Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 127: Master power

[The Curse - Ashes!]

This is a curse that Hathaway is best at, and the first curse she realized. E▉▉▌▋小说网www.s▌

The name of the ashes witch is even more so.

The Ashes storm has the most powerful destructive power in the multiverse, and even a strong star beast can kill!

Soon, the vines that were derived were torn into pieces!

Miss Yinyue himself has become very embarrassed.

She roared in the sky, and the roar almost made the entire underground space tremble.

The ashes storm tore her, first the skin, then the flesh and blood, and finally, almost all flesh and blood will melt!

On the side, Ma Wen, who had banned the ban on the night, was stunned.

[The Curse - Ashes] is much stronger than the legendary witchcraft!

This stuff seems to be able to directly immunize the exemption of the law of God!

If you let this thing scratch it, it is estimated that it is also a serious injury!

The body of Miss Yinyue is very terrible, it is the level of the ancient gods!

Even if it is somewhat fragile after recasting, it is not a mortal spell that can hurt.

The curse of Anzedi is terrible.

What is disturbing, however, is that the horrible ashes of the storm did not really destroy her!

In Hathaway's astonished eyes, she stepped out from the ashes storm!

And in the process after coming out, she will regain a point every time she takes a step.

Blood footprints all the way.

After a dozen steps, her body is as good as ever.

The **** of the wilderness licked his lips: "I like this feeling. E▋小说 █▌▊网█"

"Witch, you are strong, but not enough to hurt me."

"Now, I am hungry..."

In an instant, her gaze was fixed on Jasmine next to Minsk!

"Come on, my food."

"Miss Silver Moon" smirked, and the figure suddenly disappeared in place!

Minsk’s heart glimpsed, picked up jasmine and was about to run away. Who knows it is at this time. A huge gravity forced him on his body!

[God - Nature Exemption]!

He tried his best to try to lift the blockade of the **** of the wilderness. To this end, he even used the blessings that his father gave in the past and used a limited number of times!

He did escape.

But the **** of the wilderness is faster than him.

She appeared directly in front of the two.

The beautiful and moving eyes are full of greed.

"My food..."

She reached out to Jasmine.

The girl shook and shouted and shouted: "Uncle Griffin. Help me!"


Griffin did not appear.

Instead, it is a foot that descends from the sky!

The foot is as big as a hill, and the foot of the wilderness is stepped on the foot directly!

Minsk looked up.

I saw a version of the giant version of Marvin appeared in front of him. ▌▉▋E▋小说网▊

His head is almost on the wall of the dungeon!

"I said, I will protect you. Jasmine."

Marvin said calmly.

[Master anger]!

The little girl looked up and looked at Marvin. It took only half a day to come up with a sentence:

"Wow! Marvin, you are so big..."


Ma Wen is full of black lines. How do you listen to this strange thing?

But after using the wrath of the ruler, he did become extremely tall, almost several times higher than the mechanical Titan!

If it is not this dungeon space is wide enough, I am afraid that this mountain will be broken!

And he is now stepping on the feet of the **** of the wilderness, not purely relying on strength.

This is a kind of power that comes with the wrath of the Lord!

[Weineng - the foot of the ban]: You can easily step your enemy under your feet, the other side will face your eight times the weight of the pressure.

It is also this power. Temporarily suppressed the **** of the wilderness. Otherwise, with normal strength alone, she could not be suppressed.

"You leave with jasmine first!"

Ma Wen looked at Hathaway: "Although I don't know why, the **** of the wilderness obviously has a strong intention to hurt her."

Hathaway looked at the mountain-like Marvin and finally nodded.

She gently pulled up Jasmine's little hand and prepared to leave the place using the witchcraft. Who knows that Jasmine opened her hand.

"We can't leave Uncle Griffin here..."

She ran all the way and rushed to Griffin's body!

Marvin screams bad!

"Action is fast!" he urged.

Hathaway and Minsk also changed their faces and hurriedly followed.

However, at this time, Marvin’s feet suddenly came with a sharp pain!

"not good!"

When he realized that the power of the imprisoned foot had expired!

Powerful divine power spewed out from the ground. It seems that the lava is hot, and the sharpest iron gun penetrates Marvin's feet!

In an instant, his whole person was stimulated by severe pain. The body is completely unconsciously controlled and instinctively lifted up.

Only that moment, a vaguely blurred shadow rushed to Jasmine!

"Give her to me!"

The voice of the **** of the wilderness is like a molar, making people feel uncomfortable!


Marvin instantly lifted the wrath of the master!

The night of the night!

His body was directly in front of Jasmine.

He has already seen that the **** of the wilderness is already at the end of his power, and his power is not much left.

Just delay for a while. When Vanya returns to this place, the **** of the wilderness will be re-sealed!

Thinking of this, he can only go to the top of his head.

He can't retreat, behind him is the body of Jasmine and Griffin.

[Magic Warlock - King Kong Form]!

This time, Marvin is really desperate!

Eight seconds, ignoring all the negative BuFF such as pain, the effect of King Kong is not bad, in the field of the addition, enough to fight with the **** of the wilderness that tends to weaken!

In the first second, the **** of the wilderness rushed up and huddled with Ma Wen, and countless barbs poured out of her body, trying to smash the horse into a sieve!

But this is comparable to the legendary warrior [Da Fortress] King Kong is not bad!

Marvin clings to the **** of the wilderness and is safe and sound.

The **** of the wilderness suddenly became mad, and he couldn’t understand why Marvin suddenly changed from a ranger to a meat shield...

In the fifth second, the **** of the wilderness finally used a sorcerer to imprison Marvin's feet.

And she herself turned into a stream of blood, flowing from Marvin!

"Jasmine, run!"

Ma Wensheng shouted exhaustedly.

He has tried his best. The **** of the wilderness did not know what madness, but he had already begun to ignore the damage that he and others had done to him, and he only wanted to catch jasmine!

This must not let him But the facts are very cruel - if the **** of the wilderness and their frontal hard hit, Marvin and Hathaway may be able to delay; but now he has no choice but to The sorcerer and the avatar are continuously made out, and even Hathaway cannot distinguish the true and false of these avatars!

Minsk tried his best to protect the jasmine from leaving, but was entangled in the waist by several **** vines that suddenly popped out of the ground!

Jasmine can only escape with one person.

She still clung to the place where Griffin was. In her simple consciousness, Griffin will always protect her.

The next second, the graceful figure suddenly appeared before Griffin's body.

She and Jasmine are only a stone's throw away.

"Oh... poor little things."

She licked her lips.

... (to be continued.)

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