Night Ranger

Chapter 90 Wilderness Temple

The Nighter’s Newest Chapter, Volume One The Lost Aristocracy The Ninth Chapter The Wilderness Hall, Gone with the Wind

“Master, we don’t have much time. ∷, that place will open soon. More people are approaching.”

In the darkness, a charming voice sounded.

The sorcerer slowly turned around and looked at the bumpy woman in front of him. There was no wave in her eyes: “I will set up an absolutely secure enchantment to ensure that the Regis ruins are not discovered by anyone, and you, you must stay. ”

Woman dressed in a green dress, looks a bit of fairy blood.

“No, I must be with you.”

“[Wilderness Palace] is too dangerous. We all know that the wilderness god is an ancient evil spirit. He was synonymous with unknown in ancient times. I must be with you.”

Her tone is somewhat worried.

The wizard shook his head silently, his gaze looked at the statue again, and his voice was steady:

“There must be someone to stay and keep Luna.”

“This snow-capped mountain must be a restricted area. No matter north or south, no one wants to be near here. There are two lifeless guys in the south trying to get close. I need you to solve them.”

The woman speaks and stops.

The shaman waved his hand impatiently: “Well, things will be settled.”

“I will leave you with a puppy so that you can work more easily.”

Instead of waiting for a woman to respond, he turned and stepped into the darkness.

The woman stood there silent for a long time.

The statue of the suffering girl was alive and her vision was awkward.

“A thousand years ago, I was still not as good as a statue, a dead god…”

“Miss Silver Moon, what kind of charm do you have. Can you make a man so crazy?”

She murmured and eventually died in the darkness.

The crystal ball still floats in the air. Twinkling the scene of the two people climbing the snow-capped mountains.


Light City suburbs.

The beautiful girl is still alone, she is plain clothes. Go all the way east.

She looks lonely, but in fact, she alone knows how much noise she has endured on the way.

“Isabel, why can’t you be like an ordinary girl? Are you really not interested in gossip?”

“The grip of the cold light is Miss Yinyue’s artifact. Miss Yinyue is the daughter of the moon god Faniya. How could she die in the bloody wilderness, and you have no interest in it?”

“Yes, before she fell, there was also a lover named Bander. It was a mortal. It is said that there is a high talent for wizards…”

“Oh, as an assassin apprentice, you can’t always ignore your mentor…”

Isabel is still expressionless.

For a long time, she whispered: “Teacher, how many years have you never talked to someone?”

The sound instantly silenced.

After a long time, I was lonely and said, “I have forgotten.”

“A lot of things I can’t remember. When the damn witch stripped my ** and changed my soul into a whisper, I was paralyzed for a long time.”

“A lot of times I have thought of dying, but the curse of the witches prevented me from doing so. I could only rest on my stomach… until I met you.”

“A little girl. There is courage to break into the most dangerous land of the Assassins’ Alliance. From that moment onwards, I understand that you are not a mortal but a legendary person who may take over my clothes!”

Isabel’s expression finally changed: “In fact, that day … I really just lost my way.”

The whisper is silent.

“And, you are really one of the founders of the Assassin League. Great winter assassin?”

Isabel reveals a curious color: “Why I learned in the course of the Assassin’s League: [The Winter Assassin is a nonsense, like an iceberg man, he rarely smiles. Only death and blood donation will make him excited… 】”

The whisper snarled: “They really did that? Heaven, it was just a joke. They actually wrote it to the textbooks. It was really a misguided child. How could an assassin be like an iceberg? This is not written on the face.” [I am an Assassin]?”

“But isn’t it a good quality to be calm?” Isabelle asked.

The winter assassin replied seriously: “No. We don’t need this. As a good assassin, it doesn’t matter if I’m calm and not calm because these are your disguise.”

Isabel nodded as if she understood it.

“Actually, you didn’t understand it, didn’t you?” The whisperer said badly: “I can see your face. The kind of poker face that has not changed forever will not appear in your young girl like you.”

“You should occasionally show a bright smile, otherwise people will think you are sick.”

Isabel calmly said: “I was not normal. I spent eight years in your so-called “Magic Space”. After you came out, you told me that the time of Fernan was only a month ago. Now we are back to the bloody wasteland. There is also a big difference between the timing and the Fernan velocity.”

“To be honest, I don’t even know how old I am. In the magic space, you only taught me how to kill. The rest of me didn’t know anything. I already forgot when the last time I laughed, as you have already forgotten. When was the last time I met other people?”

Whispering worms actually gloated and said: “This is actually quite good. Your people are not normal and not normal.”

Isabel has apparently been too lazy to go on with the winter assassins. The girl was a very silent person. If she had not saved her life in the cold winter assassin in the restricted area of ​​the Assassin’s League, she was too lazy to accompany the old grandfather who had not known it for many years.

However, in the seemingly aimless advancement, she still had a hard time taking the initiative to open her mouth: “When will we return to Feinan?”

The winter assassin replied very decisively:

“When we get the grip of the cold, we leave.”

Isabelle nodded. Her eyes flashed over the figure of a man and she eventually turned into a calm, dark red.

She went all the way, eventually. At the end of the road, there is a palace.

The temple stands in the endless wilderness. A quaint and desolated breath blows.

“The wilderness hall, the place of ancient evil gods.”

“If you have enough courage, if you want to become a minor player in this troubled world, go in.”

The cold winter assassin’s voice becomes rare and serious.

The next second, Isabel walked in without hesitation.


The blizzard is still whistling. But this does not stop the firm pace of the two men.

The resistance of the Night Lords is very high, and ordinary people in this extremely harsh climate may have long been frozen to death.

But Marvin only felt a slight cold. He looked at the samurai.

Griffin is carrying a frail little girl and is very practical at every step. There is a faint halo on him, protecting the little girl from extreme climate threats.

She seems to have fallen asleep and sleeps particularly well.

I can tell. The girl trusts him very much. The samurai also has a special charm that people can not help but believe in him.

“what is her name?”

In the snow, Marvin walked forward and asked.

Griffin looked at Marvin strangely and finally said, “Jane.”

“Poor children.” Marvin felt the evil power in her body and sighed: “I was once plagued by a very terrible curse. I almost got my life that time, but my luck was good. saved me.”

The paladin nodded. “There are always evil forces in this world.”

Marvin looked back. Suddenly he sneered: “The power may not be evil, but there are always some people who are not pure in mind.”

Griffin said indifferently: “It’s nothing. They just want to pass here safely.”

“As long as they do not affect me to go to the city of Light, I have no interest in their calculations.”

obviously. Both of the persuasive strong players have already discovered the squads hanging behind.

However, they bothered to open this point.

They continue to move forward and are about to reach the hillside. Snow has become more fierce.

Vaguely, they even heard a baby crying.

The sky is dark. If not two people are not ordinary people, I am afraid that at this time has been completely unable to move forward.

Rao is so. The sudden blizzard has still stopped them from advancing.

The snow was like a goose, and it was crazy to land. It was almost a few blink of an eye. The snow had actually reached their waist!

Ma Wen widened his eyes and looked deep into the darkness.

This is definitely not a normal phenomenon and there must be someone who is manipulating the climate behind it.

Suddenly, a dark shadow flashed quietly from the east.

Marvin hadn’t shot yet, but the samurai side had already uttered a scream!

In a flash, the powerful Holy Power broke out from within him.

Within a few tens of meters radius of snow disappeared. Instead, it is the power of endless order!


The huge imaginary shadow appeared behind the paladin. This time it was even more exaggerated. Marvin even saw a blank expression of ceramics holding up the illusion of truth. Under these brilliant illuminations, a creature like a mist appears directly.

“Is it really a dragon?”

Marvin saw the enemy’s face, but he was somewhat surprised.

Why should this dragon head stop their way?

This is totally unreasonable.

However, he could not tolerate much of his thoughts. Now the shape of Wulong is suddenly bursting with madness. He screams at the sky and a lot of clouds begin to gather!

Even more terrifying is that this mountain has begun to tremble!

What Marvin can see with the naked eye is that the snow on the top of the mountain has begun to collapse!

It wants to make an avalanche!

A few miles away, the four men who secretly followed him looked pale, and their eyes were filled with deep fear.

“It is actually a fog dragon!”

“The hazy dragons of the bloody wilderness are certainly of an archaic grade, Scorpio, and they have provoked such a scourge, and we fled!”

“They are dead, we have a chance to escape now!”

… (to be continued …)

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