Night Ranger

Chapter 45 The Kingdom of Night

The Dark Knight’s Newest Chapter, Volume One The Lost Aristocracy Chapter 45 The Kingdom of the Night, Gone with the Wind

The time of absolute asylum was only seven days, leaving Marvin only three days.

He must personally resolve this matter and resolve the hidden dangers of the war.

The only way is to leave.

Then in the unknown place, his opponents came to the door. Marvin, of course, faced their courage alone, but he is not the kind of person who likes to find his own way.

The plan to leave is to think well in the early morning.

In order to save him, Pooh has fallen into a state of semi-sleep. Marvin cannot let him continue to be alarmed in this state.

The threat of annihilation of the twin snakes is always there, and the target of these enemies is always one, not the White River Valley, but Marvin itself.

So long as he left, the White River Valley will be temporarily stable.

Of course, this security is not inevitable. In the process of the advent of the gods, it is certain that some people will look at this land in the southern part of mainland China.

Therefore, Marvin’s departure is not indefinite.

He is planning.


“The first few days the three sisters of the Rocky Hill sneaked in and it was because of this incident.”

Lara’s mind came out transparent: “When they left, they seemed very worried.”

Marvin nodded with a smile.

It may be necessary for others to hide, but for Lola, he does not need to hide the news.

First, she is not an enemy. Second, she knows little about the world of the strong. Third, she does not stop herself like Anna did.

The envoys of the Rocky Mountains had already visited the White River Valley as early as the day before the absolute asylum was opened.

This time, the two sides have truly signed a treaty of offensive and defensive alliances.

Both sides know that this alliance is to deal with the coming of the gods and all possible martyrdom.

In the process, Marvin found Larry privately and asked her to do one thing.

The destiny of the three sisters is not like Eve, naturally, thinking that Marvin is the destiny of the world.

Even in the eyes of Jessica, Marvin, as a person who recognizes the will of the plane, is absolutely impossible to affiliate with the mortal world even if he is indeed introduced by Lance himself into the world.

All this has become irrelevant.

After experiencing so many things, as friends, they all chose to believe each other.

This is what makes Marvin most moved.

Because even if the entire world is targeting you. There are always some people standing behind him.

These people are called friends.

Jessica, Lori and Kate are typical examples.

Marvin is looking for Luo Rui, and hopes that she will use the true talent of wisdom to find the whereabouts of the book of Naru!

The book of Naru is on the stub leaf of Fernan. Having been collected by Marvin, the rest is most likely to be lost to the outside world.

In this case, if you want to find artifact parts with fraudulent divine attributes, the major prophecy of the Lord God level may not be useful.

It is more appropriate for the strength of the celestial wizard.

He informed the three wizards of the heavenly revelation without any reservations about what he had learned about the fourth piece of destiny.

The latter did not disappoint Marvin.

Although the force of the Apocalypse of the previous revolt caused the loss of Luo Ruiji, but as a woman of destiny. Her talent for intelligence is very strong. In a short time, the power of apocalypse has increased a lot.

With the help of lucky elves Bento, Luo Rui successfully used the big search technique to find the exact address of the last three pages of Naru’s book.

As for the last page, it was already found, but according to Laurie, she seemed to be eyeing something when she used the big search technique.

When positioning the last page, her spells were interrupted. Only know that the position of the last page of Naru is probably the lower plane.

Evil spirit world!

When thinking of this vocabulary, Marvin was a bit heavy.

The world of evil spirits is filled with negative energy. It is impossible for ordinary people to stay forever. What’s more, there are many enemies at those ghost places. The second world monarch Tidumas has already treated Marvin as an enemy of life and death. The original source is still pinched by Marvin! If you want to go to the world of evil spirits, it is definitely more risky for Marvin than to go to the abyss and hell!

Unfortunately, there is no way.

To get the key, open the fourth Destiny Slate. Marvin can only go this way.

Otherwise, the fourth block of destiny becomes a dead circle, and many people will die from it, including Marvin himself!

In fact, after getting this information, Marvin has been skeptical. The God of Truth is correct.

If it weren’t for Reims who wanted to destroy the world, why did he create destiny stoneboards that could easily cause turbulence?

His own traversal, cataclysm, and the wave of gods in the Tertiary Period… all seem to have contributed to him.

This information made it difficult for him to believe the words in the book of Naru.

God knows that this is not a match between the deceased God and Lansby. Pretending to be a god of wisdom to confuse latecomers.

Only Marvin thinks that the progress of things may be a little more than expected by Lance.

He did not expect to think. Marvin’s speed in collecting Naru’s book was so fast. By chance, he now has seven pages of Naru!

In the next month, as long as he finds the remaining four pages of Naru’s book, he will be able to crack the fourth block of destiny and gain insights from his knowledge and laws.

By that time, through the absorption and comprehension of the magical things of the advanced virtual deity of God, his strength may have exploded exponentially!

And, to this day, Marvin seems to be the only way left.

After all, Eve’s announcement has pushed him down against the opposite of mankind, and the destiny and slate start to make the strong eyes of the entire world focus on him.

He had to leave.

The good news is that the first three locations are very clear. They are the land of the collapse of the earth’s element plane, the evil spirits street of the 17th floor of the abyss, and a tribal shrine in the Land of Stars.

The bad news is that since Lorie said that he had encountered blockages while using the big search technique, it is highly likely that Marvin would find news of the book of Naru. Others also know.

It is very likely that the enemy is already waiting for a rabbit.

But no matter who is standing in front of him at that time, I am afraid that a bitter fight can not be avoided.

Only now Marvin has confidence.

Not only is Sodom’s blade gradually familiar, he also got another artifact!

【Night of the Night】!

When Constantine delivered this artifact to Marvin, he was filled with emotion.

It is said that this was the widow of O’Brien’s dying.

This is also a symbol of the status of the night leader.

However, what others do not understand is that when Marvin was alive in the past, he relied on this country of night-time to escape the gods and kill them again and again!

For this artifact, he has a very deep feelings!

… (To be continued.)

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