Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 143: Hero's heart

In the face of Marvin's doubts, Lance thought for a while before slowly replied:

"You have a lot of problems... come one by one. E Xiaoyan said █▋█ network"

"First, I have to tell you, I am just a memory clip of you. Although I know a lot of things, I am still not the Lance - my body, my will is more with your color, but he himself What do you think, I can't tell you exactly."

Lance’s words are weird, and Marvin’s listening is also weird.

It is very outrageous to talk to one's own memory.

However, this memory obviously has its own unique spirituality. He began to explain Marvin's problems one by one.

"first question."

"Your crossing is indeed arranged by me, just as the game of Fernando 6 is also brought to the earth."

"Don't worry about why."

Lance seems to have seen Marvin's eagerness and smiled: "Next, I will continue to answer you."

"Fernan 6 is real. This is a world I created. It is closely related to me, and lives together."

"As for who I am? This question is very complicated. In short, I am the **** of creation in Fernan. At the same time, I used to be a person of the earth - of course, it is not your age."

"The last question. Why are you? This is a good question."

Lance quickly replied: "I spread the game "Fernan 6" on the earth to correct a mistake - a mistake that I can't correct myself, because this mistake is itself caused by myself. Because of this, no matter what efforts I make, it is futile. I need an external variable to change the process that the world should have, so I thought of the earth."

"This is a very simple logic. Anyone who has encountered difficulties will think of their hometown, isn't it?"

Ma Wen nodded.

I thought that Lance was a human being. He feels weird.

In Fernando 6, everyone regards him as the greatest god. Hears his name and mortals tremble. God also wants to kneel down.

But such a person is actually an earth person? !

You know, there is no such powerful person on earth that can create a world!

Even the current earth has entered the era of the stars. At the same time, it is also the era of heroes!

However, according to Marvin, those level-a and even s-level heroes, and Fernan's gods have great power gaps, not to mention the **** of the wizard, Lance.

However, he did not go deep into this point. He is still eager to know why Lance has chosen him among so many gamers.

Prior to this, he had countless guesses, whether his crossing was related to Lance, and now it has been confirmed.

Then there is only one reason left.

why me? !

Marvin stared at Lance's eyes.

Lance was silent for a long time before he slowly said:

"Because you are the most eager. E▋▋小▉ said that ▉ █ is not?"

Marvin opened his mouth and moved his lips, but there was no sound.

Lance did not say anything wrong. He really was very eager to make some changes in his life.

He doesn't want to be a sorcerer, a hero, or even a **** in a world of games!

No matter how much vanity, how much money, or how many people's attention can be brought to him in this way - in Marvin's heart, he only uses the game as a means of earning a living.

Of course, because of the habit of growing up from childhood. He is dedicated to everything.

Strong memory talent and fighting consciousness are also in the game, which is one of the reasons why he can become a Fengyun 6 player.

But his talent could have been used to do more things!

He should have been a hero!

In fact, he has done it.

Just before the catastrophe, he and his best friend Xu Qing successfully completed the assessment of the National Shield Agency, the highest hero management agency in the country, and became a registered hero to be assessed.

His talent is outstanding. Gifted.

The future is great.

However, unfortunately it soon came.

After that mission, Ma Wen reluctantly returned to his life with his own desire for survival, but he also lost the ability of all heroes.

He only has the brain intact, and the spine is almost broken!

Even in this era. Medical means can guarantee that Marvin's survival is good, and his ability can no longer be restored.

He can only leave everything that he once had - a beloved girlfriend, a former partner, and the most desirable life.

He can only smash the world in the game. Whenever he withdraws from the game bin, he can always see Xu Qing or He Dongning and others in the news for the Heavenly Shield and the human race.

They have all become the most shining stars of this era.

And the teenager who used to be above them could only bite the teeth. Occasionally, in the newspapers, there are good news reporters who mention that Marvin, whose talent is still above them, can’t help but sigh.

He is not reconciled after all.

He still has that arrogance.

He is still eager.

No one on this planet is more eager for a chance to come back again than he has, a chance to have a healthy limb!

He once vowed that if God gave him another chance, he would hold it firmly.

God does not have that power. However, the **** of the wizard has.

Then the accident was born, and Marvin crossed.

He joined the world of Fernan in the fastest way, he forgot the pain of the past, and desperately grasp every opportunity to become stronger!

The people around him are always amazed at the degree of Marvin's desperation - as a lord, he could have been much more comfortable, but Marvin seems to have a near-changing desire for power!

He will always go east and west, he will never stop to rest for a while. He didn't even have time to talk about love like other protagonists in the novel, and open the harem.

The only thing that can be considered as Hathaway is because of the unique experience between the two sides.

However, it is this almost deformed attachment that will allow Marvin to come to the present!


"It's that simple." Lance said with a smile: "Many times, when your strength is low, you will not understand a lot of things."

"If you can stand at my height, you will be present, how easy it is to get an earth person to Fernan - although I have only done it once."

"Why would it be you, because only you are qualified."

"Human nature will not change, lazy people even if they are born again, or slackers; narrow-eyed people let him go to another world, he will also be limited by his own Everything goes to another world, they will still live forever. Crossing the Prophet, a very powerful golden finger, isn’t it? But I can tell you responsibly that most people get the same treatment as you, they Will fail."

"Because only you are the most suitable."

"The help of external forces is always stronger than the inner strength."

"You have a heart that becomes a hero. You can go to today and achieve the glory of today, relying not only on the information I gave you, but also on your own inner strength."

"No doubt, this is the most critical from any world perspective."

Lance’s voice is getting lighter and lighter, and the tone is getting firmer.


The first one is sent. This chapter looks a bit vulgar, but I personally feel no problem. It is not a random **** crossing that can become a hero. The most powerful person is always the strength of his heart. Sharing with everyone. On the new day, continue to ask for a la la la. (To be continued.)

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