Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 141: Refining the Red Flame Sword

This Red Flame Sword is red in color and is forged from a special type of Red Flame True Iron. It is seven feet long and is an out-and-out heavy sword.

"The materials for refining the Red Flame Sword are indeed good, but the refining method is too rough."

Chu Fengmian glanced at the Red Flame Sword and spoke in a low voice.

The material for refining this Red Flame Sword is Red Flame True Iron, which is a kind of extraterrestrial black iron. It is born with extremely powerful fire spiritual power and is the perfect thing for refining fire spiritual weapons.

If this red flame true iron is refined by some weapon refining masters, it may even reach the level of a heaven-level spiritual weapon. Even if it is insufficient, it can be easily refined into an earth-level spiritual weapon.

However, the grade of this Red Flame Sword is only Earth-level mid-grade. No wonder Chu Fengmian feels that the method of refining this Red Flame Sword is too rough.

It's even enough to be called a violent act.

There are seven lines carved on it, but in Chu Fengmian's opinion, these seven lines are equally rough.

If it is refined properly, the power of this red flame sword may be several times more than what it is now.

"Although this spiritual weapon has been finalized and it is impossible to refine it again, the magic circle on it can be re-drawn."

Chu Fengmian glanced at the Scarlet Flame Sword, whispered to himself, suddenly walked over and picked up the Scarlet Flame Sword.

The moment Chu Fengmian picked up the Red Flame Sword, a burst of flame suddenly emerged, burning Chu Fengmian's hand.

This red flame sword already has a spirit, and it will only control him if it conquers him and becomes his master.

"It's just a spiritual weapon, and you want to resist Chu?"

Chu Fengmian frowned, and all the spiritual energy in his body burst out, and the endless dragon power suddenly filled Chu Fengmian's body.

Dragon power is an extremely domineering pressure. The red flame sword flinched a little after feeling Chu Fengmian's dragon power.

How could a spiritual weapon dare to compete with the majesty of the ancient war dragon?

The flames on his body were immediately extinguished, leaving Chu Fengmian to control them.


Chu Fengmian roared, and a burst of spiritual power rushed towards the Red Flame Sword. The Red Flame Sword wanted to resist, but in the face of Chu Fengmian's dragon power, it could only give up.

Let Chu Fengmian's spiritual power break all seven lines on the Red Flame Sword.

"I don't know how many lines I can carve out with my current strength."

Chu Fengmian thought to himself that in his previous life, he was a master of alchemy and could carve patterns, and Chu Fengmian also learned from it.

At that time, Chu Fengmian did not have any spiritual power. He could still use the power of the alchemy furnace to make alchemy and carve lines, but Chu Fengmian still couldn't do it.

It can be said that this is the first time that Chu Fengmian has actually carved textures with his own hands. Chu Fengmian himself does not know what kind of effect it will produce.

"Everything is engraved with lines of strength. The heavy sword has no edge, but the strength must be strong!"

Unlike the light sword, which relies on skill in combat, when the heavy sword is swung, there is less skill and more of a pure collision of strength.

Use absolute power to overwhelm the enemy, so the power of the epee must be strong.

Generally, when carving lines on a spiritual weapon, one must choose to carve some lines that reduce the spiritual power consumption of the spiritual weapon, so that the user can reduce the spiritual power consumption.

However, this will also reduce the engraving of other lines, such as earth-level spiritual weapons, which can only carve nine lines with all their strength.

In this way, part of the power will be lost, but this is still extremely important to countless spiritual masters.

But to Chu Fengmian, it has no meaning at all. He has divine veins and endless spiritual power. The lines that reduce the consumption of spiritual power have no meaning to Chu Fengmian.

What he wants to carve now are all lines of power, making the power of this red flame sword even more powerful.

Chu Fengmian muttered silently in his heart, and a stream of spiritual power was differentiated, condensed into lines in front of Chu Fengmian, and moved with Chu Fengmian's belief.

These three lines were directed at the Red Flame Sword.


It was carved on the body of the Red Flame Sword.

With the addition of the three lines, Chu Fengmian immediately felt that the power of the red flame sword in his hand was definitely 50% stronger than before.

The first three lines were carved with great ease, which made Chu Fengmian gradually gain some confidence.


How could Chu Fengmian be satisfied with the three lines? Chu Fengmian's sword must be extremely powerful to be worthy of him.


A stream of spiritual power slowly floated out, and three more lines were condensed. These three lines were also all lines that enhanced strength.

Once again, he struck at the Red Flame Sword.

"His! His!"

This time, the Red Flame Sword has begun to show some resistance. The lines penetrate it. If there is no absolute skill and sufficient strength, it will be counterattacked in an instant.

"Engrave it for me!"

Chu Fengmian roared angrily, and all his spiritual power burst out. The three lines were tightly pressed against the Red Flame Sword by a spiritual power. After a while, Chu Fengmian saw it.

On the Red Flame Sword, three more lines have been carved.

The six lines have been carved, and the power of the Red Flame Sword is much stronger now than it was before Chu Fengmian resumed training.

Although the Scarlet Flame Sword just now had seven lines, the lines in it were actually extremely complicated. However, the current Red Flame Sword has six lines, all of which enhance strength.

So in terms of power, it is much stronger than the previous Red Flame Sword.

I am afraid that only Chu Fengmian can endure such a weapon refining. If ordinary warriors were to use this red flame sword, they would not be able to hit a few swords, and their spiritual power would be exhausted.

With six lines of patterns, the power of this red flame sword is pretty good.

But this is far from enough to satisfy Chu Fengmian. What Chu Fengmian wants to draw is a total of nine lines. The nine lines are drawn at the same time. The power of mutual activation is definitely stronger than these six lines. Twice as much.

"Continue! Ning!"

Three more lines condensed from the air again, this time the three lines condensed.


With a thought from Chu Fengmian, three lines were engraved on the Red Flame Sword again.

"Seal with blood! Fight the Dragon Sacrifice Sword!"

The moment the three lines were punched out, Chu Fengmian also cut his finger with the edge of his sword.

A drop of golden blood dripped into the Red Flame Sword, and all three lines were immediately engraved on it.

The technique of sacrificing the sword, the last move used by Chu Fengmian, is the most mysterious move in the sword forging technique, the technique of sacrificing the sword.

I went to the hospital during the day and started writing at night, but don't worry, I will do what I said in the seventh update today, and I will finish writing for my brothers even if I don't sleep at night.

Still begging for rewards, collections, and recommendation votes~

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