Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 146: 3 things

What happened to the Northland?

When Ma Wen was slightly stunned, he was in a coma for three days. What can be changed in the North?

He helped Daniela stabilize the situation. On the whole, the northern city-states in the rest of the region should be in a state of chaos. It will take a long time for them to settle down.

However, this letter was not from Daniela, but from, it made Marvin even more surprised.

You know, there is no intersection between Marvin and Valkyrie.

I used to deal with the phoenix before, and because of Eve's servant, I almost clashed up. If there were no other enemies, Jessica couldn't do anything with Eve.

However, it was said that after she returned to the Northland, she drove all five servants away.

I don't know if it is true or not.

Marvin opened the envelope and Anna looked at him quietly.

The letter was sent yesterday. The letter was sent by an albatross. The letter clearly stated that the text of the Baihe Valley was intimate, and that the contents of the letter had a great relationship with the North. Anna only speculated that there were some changes in the North.

At that time, Marvin was in a coma, and she did not open the envelope at random. Although Marvin trusted her very much, the letter said it was very clear. She could only hold back curiosity and wait for Ma Wen to wake up.

Marvin unfolded the envelope and wrote a lot of words in the common language on the letterhead.

Eve's font is very beautiful, very similar to her own, with a touch of elegance in the toughness.

Ma Wen quickly browsed again and his face began to become dignified.

What Eve mentioned in the letter is a serious stimulus to Marvin's nerves!

“What happened?” Anna asked with concern.

To be honest, things have grown to the point where they are today. She is increasingly feeling powerless.

Ma Wen’s body is under pressure, she can’t imagine.

The only thing she can do. It is to help Marvin manage this, this piece of land to raise them.

others. She really feels helpless about the things of the gods in the sky.

Sometimes, she even thinks it is better to go back in time.

She would rather the Baihe Valley to be just a small territory, to follow Marvin, to eat some bitter, and to be sad, it is acceptable.

At least at that time, Master Ma Wen did not need to do so many dangerous things.

But she is also clearly aware that in the face of real disaster. No one can be spared.

Only when they continue to become stronger will they have the capital to talk to the gods.


Marvin did not speak, but gave the letter to Anna, let her read it, and himself, was in meditation.

The content of Eve's letter is basically confirmed to be true.

In general, she talked about three things.

First, it is about the current situation in the North.

Eve relies on the power of the Valkyrie. With the holy sword as the command, a large number of powerful forces were gathered in the north; although it was not like the previous life, with the help of several slaves, the northern land was quickly unified, but through her personal efforts. It soon occupied an important port in the north and some nearby towns.

Deep water port!

Famous city-states in the north.

When Ma Wen saw the name, he remembered the prosperous appearance of the previous deep-water port. It is a very advantageous port, and the most important thing is. The deep water port is very close to the high elf shelter.

Every year, occasionally some works of higher elves come out. Most of them flow from deep water ports.

Similarly, the deep water port belongs to one of the [Northern Three Towns]. It has a vital role in the North.

In the past life, the three towns in the north were the guardian areas of the female Valkyrie Eve. I don’t know if this world can continue the past. However, according to the current trend, it should be less difficult.

In addition to Eve, the rest of the forces in the North have gradually begun, or the old forces have stabilized their positions, re-established order, or new forces have taken the lead and replaced them.

In general, many parts of the Northland have regained their vitality – unlike the two principalities near Lavis, the city-state of the eastern North is a serious lack of wizards.

This situation has instead caused the eastern part of the North, becoming the lightest area of ​​the Cataclysm.

On the contrary, several principalities in the west directly fell, and only Lavis survived.

From this point of view, Lavis and the three towns of Northland, one east and one west, are basically the direction of the future situation in the North.

Ma Wen knows Eve's ability and personal charm, except that the ability to govern is slightly inferior to that of Daniela. In other respects, the glory of Valkyrie is no worse than it is!

"Women, Snow Queen, destiny..."

A piece of face flashed through Marvin’s mind, and he couldn’t help but laugh out loud: “If it’s true, then he must be a woman now.”

"During the Cataclysm, women were even better. It really confirmed the intangible truth: in the face of really terrible difficulties, women are often stronger than men?"

This is not a reason for the horse diploma. I remember that some previous studies by researchers have shown that women are more able to withstand suffering and disaster than men.

They have more powerful adaptability.

Perhaps this is the reason why the star women who have emerged during the catastrophe in Fernan have occupied a considerable part.


After throwing away these thoughts, Marvin continued to think.

The situation in the North is still unclear. The second thing is that Eve has proposed an alliance with Ma Wen.

She knew that Marvin had established Jianang, and that the sea is still safe at present. If the two sides can communicate with each other, it is very beneficial to both territories.

After all, the cost of the super-distance transmission is too high.

As for the specific alliance issue, after Eve Marvin visited Sham Shui Po, the two sides negotiated again.

During the trip to Shenzhen, Marvin will definitely go, but it must be postponed for the time being.

He promised to accompany Jessica to the ground to see the problem of the frozen spring, and naturally can't talk.

What's more, a piece of chess he had previously buried in the dark world should now be harvested.

Black Elf Ruiwen, under the control of it, should have built up a force in the dark world. Ma Wen should also go and see.


The third thing in the envelope is that Ma Wen is most worried.

Eve vaguely mentioned that some small forces in the North, in the small towns, there have been traces of the gods!

Although they are still very secretive, there are already some news to confirm this.

Her people have confirmed that people are building a church in a small town in the North.

The church is believed to be [the morning light and the guardian god]!

Needless to say, the servants have already come.

Not only the servant of the **** of dreams, but the rest of the gods should not be idle.

When they attacked the magic pool of the universe, they also separated their minds and sent their most capable man to Fernan in a special way.

A dispute of faith may be unfolding.

Ma Wen took a deep breath.

Although the universe magic pool has not yet broken, but the gods have arrived!

Amberg is only the first one, and there will be others!

In order to protect himself, in order to protect this land, he only grows stronger!


Foresee, the 10th outbreak tomorrow! (To be continued.)

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