Night Ranger

Chapter 73 Eisenger

The Dark Knight’s Newest Chapter, Volume One The Lost Aristocracy Chapter 73 Aisengar, Gone with the Wind

Seeing Marvin’s doubtful expression, the man not only did not relax his vigilance, but was even more vigilant.

According to his knowledge, even new people will be informed of the latest rules before they reach the Scarlet Wasteland.

In front of this guy, suddenly appeared in this sensitive area, obviously there are some issues.

Especially at this moment of trouble.

The man’s wrist flicked, silently, and the whole person turned into a phantom, killing him!

Ma Wen frowned.

The bloody wilderness was dangerous, he did nothing, and the other party said nothing!

However, he is not a timid person. The man in front of him is very strong, but Marvin is also very confident in himself.

Shadow step!

In the face of the enemy’s high-speed offensive, Marvin evaded the light.

The agility of God can still crush opponents most of the time.

He backhanded a knife, only to hear a bang, was blocked by the other side!

“Good reaction speed!”

Marvin was surprised.

The man’s speed is fast, but the most powerful place is his nerve reaction speed!

He uses one-handed weapons, one single-handedly, and the other hand is purely unarmed. In this way, whether it is offensive or defensive, he can only complete that single-handedly.

As we all know, in the melee combat, the long weapons actually suffer some losses.

Marvin’s dark shadows followed the routine of the reversing machete. Many people did not respond at all. It is all masters to be able to withdraw. But even so, in the next battle, Marvin will grab the upper hand and beat him.

But before this man. Actually completed the offensive and defensive transition between the electric light and the flint.

Its nerve reaction speed and physical coordination are all excellent.

His agility may not have reached the agility of God, but at least 27 points.

For an ordinary human being, this is very rare. After all, they do not have Marvin’s element retrieval system.

Both sides quickly played against each other.

Marvin’s double-knife is quite cheap in the close combat, so stick to the enemy to fight.

Obviously the opponent also understood this, he tried to pull away from Marvin. But in terms of speed and reaction, Marvin was not inferior to him.

The two wrestled for a moment. There is no separation.

Gradually, Marvin understood it.

I didn’t fight for myself because I haven’t figured out what the situation is.

And the other party obviously has spare capacity. Is this a temptation?

Think of it here. He suddenly retreated and actively pulled away from the enemy.

“I am indeed a newcomer who has just arrived in the bloody wilderness. I do not understand what camp.”

He quickly said.

The blue veins on the man’s arm gradually fade away.

He looked at Marvin seriously and suddenly shouted, “The Red Witch?!”

The next second, in the endless rice fields, a scarlet shadow appears slowly.

In his mind, Marvin said that the woman’s invisibility technique was strong. Although her distance was a bit distant, she did not perceive her ability with her own perception!

Appeared in the center of the two. It is a glamorous woman in a red robe.

Her face was covered with a thick layer of powder and her lipstick was exaggerated as if it were painted in blood!

The red witch blinked. The voice is somewhat hoarse: “The non-pure humans have devilish blood…”

The man with a long knife gave a sneer: “So, that is the spy sent by [Devil Lake]?”

To put it another way, he seems to be ready again.

Who knows the red witch stopped: “Ronan, wait!”

“I’ve just traced the troop he came in. It’s the other end. It’s not a bloody wasteland.”

Luo Nan still frowned. “It may be that the devils had experienced such incidents before using the other plane as a springboard [Eisenger].”

The red witch shook her head:

“It’s unlikely. I don’t think the devil is now capable of using that plane as a springboard.”

Luo Nan said differently: “What do you say?”

The Red Witch said earnestly: “I said that he came from the main material world. Fernan.”

Ronan suddenly opened his eyes.

Marvin shrugged: “After a few seconds of my hat being spoofed by my espionage, my suspicions were washed away.”

Luo Nan thought for a while and eventually put down his knife and watched Marvin say:

“The first time this kind of thing was encountered, it was normal for some people to adapt.”

“As long as another time…you will get used to it.”

“Who told us where we are, called the Bloody Wasteland?”


In the cracks of the paddy fields, the two walked one after the other.

The Red Witch still remained in hiding, and according to Ronan, this woman never showed her.

Luo Nan and the Red Witch are a pair of partners. Of course, they are not voluntarily formed, but are assigned by the camp.

The camp in their mouth, called [Eisengel], is a base for the establishment of strong humans on the bloody wilderness.

The Scarlet Waste Land is a very terrible place to kill. What kind of people are there, from angels to demons, evil spirits to beasts, and of course, the largest number is humanity.

Most human beings are powerful people from all corners of the multiverse. You rarely see people below the legend because they are all dead.

Even so, the status of the human side in the bloody wilderness is still not very solid, and they need to hold groups to protect each other.

And Eisengel is the largest settlement in this area.

Eisengel and several nearby camps, such as Devil’s Pool, Mushroom City, and Dark Abyss, are hostile to each other.

As long as both people meet in the wild, it is definitely a battle for you to die.

Fighting, this is the eternal theme of the Bloody Wasteland.

The existence of the camp is to allow these strong players to be in the gap between battles. Find a place to breathe.

Eisengel is named after its founder legendary wizard Eisengel, and near this large area of ​​strange straw is said to cover thousands of acres. It is the arrival of the hidden entrance to the camp.

Ronan and the Red Witch were one of the patrols of Essengal. When Marvin was encountered, it was the last day they were on duty.

After this day, they can return to Essengal.

The camp provides members with the blessings and necessary information, as well as a platform for communication, but joining a camp also requires providing their own services.

Or become a member of the patrol. Either complete some of the tasks posted in the camp.

Relatively speaking, patrols are boring. And the time span is long, but it is safer.

The tasks released by the camp are relatively dangerous. Unless the techno high spirits are bold, they are even legendary. Do not dare to try easily.

After all, the legend is really nothing in this bloody place.


After listening to Luo Nan’s introduction, Marvin’s heart began to think.

The construction of the Scarlet Wasteland is more complex than it is supposed to be.

At least there are no camps in the information that the Druids have given him. This is not to blame them.

The data in the migratory bird’s parliament was at least three or four hundred years ago.

And the ratio of the time flow of Fernan and the Scarlet Wasteland was 1 to 6. Marvin promised two weeks of time as the Ferdinand time, which was converted into a bloody wasteland, which was twelve weeks and more than two months.

He originally thought that there was plenty of time and he could also find some of the servants to hunt in the bloody wilderness. Improve your own strength, but now it seems that it is far from simple.

Everything still came first to Essenger again.


Luo Nan and Marvin explained some simple issues. No more openings.

It is said that the information in the camp is worthwhile. Except for Marvin, a novice who is completely ignorant, and the old members have a certain obligation to inform the necessary rules, other information must be purchased on the basis of money.

Eisenger’s universal currency is Bloodstone, a specialty of the Bloody Wasteland, which contains the purest energy. Comparable to the origin of God.

Only the energy contained in each bloodstone is truly different from the origin of God.

It is said that bloody wilderness produces bloodstone. It was because of the ancient war of that year that too many gods were fallen.

After the gods died, their blood and the origin of God were incorporated into the earth, thus forming something like bloodstone.

All in all, Marvin is now a poor and unfamiliar place.

This feeling made him not very comfortable, but he felt an unprecedented stimulus.

Perhaps in his bones, he naturally likes the feeling of adventure.


Eisengel’s entrance is hidden in the depths of the rice fields. Each camp member knows the entrance spell.

Remove a Scarecrow and reveal a cave where a cricket will come out.

This one will ask a fixed question and only need to answer it correctly, it will open the door for you to Essengal.

It is true that Eisenger was hidden in the ground and surrounded by strict spells. This is one of the reasons why the remaining forces did not score in the circumstances of human beings’ vulnerability.

Eisengel will update the spell every time. Only the real members will know the content of the spell.

It was reported that a spy had appeared a while ago and caused the entire camp to be full of storms. It was almost mixed in by the devils of the abyss. For this reason, Eisenger’s review of outsiders was extra strict.

Marvin entered Eisenger under the leadership of Ronan and the Red Witch.

After walking about 10 minutes in the long tunnel, Marvin was taken to a similar interrogation room.

Here, an old man in glasses spent half an hour asking Ma Wen a lot of questions.

And beside him, an expert divination wizard is responsible for testing whether Marvin’s answer lies.

Of course, some problems Marvin can not answer, after all, everyone has their own secrets. Eisengel has done a good job in this area.

Marvin won a medal after ensuring that Marvin would not bring harm to the camp and indeed stand on the human side.

This medal is emblazoned with Marvin’s name, which is a symbol of Marvin as a new member of Eisengel.

After leaving the spooky interrogation room, Marvin was taken to another cave.

Here, a guy who was specifically responsible for explaining the rules of the place to newcomers quickly passed all the rules to Marvin.

After twenty minutes, Marvin was finally free to walk freely in the underground space of Eisengel.


As a dark underground city, Eisengel is definitely not the biggest one Marvin has ever seen, but it is definitely the safest.

No matter where he goes, he can feel the rich Arcane energy.

A large number of magic arrays continue to operate, and the wizard’s eyes watch every movement in many dark corners.

Perhaps because the founder is a legendary wizard, there are also many wizards in Eisengelli.

Most of the wizards in the Scarlet Waste Land came from other sub-planes. They came here because of all sorts of reasons. They broke through themselves and eventually became legends.

These people may have more terrible perseverance and creativity than Fernan’s wizards.

Marvin casually strolled around and got a specific understanding of Essenger.

Since the “camp” is used to describe it, the underground city will inevitably not be great.

Basically, this is a reduced version of the town Although the bloody wilderness has gathered most of the legendary powers of the entire universe, the legend is after all a minority, and the human settlement on the Bloody Wasteland is not only a place in Eisengel.

From his mouth, Marvin learned that the area has maintained a population of around 300-350 all year round.

Don’t underestimate these numbers. Everyone here is a legendary strong man with explosive strength. There is hardly anyone who can’t fight.

For example, the old man who introduced the rules to Marvin and the old man responsible for the review were former strong players who had retired because of some special reasons and were responsible for the daily maintenance of the camp.

Most people still need to fight.


Eisengel can be broadly divided into the following five areas:

[Trade Zone]: Located in the northeastern part of the underground city, where free trade is encouraged and no taxes are imposed. Most of the legendary strong traders are bartered. Although blood stones can also buy something, It’s hard to get good stuff.

【The rest area】: There are some residential areas in the south of the underground city, enough for most people to rest, but the conditions will not be very good either.

[Announcement and Settlement Area]: Where the camp issues patrolling tasks and other tasks, it is also the place where settlement tasks are paid.

[Warehouse]: Eisenger’s warehouse is hidden, and only high-level camps can contact.

【Eisenger Square】: A fairly open place where you can find simple recreational facilities and infrastructure such as restaurants.

In addition to the above five areas, the rest are not worth mentioning.

Marvin noted that everyone passing by has always maintained a high degree of vigilance.

Although the camp is known to be absolutely safe at Eisenger, it seems that most people do not think so.

Marvin’s top priority is to find his current position in the bloody wilderness.

He has a map on his hand that was used to find Minzhansk.

But the map is fragmented. There are only a few landmarks nearby and it is not comprehensive enough.

This means he needs a map of the Scarlet Wasteland.

Coincidently, there is a similar map for the Eisengel camp.

Unfortunately, the map is not free.

… (to be continued)

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