Night Ranger

Chapter 31. The Last Sacrifice

The Dark Knight’s Newest Chapter, Volume One The Lost Aristocracy Chapter 31 The Last Sacrifice, Gone with the Wind

When you heard the name of Naru’s book, it was really regrettable.

This term may be a very shocking thing for ordinary people, but for these old foxes, the legend of Naru’s book is familiar.

Implicit does not believe that Marvin can collect all the books of Naru!

Even if he did, it may not be a good thing.

The powerful god who blew up and died is a lesson.

However, after seeming to get the kinship secret, he had a very good mood, and he did not care about the cloak of the artifact with Marvin. Instead, he casually reminded one:

“You didn’t think something was wrong?”

Not right?

Marvin stumbled.

He just wanted to continue to ask, did not expect to implicitly finish this sentence, the blood family secretly burst in the hands of a sudden burst of light shrouded it.

“If you don’t die here, hopefully we have another day to meet.”

After this sentence was finished, the entire person disappeared into this strange space.

Marvin was speechless.

None of the old foxes that lived for thousands of years was simple.

On the surface, it is good to be a partnership. In the end, it is good to have a direct advantage. It is not a point of loyalty.

Fortunately, Marvin did not expect to help himself.

In fact, this ancestor of the blood family did not turn his face in front of the stone of fate.

Even after he left, Marvin was still at ease.

At least not guarding against this kinship strong attack at any time.

“But what did he mean when he said something wrong?”

Marvin frowned slightly.

The process of getting the Destiny stone itself was very smooth. Didn’t it happen at all that this is the wrong thing?

This world is not necessarily the same as the law that “it is necessary to use wave ss to get treasures.”

Isn’t it better to be a little easier sometimes?

With this thought in mind, Marvin’s eyes went to the door of the road.

His vision easily penetrated through the gate, passed through the dark corridor, and saw a thin figure.

It is a woman in cyan clothes!

Azure pastor!

Marvin blew up.

How to forget her!

This woman is behind him and Hid back, and he definitely wants to take the opportunity to solve the Seal of the Deadly Twin Snake!

Nowadays, the two treasures in this strange space have been taken away by Marvin. It is the time when the seal of the world’s twin seals is weakest!

“Damn, what is she doing?”

Marvin suddenly speeded up and rushed into the hallway.

The distance from the strange space to the corridor actually does not take Marvin much time. It is almost a blink of an eye.

But when he stepped on that corridor. His face suddenly changed dramatically!

This time the resistance was even stronger than the previous one!

Did not go further, as if all are pushing a small hill to go!

In this way, Marvin could not stop the heavenly pastor!

At the moment he can only bite his teeth!

Endless road!

The power of staring at seals opens the endless road. There is no doubt that this is a very, very risky act.

This strange power of imprisonment has a very fierce binding effect on all forces. After the endless path was opened, Marvin’s physical strength passed away three times faster!

However, his speed is only a little faster than before!

He walked sweaty and was in that hall. The heavenly pastor is putting things in a good place!

what is she doing?

Marvin looked as he walked.


The fountain is still in the center of the hall.

The amorous look of the heavenly pastoral priests.

There are countless candles in her arms.

The surface of the candle is waxy yellow.

Just a glance, Marvin felt sick and chilling!

Human skin candles…

How many innocent lives can be cut out by so many candles?

Every human skin candle contains at least ninety-nine wraiths!

This is the power of the chaos of the Necrotic!

Marvin watched as the priests and priests walked around the fountain.

For every five steps she took, she put a candle on the ground.

At this time, Marvin saw clearly that around the fountain’s hall ground, a weird array of battles had emerged.

This battle formation must have been painted by the apistor and pastor when he was hiding himself and entering the strange space to take the treasure.

And outside the hall, countless monsters are ghostly and weeping, and it seems that they are waiting with excitement!

Marvin sucks cool!

His eyes finally landed in the central fountain.

The men and women still kissed and kissed beautifully.

But at this moment. Their expression in Marvin’s eyes is so ghastly!

To tell the truth, by this time he couldn’t guess what the men and women had to say. He could be a pig!

“This pair of men and women is the seal of the world!”

“No wonder that the seal of the hall is so powerful that those monsters are afraid to approach!”

“The fountain is the final seal!”

“The mural mural that I saw on the fresco is that those believers are praying to the dead snakes…”

Marvin’s mind blinked and flashed all the information.

There was a bitter smile on his face.

Do you know about the seal of the deadly snake?

If you can guess the location of this seal in advance and do some protective measures, things will not be so bad!

Or because of insufficient information!

By now, Marvin seems to have had a hard time stopping the blue pastor.

When Marvin walks a third of the distance from the exit. Heavenly Patriarch has already prepared all the human skin candles and other ritual props.

She also looked at Marvin coldly, his eyes full of contempt.

Ma Wenmo kept silent and just tried his best to maintain the endless road. Accelerate progress.

He knows that there will always be opportunities for the end of the year!

However, at this time, there was a sudden burst of buzzing in the flock.

A girl, naked and naked, was pushed by the spider and walked nervously toward the hall!

Marvin was awkward to crack!

The azure shepherd sneered. A beckoned to the girl.

The face of the latter showed a terrified look, and suddenly, her white body revealed a trail of bloody runes!

All her people were entangled in the runes of evil gods!

“Is she the last offering?”

Marvin spoke hard.

The celestial priest looks very good. She shows a ridiculous look: “How is it?”

“You thought you could stop me at this time.”

“You killed my brother. You destroyed all the foundations of the serpent in Fernan.”

“This account is on your head, Marvin!”

Marvin moved forward one step further and tried to delay: “Then come to me.”

“Innocent people should not be involved.”

The azure priest chuckled: “I’m sorry, I’m not interested in you and nonsense.”

“The ceremony has already begun.”

In the utterance, all the skin candles light up automatically!

The girl’s screams resounded throughout the hall!


[The next chapter is tomorrow morning, 9 o’clock, already scheduled] (to be continued.) Mobile phone users please visit

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