Night Ranger

Chapter 25

The Dark Knight’s Newest Chapter, Volume One The Lost Aristocracy Chapter Twenty-Five The Sense of the Blood Family, Gone with the Wind

With regard to the origins of the virtual world, even among the many books in the Pearl Tower, there are many different opinions.

Some people have speculated that this is a product left over from the previous generation, but there is no direct evidence to prove this.

The rumors circulating from the heavenly Kingdom of God are that the imaginary realm is a substitute world created by Remse, the god of wizards, to imitate the real world of Fernan.

In the era of the most ancient times, the creation of the Witch God was successful, but at that time, both Lance and Fernan were very weak.

In the higher dimension universe, this new multiverse is undoubtedly attractive to other lives.

Some malicious people began to attempt to invade this world.

The deadly twin snakes are among them.

As a god of creation, Reims naturally possesses a very terrible power. With absolute control of the world, he is able to gain insight into the plan of killing the twin snakes at the first time.

However, as Lance’s opponent, the strength of the world’s twin snakes should not be underestimated.

This ancient evil god comes from another multi-universe, and it is said to be the god that was exiled by the original creation god of the universe.

Despite this, their strength is still very scary.

They did not invade the world of Fannan, but secretly assimilated the inhabitants of the world of Fernan.

The doctrine of the double serpent is very simple and unconditional obedience, otherwise it is directly obliterated.

The multiverse at that time was very weak.

If Lance chooses and kills the twin snakes, even if there is a high probability of killing them, it will also hurt the world.

So at that time, he carefully laid out a trap.

This trap is an imaginary realm.

The so-called virtual world is a mirror image world that corresponds to the real world.

Something in Fernan was reflected in an empty space through a space glass.

Then he used all kinds of means to bring the mortal world snakes into an imaginary realm and led them to believe that it was true Fernan’s world.

So the twin serpents began to spread freely in the imaginary world, and the more cautious ungoverned twin snakes also began to settle in the imaginary realm, and even began to hold secret ceremonies in certain places in the imaginary realm, so that their believers believed in themselves as true. The Creator of God.

In an opportunity, Lance took the initiative to throw the twin snakes in the world of Fernan into the void.

The sinister twin snakes did not respond. He shut down the imaginary circle and completely shut the two evil gods inside.

With the disillusionment of the space glass, most of the things in the virtual world have been destroyed, leaving only some very ancient things.

It is not known for how many years that the deadly snake was shut in the inside.

After waiting for Rands to settle Fernan, and after thoroughly stabilizing the structure of this multiverse, he set out to deal with the hidden danger in the void.

At this time, he realized that the deadly twin snakes were not completely sealed.

Their children also stayed at Fernan and escaped Reims’ reconnaissance through some secret technique, secretly exploiting the power of the twin serpents.

As time passed into the Tertiary, Lance made a destiny stone. The first three blocks of destiny were smashed by him and scattered on earth.

This is a compromise and agreement between him and Vennan’s plane-consciousness.

The fourth slab of destiny was left in the void by him, and the entrance to the virtual world was in the Tongtian Tower.


Some of these news were known by Marvin in the past, and some were occasionally revealed by Pooh.

After all, Pooh stayed in the barren shrine for so long. He still knew a lot about the matter of Lance, the god of wizards.

In any case, the virtual world is an unusually mysterious place.

Marvin walked in that tree-lined path. There was a solid land at the foot, but there was always an unreal feeling.

The trees on both sides are not very tall and the sun can shine in through the leaves.

He looked up at the sun.

The sun also shined on him indifferently, but there was no feeling of warmth.

Yes, there is no temperature here.

This is an unreal world, a world that may collapse at any time!

Marvin accelerated the speed of progress.

Where is the fate stone hidden in the virtual world? No one knows, Marvin does not believe it.

The two men each chose a road, which is entirely dependent on luck.

Under the sensation of night-tracking, the full range of advances of the Heavenly Patriarchs appeared in Marvin’s field of vision.

The reason why he did not use endless power is because some rules in the imaginary world have imprisoned this point. He discovered that if you want to use the endless path, you will expend the power of your own strength or apocalypse exponentially.

So he just speeded up.

Soon, he discovered that the pace of progress of the patriarchal Patriarchs has slowed down and it seems to be looking for something.

By this time, there was no road ahead, and there were some pits of woodland between the jungles.

Marvin Ranger was born, and it stands to reason that there should be a natural good for the jungle.

But he walked in the jungle without feeling any comfort.

Responding from the data, his ability value has not been improved.

This and the Ranger’s expertise can be different.

“Is it really a fantasy world?”

“So, what is she doing?”

Marvin was hesitant.

To be honest, the appearance of a young patriarch was somewhat beyond his expectation.

After the woman had been eight headed by O’Brien, she had been sitting in the glacier for cents.

Is it really because of the temptation of destiny and slate too much to break out of ice now?

Marvin did not believe this point.

“The deadly twin snakes were sealed in the imaginary world…”

“The celestial pastoral are their daughters. Is it that she wants to release the ungodly twin snakes?”

Marvin suddenly surprised at this thought.

Although this possibility is not particularly high, it still exists!

Theoretically speaking, with the power of the wizarding god, his seals are naturally difficult to break by the strong power of heavenly pastoralism.

Even if the imaginary circle opened an entrance, she is unlikely to do so.

Unless she knows some special ways.

At this thought, Marvin couldn’t help but quicken his pace.

Soon, he came to the area where Tianqing’s shepherd headed.

In front is a ruined area covered by jungle.

The bad news is that Marvin lost the traces of the young pastor.

He was not surprised at this point. The king of the night gave him superior tracking power, but behind the azure shepherd was the killer twin snakes. The two ancient gods and goddesses of ancient evils naturally had some unusual means. It was not difficult for her to hide her breath.

The good news is that he looks like he has found a bad place.

In the ruined area, an abandoned temple is covered by stone piles and overly dense jungles.

But Marvin saw it at a glance.

There is an unusual power in this temple.

There is something similar to the power of God, and there is something like the feeling of the book of Naru!

“Is there a book of Naru in this temple?”

The emergence of Naru’s book Marvin in the Tongtian Tower has been surprising.

He vaguely felt that he was most likely to be the second person to collect the book of Zenaru after the deity who had died.

With the volume of wisdom and book of Naru, he is likely to understand the true appearance of this world.

But just as he was just about to get close to the temple, a figure appeared on the edge of the jungle.


The other party saw Marvin, obviously also a bit surprised.

Maybe both sides did not think that at the fork of the imaginary community, the ultimate destination was the same.

Marvin did not have a great deal of distaste for this kin ancestor.

He just looked at Hidou curiously: “Having trouble?”

Secretly laughed: “A few monsters should have been extinguished.”

There was a tear in his hem.

This is hard to come by.

Marvin thinks that he can’t see the hidden strength. This guy is at least Conn’s level. Even if he is faced with the Lord God in heaven, he doesn’t expect anything.

If it is not necessary, he does not want to fight with Hidden.

And it seems that the idea is hidden, he once again expressed his attitude:

“I have no interest in Destiny.”

“But I have something to do around the stone of destiny… I am sure I will have it.”

Marvin frowned slightly: “You can say more clearly.”

They concealed their eyes: “The genus of the blood family. A book useful only to our kin people. It is estimated that you haven’t heard of it, but it does exist. In the beginning, in order to suppress the two snakes, Lance not only used the fourth block and the public. Different fate slate, but also from the multi-universe and all races to find a lot of treasure, the secret of our blood family, but also in it.”

“What? The fourth piece of Destiny is used to suppress the world’s twin snakes?”

From this hidden sentence, Marvin heard another message!

Hiddenly nodded: “So this temple contains not only destiny slate, blood family secret, but also other artifacts or sacred objects.”

“If you are interested, you can do everything else you can. But with the kinship, I must get it.”

Marvin doubted, “Isn’t that what we say? We took away the destiny slate and the kinship of the kinsman and sealed the world’s twin snakes…”

“It will be loose.” Hiddenly said frankly: “This is inevitable.”

“Lans originally designed this seal and now releases the Tower of Heaven and Destiny. It must have been clear.”

“So I will only want to cooperate with you. I saw another baby girl. She is a devastating snake. It is estimated that she wants to release the two snakes with a loose seal.”

“Although the destruction of this world has nothing to do with me, but the two snakes are said to be very powerful, and I also do not like their fool teachings. So, we cooperate?”

Ma Wen sinks into silence for a moment and eventually nods.

Cooperation is certain.

Implicit attitude is sincere on the one hand, and on the other hand, the potential threat of killing the world is too great.

The fourth block of destiny is sure to be born. He will not take it and will eventually be taken away by others.

However, according to the implicit theory, once the slate is taken away, it is possible to kill the world’s twin snakes. Marvin is alone and there is no confidence in one enemy and two ancient evil gods.

The ancestors of the kinsmen are also legendary figures. Their strength is comparable to that of the Lord God. He should be safer around him.

So outside the temple, the double convenience agreement, implicitly helped Marvin get destiny stone, and Marvin promised to give the kinship secret.

After reaching an agreement, the two entered the temple filled with evil spirits.

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