Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 134: Weiming

Jiasite is amazed.

There are still people who don't know how to live and die!

He squinted and watched the emaciated teenager come out of the crowd with a young girl of similar age.

Behind them, follow a group. Their eyes are full of hope, but in the eyes of Jost, this kind of hope has become fear.

"Where is the child?"

Jiasite frowned: "The king does not welcome waste without fighting power!"

"This is my statement. Where do you come from? Where do you go? I don't care what the grandfather's warrant is. Now, I have the final say!"

"Guards! Drive them away!"

"close the door!"

After all, Jester looked at Marvin in disgust.

This kid made him feel a bit uncomfortable. Although he was a child, he did not really kill, but he must give him a lesson.

Otherwise these civilians really want to rebel!

Thinking of this, he suddenly reached out his fingers and sang lowly.


A black halo descends directly from the sky and is pressed against Marvin!


This aura is enough to make an adult enveloped by the horror of fear, scared to the bottom, not to mention an ordinary boy!

Jost smiled with satisfaction. He was prepared to watch the juvenile ugly, and it was a shock to others.

Even if he is sitting on the wall, watching this group of people swaying underneath is also very upset.

It is best to be able to drive away.


The refugees have shown a desperate look.

The only militia group they can count on is confusing the mind by Jost. What can this teenager do?

Seeing that he was shrouded in the aura of fear, they were somewhat intolerable.

However, in the next second, the halo fell on Marvin, but the latter did not respond at all.

He is still step by step firmly.

"This kid is weird!"

Jaster was shocked.

In his perception, this is clearly an ordinary teenager.

However, he can actually exempt his fear ring.

“Is it luck?”

There is some confusion in the heart of Jaster. This is not impossible. Spiritual charm spells have a certain probability of failure. If the juvenile's will is firmer, there is indeed the possibility of exemption.

But if this is the case, this boy is not the waste in his mouth. At least it is a talent worthy of training.

But no matter what, in this case, Jiasite does not want him to enter the city.

Under his orders, the guards began to close the gate.

The rest of the people widened their eyes and watched Marvin step by step.

Jaster sneered, even if he can exempt the first spell, can he exempt the second one?

So he did not give up the second spell in the past.

Marvin is still unaffected!

This time. Jaster is finally discolored. He shouted: "Everyone is on guard!"

"This kid may be a demon!"

This time, not only the guards on the wall are enemies. Even the refugees looked at Marvin’s eyes full of fear!

Only those who were saved by Marvin did not believe in the words of Jester, a joke, if Marvin was a demon, how could he allow Isabel to kill the demon squad?


The guards hurriedly shut the door.

The alarm on the wall was also ringing, and a city warlock squad was rushing over.

Jiasite squeezed a sweat, and did not know how, this boy who seemed to have little power gave him a great pressure.

He doesn't even have the meaning of hands-on, but he has an aggressive momentum.

Isabel silently followed Marvin, very soon. The two came to the gate of the city.

"Just? What happened?"

The captain of the Warlock squad finally arrived, it was a very hot woman.

They heard the alarm bell on the wall, which was the measure that would be used in an abnormal situation.

Jaster’s face was a bit sullen, and he pointed to Marvin and said, “This kid may be a demon!”

"Everyone, attack with me!"

Upon hearing the word "devil", the warlocks suddenly changed their face.

The **** battle of the kings continued until the evening of yesterday, and the warlocks of Lavis were able to form a **** revenge with the devil!

So much so far. They are subconsciously ready to attack!

The atmosphere became tense, and all the warlocks were staring at Marvin. If he had any changes, there would be dozens of spells on him!

Warlock's spells are mostly instant, although the power may be weaker, but the speed is absolutely amazing.

The captain of the Warlock squad is confident that the demon will be smashed into scum for the first time!

However at this time. Ma Wen under the gate suddenly raised his head and revealed a helpless look:

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"We just want to enter the city."

Jost immediately jumped his feet and shouted: "Don't think that disguised as a human being, you can mix into the king! Under my duty, your devil wants to mix in!"

Say, he will be the first to use the spell!

Suddenly, there was a light drink beside him: "Stop!"

It is the captain of the Warlock squad.

Jester's brow wrinkles, although this team is nominally managed by him. But actually Daniela, he didn't like them.

It’s just that they are taking turns.

"Do you want to resist?" Jester pretended to be furious, but his heart was a sneak peek.

This is a reason to replace this team's preparation with their own people.

The warlock squad captain looked at Jester coldly: "You are like a nerve, you are too nervous. The one below is not a demon."

A glimpse of Best, he suddenly found that other people in the Warlock squad looked at their own eyes, just like watching an idiot!

This feeling made him very unhappy, he looked down subconsciously.

At this moment, he finally saw the way Marvin looked.

A very handsome boy.

It seems a bit familiar.

Jester’s brain was slightly blunt.

The snarling voice of the warlock captain passed over:

"If you let the elders' parliament know that you are trying to attack the well-known and well-known hero of Fernan, the Marvins of the White River Valley, what do you think will happen?"

The voice of the warlock captain was clearly audible and fell into the ears of people in the place!

Everyone is amazed!

弑 神者马文!

If you say that today's Fernan, who's reputation is the loudest, probably for most people. Nicholas is the only choice!

The three-dimensional guardian, plus the avatar of Eric, they are the warriors who dare to fight with the gods, this is beyond doubt. Among them, the Great Elf King is the most famous, and the other three are somewhat unknown.

And these four people are below. Northland certainly began to circulate the story of the Valkyrie, and the southern rocky mountains. The legend of destiny has also begun to spread, but the most famous is the owner of the White River Valley!

, the gods, the gods... too many titles in one!

When the Cataclysm was opened, he was the first to ignite the order of fire. At that time, his appearance had left a deep impression on the mind of every Feinan soul!

Under the impact of the infinite chaos magic, it was his first stand out and re-sprinkling order to the world.

Although not many, it is the same as the four strong men who face the gods in the universe. Gave them hope.

Give them the confidence to live!

In Marvin's data panel, the prestige column, especially the World Prestige column, has already exploded!

Not only Fernan, but also the dead domain, and other regions, there are legends of Marvin.

He is the hero of this era!

Weiming Hehe!


Everyone present was watching Ma Wen silently. There was a burning flame in their eyes.

That is the flame of hope.

Jiaster suddenly became dry and dry.

He looked at Marvin, and the images in his memory finally overlapped with reality!

No wonder I just felt a little familiar...

Jiaster was shocked. Before he could react, Marvin said faintly:

"Can we enter the city?"

The warlock squad has a point like a chicken.

Just kidding, everyone knows that Daniela’s relationship with hero Ma Wen is so shallow that he has shut out such a strongman.

Unless Lavis’s brain is pumping!

In an instant. The gates are wide open!

Ma Wen took the lead and went in and waved to the rest of the refugees:

"Come in, no one can violate the Grand Duke's warrant, and no one can drive you away."

The refugees did not believe it and looked at the best.

The latter is obviously not reconciled. He bit his teeth and said with difficulty: "Even if you are an Marvin. You can't interfere with the city defense affairs of Wangdu... You are the lord of the Baihe Valley, but it is not you in Lavis. Have the final say!"

The hope that the refugees just ignited was instantly halved!

The face of the Warlock squad also became ugly. They didn't know the news of Best's rejection of the refugees before. I didn't expect him to dare to do so. Openly defy the Dagong warrant! However, as he said, the city defense affairs are indeed temporarily responsible for him, and the rest of the people must not intervene.

They are also a bit embarrassed.

Ma Wenqi got his eyes open, and this warlock was really stubborn.

"Now are you responsible for the city defense of Wangdu?"

One of his own contexts came directly to the side of Jost.

The latter was shocked by him and nodded subconsciously.

However, in the next second, he only felt black in front of him, and a sharp pain came from behind his mind -

"Unfortunately, the city defense officer of Lavis's capital is unwell. It seems that he must apply to Dagong and send another person."

This is the last sentence I heard before the coma, even before the coma, he almost vomited blood!

Put down the good, but his guards did not dare to say a word. All the soldiers are also, they look at Marvin, their eyes are full of fanatical worship!

Ma Wen turned to looked at the people outside the city, said calmly:

"Now, no one can stop you from entering the city."

There was a burst of cheers in the city.

For a time, the atmosphere of the original haze was swept away, and the vicinity of the city gate became very lively.

The captain of the Warlock squad smiled bitterly, but she still chose to ignore the fallen lands.

"Ma Wen, I have already passed the news. Dagong is very happy to hear the news of your visit. She is ready to meet you."

Ma Wen stunned.

He keenly noticed that the pronoun used in the other party's statement is "her"!


(To be continued.)


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