Night Ranger

Vol 5 Chapter 78: Secret garden

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In fact, long before Marvin came to the dead zone, he got 50,000 general experience from Mark 47.

Coupled with the killing experience provided by the pale hands and the monsters in the Undersea Tunnel, he had nearly 70,000 total experience before he set foot on the Deadland.

Of course, when he learned the Jedi knife, he consumed 20,000. Originally, he thought that he needed to find a place to brush a killing experience, and then it is possible to raise the level of night pedestrians again.

After all, the ninth-level night walker, the experience required is 144,000!

But what he didn't expect was that Conn set the difficulty for him - the cold demon cave just happened to be misunderstood and satisfied this.

Each chill demon contributed a little bit of experience, and Ma Wen killed 126 cold demons in the cold demon cave!

Full 6 wave cold demon, the last wave, Ma Wen is facing the face of 64 cold demon chasing and blocking, forced to kill a **** road.

In this arduous process of killing, not only did his desperate knife come to the master level, but he also gained more than 100,000 killing experiences.

It is this experience that has made him just able to raise the night walker to the ninth level.

As a result, he is the legend of the total rank of 21.

In an instant, an option pops up on his data panel:

[Choose Legendary Occupation: Ranger 9/Night Pedestrian 9]

There is no doubt that if he chooses advanced legends now, he can only choose a career between his ranger and night walker as his legendary career.

Because the advanced requirements of the night dominated are: Ranger 8 / Night Pedestrian

Marvin has an advanced manual. However, the preconditions were not met, so it was impossible to dominate the night.

Ma Wen did not hesitate to choose to refuse to choose a legendary career.

Anyway, the system has the advantage that you can choose a legendary career at any time, he must let himself meet the preconditions.

So in an instant. Marvin’s total rating immediately returned from 21

Yes, without a legendary career, it is still a quasi-legendary. Although he is a legend, he has no legendary career.

In the calculation of the total level, as long as there is no legendary occupation, no matter how you add the total level, it is level.

Ma Wen is not very concerned about this. He chose to raise the level of night pedestrians, and the goal was to take a step closer to the night domination. The second is also to strengthen their own strength.

The nine-level night walker brought Ma Wen a skill point of 36 points and a life enhancement of 246 points.

At the same time, he brought Marvin's professional expertise to two night walkers!

They are as follows:

[Strong Toughness]: When you are seriously injured, the execution action will not be affected and offset.

[Public Enemy of the Spell]: Your spell resistance has increased dramatically.

These two specialties are very strong passive feats. The fact is that the closer you are to the legendary field, the more expertise you get is biased towards passiveness, but it is precisely these passive expertise that is the most powerful.

It is very important that the first specialization and Ma Wen’s personal expertise [endurance] complement each other so that he can be stronger in battle and ignore the effects of pain and injury.

After all, when people are in pain, nerve reactions and technical movements will shift. This shift is at the moment of life and death. It is very deadly.

The term "public enemy of the spell" is specific to the caster. The ability of the nightwalker to fight the caster is still very strong, and this feat can weaken the effect of the spell on Marvin. Anyway. Nine-level night pedestrians have gradually shown a strong side, and few professions have such tyrannical passive expertise before the legend.

That's why most people in the Night Walker organization choose to designate the Night Walker as their legendary career, rather than choosing another advanced career.

Legendary night pedestrians are also very powerful. Whether it is Constantine or O'Brien. They are all representatives of them, but their exhibition direction is different.


After getting the upgrade. Ma Wen kept on going for a moment, directly in the direction of the information provided, heading for the direction of the secret garden.

In fact, he did not think that he could complete the test of Master Conn in three and a half days.

After all, the wooden knife is about the cold demon, almost the same as the freehand, the only advantage is that it can be blocked, but the desperate knife has always been not known for blocking.

The essence of this knife is the attack and constant attack.

Marvin originally expected that, according to the previous efficiency, it would take at least a week or more to defeat the sixty-four cold demon alone.

But the facts surprised him. The reason for the advancement was greatly advanced, but it was because of the accompanying increase in the level of the knife, the effect of this knife was finally revealed.

When he was alive, Ma Wen did not practice martial arts, so he did not know that the martial arts itself had an attribute bonus!

When the Desolation Knife arrived at the intermediate level, the first attribute appeared!

[Weapons sharp +15].

It was the sharp increase of this weapon that made it easy for Ma Wen to suddenly kill the cold demon. The increased passive effect of this knife is also extremely sharp when it is expressed by a wooden knife. Originally, he had to work hard to cut a dozen or so knives, and suddenly became a knife, and the efficiency increased sharply.

It was also from that moment that Marvin began a virtuous cycle of brushing monsters.

After destroying the fourth wave of the cold demon, Marvin’s knife skill level came to the realm of [master].

The second attribute is as follows:

[Sunder Armor +].

This is a property of a weapon, but it appears in the knife. Although there is no armor in the cold demon, after Ma Wen obtained this attribute bonus, it is obvious that the wooden knife has become a lot easier in the cold demon.

In the process of fighting with the last wave of cold demon, he spent a full day and a half, and finally raised his level of knife to the realm of [master].

So he won the third knife award:

[Deadly Explosion: When you use Desolation Knife, each knife has a chance to hit multiple damages]

It is still a passive effect. The embodiment of multiple damage is that Marvin occasionally slams out and can directly let a 17-level cold demon directly kill!

Although the odds are not particularly high, when it comes to dealing with multiple enemies or a protracted war, its role is reflected.

It is also because of the three powerful knife rewards, Ma Wen can finally calmly and sixty-four cold demon, and finally forcefully kill the cave!


The power of desperate knife is far above Marvin's imagination.

If he can practice this knife to the master or even the master level, the power can't imagine.

It is no wonder that when Conn faced the avatar of the **** of winter, he was able to slash it with ruthlessness.

The only pity is that the level of desperate knife can not be piled up with experience, and the system has limitations after all. Otherwise, according to Marvin's efficiency, it is easy to push the machete master and the knife level together to the peak of the mortal world.

While reviewing the harvest in the cave of the cold demon, he rushed to the secret garden while rushing to the

About a day later, Marvin approached the western part of the dead zone.

During this time he changed three horses to ensure the highest height. Soon, his chances of meeting people on the road are increasing.

These people are also hurrying to hurry, it seems to be for the secret garden.

"I hope that the secret garden has not been opened, and Ibrahimovic did not slam into it."

Ma Wen felt a little anxious.

The secret garden is not Saruha. In the past games, there is another name:

[Legendary Grave]!

"Every time the secret garden opens, some people deliberately throw bait behind them..."

Ma Wen’s eyes rose slightly and began to recall the memories of the secret gardens of previous lives.

... (to be continued)

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