attack. He must kill Chu Fengmian today.

Otherwise, the Chu family will lose their face.

"Sneak attack? It seems that you can't wait too much after seeing the two of them kneeling?"

The moment Chu Qianjue appeared behind Chu Fengmian, Chu Fengmian's faint voice also sounded.

His punch hit Chu Fengmian's body, but it only shattered a shadow.

And Chu Fengmian's figure was at the side, grabbing Chu Qianjue directly.

"Supreme Dragon Power, kneel down!"

Chu Fengmian waved his hand, and without any pause, a surge of spiritual power burst out.

Chu Qianjue just felt that his body was as heavy as a thousand pounds and he could not move at all. His knees could not help but bend.

Even if there were ten thousand reluctances in his heart, his body could not resist Chu Fengmian's power.

"Little bastard! I am a member of the Chu family! My status is extremely noble. If you dare to make me kneel down, I will rather die than surrender!"

Chu Qianjue roared angrily.

"Our Chu family will never let you go. Even your master, Saint Xuanbei, cannot protect you!"

"Your status is noble? What are you talking about? Kneel down!"

Chu Fengmian raised his eyebrows, and his spiritual power strengthened even more.

The sound of ribs breaking on Chu Qianjue's body kept resounding.

Under the pressure of this huge force, Chu Qianjue's ribs were about to break one by one, but Chu Qianjue's body was still standing.

He cannot kneel.

He is the genius of the Chu family, the mainstay of the Chu family now, and may be promoted to become an elder of the inner sect in the future.

The humiliation of asking him to kneel down in front of a new inner disciple was much more painful than killing him.

"You little beast, kill me! If you can, kill me!"

Chu Qianjue yelled.

I finally finished writing it, the seventh update, and I stayed up late to write it until now.

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