Nightmare’s Call

Chapter 602 Seeing 2

In the past, Pops was heroic and powerful. She was once honored as the son of the corpse demon.

It is known as the top existence of the two giants who are qualified to surpass the chairman of the day travel council and the leader of the night travel alliance.

And now.

"Give up, I won't show up." Pops said casually. "I've retired. I'm just an ordinary drunk, that's all."


"Nothing but!"

Pops interrupted sharply.

The envoy was interrupted suddenly, looking slightly at a loss.

Suddenly, the communicator in her ear rang.

A short message voice came to her ears.

The messenger didn't feel anything wrong at first, but as the voice continued to spread, her pupils gradually widened.

An indescribable, unspeakable anger and killing intent surged out of her body.

As one of the core elites of Early Moon Sword, the strength of the envoy ranks among the top even in the line class.

At this time, he couldn't even control the killing intent and emotions on his body.

The messenger of "Lord Pops" slowly raised his head, revealing a pair of bloodshot blue eyes.

"The white disaster has now spread to your hometown, the province of Sarla. From yesterday to now, more than 50,000 people have been massacred for no reason or purpose."

"Moreover, this number is still rising." The messenger's voice was low, revealing great anger and sorrow.

"What does that have to do with me?" Pops paused slightly with the hand holding the drink, and then returned to normal.

"It didn't matter at first, but we just got the news that your sister, Lord Bai Yueying, was also arrested by Bai Huo two hours ago, and now her life or death is unknown."

The envoy calmly spoke word by word.

Pops' hand holding the wine glass finally trembled suddenly, and then slammed it heavily on the table.

World of Corpse Demons, Sarla Province.

Wide red canyon rim.

A huge circular pit is abruptly inlaid on the red earth.

The giant pit has already been filled with a large crowd of corpse demons.

Outside the pit, there are still teams of corpse demons, driven like livestock, towards the pit.

The whole body of the priests is enclosed in heavy and strong holy armor. Today's holy armor, after the improvement and perfection of the research institute, not only has a fully closed recirculation breathing system.

It also has a powerful purification ability that can automatically generate a holy force field to cover the whole body.

As long as the wearer still has the holy power in his body, this set of armor can expand the holy power protection force field at a super cost-effective price.

If it were an ordinary clergyman, at least one-tenth of the total amount of holy power of a single-winged clergyman would be needed to deploy the purification and protection force field.

But using holy armor is different. The consumption of holy armor is at most one-thirtieth of that of a single-winged priest.

Theoretically, only the level of the wings is needed, and the Holy Armor can be used to expand the Holy Light Force Field forever without worrying about consumption.

Because behind the wings, the consumption of the holy armor is exactly the same as the speed of the automatic recovery of holy power.

"How many are there already?" Kadulla stood on a tall, protruding yellow stone pillar. The surface of the stone pillar was full of weathered honeycomb holes.

"A total of 53 ceremonies in the whole province, gathered about 117,600 people." The adjutant at the side replied respectfully.

"The efficiency is not bad, but the corpses in this province are almost gone?" Kadulla asked lazily.

"Although there are still a few fish that slipped through the net, ninety-nine percent of them are already in our hands." The adjutant smiled.

"The biggest advantage of corpse demons is genealogy. Their power comes from blood, so they attach great importance to their ethnic groups. We only need to catch one and dig carefully to find out all the corpse demons behind it. "

Kadulla laughed.

"They have been peaceful for too long, so long that even the basic vigilance has been completely forgotten."

"The assembly is complete, what should we do next?" the adjutant asked quickly.

"We need more souls and more flesh and blood. Now these are far from enough." Kadulla said lightly, "If we want to be able to withstand the arrival of my brother, we still need more arrangements."

"Understood. In addition, nearly ten thousand corpse demons have been sent by the saintess, and they are already on their way." The adjutant said quickly.

"Don't send them here, send them to the nearest ritual pit, and bury them all." Kadulla casually ordered.

She walked to the edge of the huge pit and looked down at the countless corpse demons with dull expressions inside.

These ghouls look like people on the outside, but in essence they are monsters that eat people.

According to Kadulla's theory, for wild animals, it is enough to save some for viewing in the zoo.

The number is too much trouble, it is better to make it an endangered species. Just put it in a zoo and show future generations how this species reproduced and how it mated and gave birth to offspring, that's all.

In addition, wild animals that have eaten people are not good animals, so all corpses that have eaten people must be dealt with.

And with the cooperation of thirteen regional envoys, Kadulla led by himself, and the blood exchange ceremony plan that started has also officially started.

It is the common goal of all priests to capture all the evil ghouls that have eaten people.

It is also because of this goal, coupled with the various videos, materials, and hidden facts that are gradually circulating on the Internet.

The society of this country began to experience violent turmoil.

This Blood Exchange Ceremony, even secretly, has the support of military leaders among ordinary people.

Especially when the boss was weak, his beloved younger brother was killed and eaten by the corpse demon.

Under such hatred, it is only natural that such a large-scale massacre occurs today.

"Has Jieyuan appeared?" Suddenly Lin Sheng's voice appeared in Kadulla's mind.

She paused slightly, and raised her hand to signal the adjutant not to speak.

"Not yet, we have deliberately expanded our own influence, but it doesn't seem to do much harm to this world. According to Nuergna, Jieyuan should gradually be revealed when the world is in turmoil, right?"

"It has a profound impact on the world and great harm. It doesn't depend on how many people you kill." Lin Sheng said calmly.

"Throughout history, those who have truly had a huge impact are those who have changed the overall thinking."

"Brother means"

"If you want to force out of the boundary source in a short time, it seems that I have to come down in person." Lin Sheng said lightly, "Is the transmission ceremony stable?"

Kadulla and Lin Sheng are a community of souls. As long as Lin Sheng doesn't hide it, she will immediately know the intention of the main body.

"I understand. It's just, is this a bit too much?" Even Kadulla still felt a little hesitant after knowing the main body's plan.

"It doesn't matter. The flower of hope bred in despair is the treasure I most want to pick." Lin Sheng replied.

After disconnecting, Kadulla looked at the densely packed countless corpse demons below.

With a wave of the little hand.

"let's start."


In the underground of the huge pit, the buried gas bombs began to explode simultaneously, and a large amount of highly toxic smoke filled the bottom of the huge pit.

Those corpse demons who were still ignorant and ignorant immediately reacted and wanted to jump up and escape.

But as soon as they jumped up, they were directly beaten into several sections by the machine guns arranged around them.

Blood, screams, pain, and despair all erupted and intertwined in this huge pit for a while.

Kadulla took a few glances and then didn't want to look any more.


She doesn't like the arms of corpse demons. These man-eating guys are all uncivilized wild animals, and they have no appetite at all.

Jumping off the stone pillar, she turned and walked away, intending to check the situation of the remaining giant pits.

Suddenly, an inexplicable and wonderful palpitation came from the edge of the distant sky.

"That is.?"

"It seems that we are lucky." Lin Sheng said again. "That is the general trend of Jieyuan World."

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