Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 218: The game of terror (on)

The question of the **** of truth made Marvin feel creepy.

Although the other person had already pointed out something unspeakable when he borrowed the sword from the invisible in the dark area, the Ma Wen at that time was not particularly concerned.

He feels that he only needs to be strong enough, so no matter what problem he encounters, he can solve it.

But the God of Truth is now standing here and telling him that she was conspired by Lance, which makes him not shocked?

"To be honest... I really don't know."

Marvin only felt that his brain was going to blow up!

Wisdom talent has instinctive projections.

When Marvin encounters difficulties or doubts, this ability will be self-initiated, but this ability is also limited.

When the name Lance appeared in Marvin's mind, his calculations would automatically stop.

His face suddenly became very pale!

Obviously, wisdom talent is not omnipotent. It is like a wizard who wants to use prophecy to find traces of the gods. It is very likely to be countered!

After all, the other party is the creation **** of Fernan!


"It seems that you really don't know."

Jasmine was silent for a while, and looked strangely at Marvin: "Are you really a person from another world?"

Marvin is silent.

He didn't know how to answer this question.

Admit? Or negation?

It is hard to accept such a thing as a stalker, even if it is a god. However, as far as Lance chooses to do this, it seems that some high-level people know it.

Fortunately, the God of Truth has not been entangled in this issue, she has considered it for a long time. Only slowly said:

"My resurrection may disrupt some people's plans. But it is interesting that you are the one he chose."

"Although telling you the truth now may be a bit cruel. It will be too early - after all, your strength is too weak. But I think you have the right to know."

"The most important thing is, how do you want to stand up?"

Station team?

Marvin only thinks that there are 10style_txt; some ridiculous.

After he crossed the world, he only wanted to live well, guard what he cherished, and then make up for the regrets of the last world and become a true hero.

So he was running hard and left his footprints throughout the world of Fernando.

He didn't even have time to think about the deeper meaning of his own crossing.

Marvin himself does not know, this is not an escape.

The invasion of the dream servant made her encounter Lance in her dreams. In fact, he should be suspicious at that time.

He thought about it. Take a deep breath: "What do you want to tell me?"

The God of Truth sighed and looked at Marvin with some pity, and finally said:

"If I said that the world's creation **** Lance wants to destroy this world, would you believe it?"

Ma Wen Zhang opened his mouth.


In the kingdom of truth, time is solidified.

Marvin had enough time to digest the message that the **** of truth had just revealed.

When he listened to all the narratives, his mood was very dignified.

He finally understood why she insisted on inviting him to come to her country to talk about it.

Because the nature of things is really terrible.

The **** of the wizard, Lance!

The man who was regarded as the supreme **** by all the creatures of Fernan. Actually want to destroy this world?

If someone else says something like this, Marvin must think that he is crazy.

But the opposite is the **** of truth.

Marvin fell into a long silence.

In his mind, he recalls the well-organized narrative of the God of Truth:

"After my resurrection, I have been looking for traces of old friends."

"But unfortunately, I suddenly found out. Except for Vanya, the ancient gods of my generation disappeared. I can't find them. And Lance disappears the most thoroughly. Everything seems to have a time fault. !"

“I found some clues and then found the key to the problem.”

"The key to the problem is in the Third Age. There are three fate slabs."


Destiny slate.

This term has a pivotal position in the history of Fernan.

According to the judgment of the God of Truth, the slate of fate is actually the same as the magic pool of the universe. They are all created by the **** of the wizard, Lance!

It has nothing to do with the will of the plane!

It is purely the sorcerer's **** to create something that allows ordinary people to seal their gods by virtue of their own understanding of the rules of the world.

From this point of view, the new gods of the Tertiary are all artificial gods!

These gods are all carried by Lance.

It is as simple as distinguishing between the new **** and the ancient god. The ancient gods all came from the will of the plane or the blessing of the blessings - that was in the ancient times.

The new **** is a group of gods created by the wizarding god.

In the eyes of the God of Truth, Lansti brought a new **** to replace the status of the ancient god.

The power of the heavenly kingdom of the world is now in full control of the hands of the three new gods.

Maybe the new gods don't know, but they are undoubtedly the pieces of Lance.

This is only the first step.

The second step is to guide the desires of the cosmic creatures.

The ancient gods did not have much extra desire. They had a natural sense of belonging to Fernan, because they themselves were the products of the will.

But the new gods are different. They are human beings or other living beings. They are full of desires for the world.

They want to break through and want a higher level of power, they want to escape this cage.

So they will try to destroy the existing order.

This is what Lance is most happy to see.

Because of the entire Fernan universe, the person who wants to see the collapse of the universe is actually the **** of the wizard, Lance himself!


"But what is the benefit of the destruction of the universe to Lance?"

When Ma Wen heard this, he actually believed a little.

But he still has some doubts about his own words.

The God of Truth said calmly: "He had wanted to escape this cage long ago."

"You think this very beautiful world ~ For him, it is actually a layer of shackles. He is the creation **** of Fernan, so his body has the indelible mark of Fernan. The branding made him omnipotent in this multiverse, but at the same time he was like a rope, and he was stunned."

"He wants a higher level of power. He may have seen the edge of the world. He can go whenever he wants... even I estimate that he sent his friends to him many years ago. That world. Now he is left alone, and of course he can’t wait to leave."

"The only way to leave is to destroy the world."

Ma Wen then questioned: "He is the **** of creation, wanting to destroy the world, is it easy?"

The God of Truth shook his head: "It's not that simple."

"This involves a game between Lance and Fernan's will."

... (to be continued.)



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