Night Ranger

Chapter 81 Traits – Natural Enemies

The Dark Knight’s Newest Chapter, Volume One The Lost Aristocracy Chapter 81 Traits – Natural Enemies, Gone with the Wind

In the strange altar, a terrible scene is being staged.

He only heard the groans in the throat of the devil, and he did not move his whole body, but it seemed like a beast of a beast.

His hand rested on Marvin’s shoulders, and a large amount of black gas was constantly invading Marvin’s body.

Marvin’s expression is very painful!

A powerful force stuck to him, and his night walkers all lost their skills and lost their effect!

Balkh on the side showed a sinister smile.

The devil 29 did not disappoint him!

In the previous experiment, he created some monsters, but the ones that can be used are also No. 29. Only this number 29 is still very unstable.

Sometimes he will maintain the human mind, and sometimes it will become more crazy than the devil.

Balkh conjectured that his personality was divided when he competed with the devil’s eggs for physical belonging.

To his surprise, there were two terrible capabilities on the Devil 29.

The first ability is related to time and space, but all creatures in his vicinity will be affected by space distortions. He himself is like a time-space crack or whirlpool that attracts enemies so that they cannot easily escape.

The second ability is particularly terrible.

This ability is a legendary level of abyss witchcraft – Abyss Corruption!

Abyss Corruption is a quite rare taboo, and even if many talented devils don’t necessarily have this ability.

So when this ability appears on the devil 29 body. Balkh is very pleasantly surprised.

The effect of the abyss corrosion is very overbearing and fierce, that is to force corrosion!

This point is similar to the depravity ceremony of evil spirit planes.

Once someone is hit by the Abyss Corruption. In this continuous process, his body may be affected by the magic of the abyss and gradually become a demon.

His mind will become dark and obedient to users of Corruption.

For example, Marvin, once he was successfully eroded by the Abyss Corruption as a demon, his mind will be controlled by the Momen 29.

Balkh is very happy to see this scene.

The Majestic 29 is still somewhat unstable, and the legendary strong man in front of him looks rather strong. If such a person can become his own, then the Devil Valley defensive power will become even stronger!

After knowing the existence of the human camp. Balkh is always on the lookout for the strong players there.

He knew that human camps would never allow themselves to kill their traffic arteries.

But he is happy to accept this challenge.

In this kind of challenge, he can get fast sharpening.

Although he is a relatively rational devil shaman, but fierce militant temperament is still there.

“Be my servant, young human…”

Balkh’s eyes flashed with excitement. The reason why he has not started to kill Marvin directly is to covet Marvin’s powerful fighting ability!

At the same time, however, Balkh does not see the point of view, but Marvin is undergoing a special test.

On the data panel, a large amount of data crossed his eyes and became a waterfall-like stream of data.

All of these data streams are verification data. More than six resistance tests occur every second.

This shows that the night is dominated by this profession and indeed has very high resistance.

But even so. According to the data panel, his body is still developing toward the devil.

This is not good news.

In almost an instant, Marvin thought of a solution.

Although not able to use their own skills to get rid of. But the physical quality is still!

As long as you resist the vignetting and transformation, you can easily escape.

As long as he launches the form of King Kong in the Magic Warlock, he can temporarily immunize the evil person’s forced erosion, and it can be opened at any time.

It was just not waiting for him to do so, and his sudden flow of data into his eyes:

Your body is experiencing the invasion of the Abyss Corruption…warning, warning. Some kind of blood in your body starts to wake up.

Marvin was slightly surprised.

What kind of blood can your body wake up?

In an instant, he only felt that he was in general suffering from the flames. His skin has turned hot red!

Marvin only thought that his head was ignorant and that a powerful force broke out from his body’s unknown place, and he even directly resisted the power of the Abyss Corruption!

“this is……”

Marvin looked shocked at his own physical changes, and suddenly he couldn’t speak!

At this time, the devil’s body suddenly shocked, his abyss corruption failed!

“How could it be??” Balch was shocked.

He hurriedly raised his staff to prepare for the attack.

Who knows that Marvin’s reaction is faster than him. He sidestepped Balkh’s gaze and Green Leaf attacked him with fierce viciousness.

Devil knife surgery!

The body of the Majin 29 is an ordinary human being. Where does it withstand Marvin’s stormy attack?

In the blink of an eye, his whole body was directly cut into a mud!

By the time Balkh had eased God to prepare to launch an altar spell to attack Marvin, Marvin had run away!

He left the area of ​​the altar and then hid again with his sneaked ability!

Because he needs a bit of time to see what has just happened!


Just now, it may seem like a long time. In fact, it is between the electric light and the flint.

Ma Wenchao’s nerve reaction speed is very cheap in the battle. For example, if he just reacted a little slower, I am afraid the result will be different.

He hides in the darkness and silently looks at his own physical changes.

The heat flow is still surging in his body.

He can feel that power, that is the power from Lava!

The power of melting!

One of the purest kinds of power in the world is said to be comparable to the power of the fire controlled by the monarchs of the world of fire!

“In my body, I still have the blood of the Molten Majesties?”

Marvin is in a complex mood.

On the data panel, a brand new activated bloodline is impressively displayed:

【The Molten Blood System: As the successor to the Molten Blood, you initially revived the power of the Molten Heat.

The reason why he was able to get rid of Abyss Corruption was also because of the fact that his body had another trait in the instant when the power of the Molten Heat ignited.

[Features – Sinister Enemy: The devil and the abyss have continued for more than a thousand years of bloody battles. As the successor to the higher devils, you have strong resistance to your enemies. Abyss Witchcraft Immunity 50%

Abyss witchcraft immunity!

And it’s still 50% so high!

This is already a very scary figure.

Although for immortal spells, this immunization effect is general, but for persistent spells, as long as immunization is successful once, Marvin can escape!

… (to be continued)

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