Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 28: Trial result

In terms of weapons, after careful consideration by Marvin, although the gap is large, it is not particularly urgent.

First of all, the Sha ethnic group, their weapons are all produced by themselves; and the White River Valley plus the riverbank city's own army, these people's weapons and armor are complete. Coupled with a previous battle with the Alliance, it is also considered to have seized a large number of weapons. Although these weapons are of a general grade, they are also considered military weapons and are very effective in combat.

Besides, most people need a period of training. This training time does not have to be matched with the best weapons.

Of course, this problem will eventually be resolved.

If it is just an ordinary weapon, it will be very detrimental when facing the monster.

Ma Wen thought about it carefully, and he already had a number in his heart.

After the Cataclysm, many cities have become ruins, a miserable image of the end.

But many of the materials in these cities are still there.

Ma Wen suddenly thought of the original location of the Battle of the Phoenix - the city of steel!

The City of Steel is the central city of the Southern Wizarding League. There are four fine iron ore mines nearby, which is the most productive place for the Union.

In the same way, a large number of weapons have been produced here, and various weapons warehouses have emerged in an endless stream, but the Alliance has been strictly guarded.

However, the alliance has now fallen apart, and the arsenal is basically unowned.

As long as the weapons are available, the problem will be solved.

The only problem is that the White River Valley is still far away from the Iron City, and the Iron City is very chaotic.

Evil spirits, magic wizards, all kinds of magic objects.

In order to get enough weapons, Ma Wen must take it out.

And this is a very large amount of work, and he will be particularly troublesome if he comes alone.

However, there is a legendary wizard to help, maybe a lot better.

Just as Marvin thought about when to take Medirly to the city of steel, two news that made him a little wrong came.


The first news was that Pooh left the White River Valley.

The news came from an adventurer in the Southern Adventurer's camp.

It is said that he met Pooh in the south, and then there was a word in Pooh's mouth, saying that he would go to the south to see.

But in the eyes of the adventurer, there is only one endless wildness in the South. What is good looking?

Pooh did not explain much. It seemed that the incident was very abrupt. He just hurriedly left a letter to Marvin and then left.

The adventurer handed the letter to Marvin.

Ma Wen took the letter, and there was not much written on it. Generally speaking, Pooh suddenly sensed some unique things in the wild.

He saw a temple in his dream. The temple was magnificent and tall. The dome was supported by six prismatic columns. An old voice whispered in his heart.

He must go there.

The letter of the letter is very scribbled. Obviously, when Pooh wrote this letter, his mind was no longer here.


After reading the letter, Marvin didn't worry, but instead showed a strange color.

He thanked the adventurer and gave him some rewards, thinking alone in the room.

Pooh is the fact that he is awakened, and few people know it.冇

When he was alive, he did not hear the name of Pooh. Obviously, it was probably destroyed in the Cataclysm.

However, today's Pooh has survived. As a wake-up person, he has a lot of uniqueness. He can see some future, and there are some magical things.

However, the future he sees is not necessarily the real future.

If Vinnie left without saying goodbye and went to other places, Marvin was really worried.

After all, the gods are coming, that is, which **** is the trick.

But the place in the south is probably not the place where the gods dare to marry.

Southern Fernando is endlessly wild. In the wild, there are countless monsters. The reason why these monsters did not rush out to be a disaster, is because of a temple.

The temple, Ma Wen naturally knows exactly the same as the temple description seen in the Pooh dream.

"That is the only temple in the world where Lance, the wizard of the wizard,..."

Ma Wen murmured.

As a waking person, Pooh saw the temple and was summoned by the temple. What happened?

Ma Wen’s heart has a vague expectation.

Pooh is actually very talented. If there is no Marvin, the White River Valley is in his hands, and it will not be too bad.

He will shine a day, but he has been suppressed by Ma Wen.

This time the trip to the temple, Ma Wen pre-feeled something.

It is also time for him to go out and practice alone. The monsters in the wilderness should not pose too much threat to the current Pooh.

Unless you encounter a powerful Beastmaster, this probability is minimal.

After all, today's Pooh is already a legendary wizard.


After putting Pooh’s things aside, Anna pushed in and said to Marvin about the results of one of Marvin’s most worrying things in the past few days.

After the first battle of the southern suburbs of the Iron and Steel City, the legends left.

There are other important things in the Old League Seven Retreat. Naturally, it is a step ahead, because Heim also went with them.

O'Brien and Constantine originally wanted to bring the endless ocean back to the White River Valley, but at this time, the migratory bird council came.

It turned out that the demon army that appeared in the northern part of the highest jungle was just a shadow.

That is the **** that the phoenix created in order to fool the migratory bird council. The real demon is actually only a few.

After discovering this problem, the Great Druids immediately returned to their hearts and focused their attention on the South.

After Ma Wen killed the phoenix, they did not say anything, but instead launched an accountability to the endless ocean!

The Great Druid, which was cultivated by the Infinity Ocean as a migratory bird parliament, actually stole the four totem poles. This is the reason why the migratory bird parliament condemns her.

In the face of the accusations of the compatriots in the past, the endless ocean was silent, chose to return the column of the four totems, and returned to the high jungle with the "Dream has set sail ☆ Qingyi Erya" with the migratory bird council ~ ~ accept the parliament Trial.

In this way, Constantine naturally refused, and he followed the past.

O'Brien and the shadow thief were afraid that they would suffer, and after they determined that Marvin had killed the phoenix and that he was in danger, he went all the way to the highest jungle.

These days, it is the crime of the migratory bird parliament in the trial of the endless ocean.

Now, the trial results are coming out.

"Life imprisonment? Protect the world tree?"

Ma Wen looked at the results of the trial written on the letter thief, revealing a dissatisfied look.

Anyone will be dissatisfied with this result.

The migratory bird parliament is really too unsophisticated. When it really needs their help, it does not appear. Afterwards, it is better. Instead, it begins to blame the only endless ocean among them.

Not to mention that Constantine has a close relationship with the endless ocean. Even without this relationship, Marvin will not allow this to happen.

However, what makes Marvin even more puzzled is that the Speaker of the Migratory Birds Council actually stated that if Ma Wenken personally went to the high jungle, things might turn around.

"The old fox wants to see me?"

Ma Wen pinched the letter paper, his eyes turned and began to think.

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