Night Ranger

Chapter 232 Killing

The Dark Knight’s Newest Chapter, Volume One Lost Aristocrat Chapter Two Thirty-Two Killing, Gone with the Wind

Marvin’s brain and eyes are instantly overwhelmed with these images!

He also lost a large amount of information he had flashed from time to time when he adapted to the factor capture system, making his brain resistant to this level of information flow shock. Otherwise, under the impact of this terrible information flow, his The brain may even be damaged!

He just felt like he was beginning to squat down and lose power on all fours.

He saw countless dark ghosts fly out of the huge cocoon and rushed toward him.

Marvin gritted his teeth, exhausted his last strength, and ripped all the [Spirit Defense] scrolls in a row!

The valuable wealth left by the snake witches came in handy at this moment.


The next second, the environment around Marvin began to mutate.

Layers of illusion like a three-dimensional maze, completely shrouded him, completely trapped inside.

These illusions are extremely close to the real, and they are sometimes the scenes of the busy streets of the past and the thrilling experience of their own adventures on the continent of Funan from time to time.

Although Marvin knows that everything in front of him is false, the touch that is very similar to reality still stimulates his five features and his brain.

If it weren’t for his unyielding will, I’m afraid I’ll lose myself in this layer of phantasmagoria.

He has a certain understanding of the ultimate goddess Muriel and knows that the most powerful of these creatures is actually the spiritual level.

After all, she can control thousands of lives at the same time. It is normal for this monster to create any kind of fantasy.

But illusions are relatively external.

As long as people who are dragged into fantasy can maintain their calm, in general, it will not be too much of a problem.

In comparison, in fact, the power of the God of Dreams and the ultimate goddess Muriel are similar; the only difference is that dreams are more prone to indulging. In fantasy, as long as the legend itself has enough will, they can even directly Immunity.

According to Marvin’s original plan, he should not be in trouble with the illusion.

He is very confident in his willpower.

Even if he used a magic addiction form to protect his life, his willpower is still beyond the existence of most of the gods; since the king of the first night can resist the illusion of living in the ultimate ghost mother, he should be able to do it. .

However, he still underestimated the maze of the final ghost mother.

She did not throw Marvin alone into an illusion. Instead, she compiled a three-dimensional, chained fantasy maze.

Whenever Marvin struggles from one of these illusions, there will be a whole new vision waiting for him.

On several occasions, even directly surrounding the scene of the Permafrost, he almost deceived Marvin and thought that he had broken away from the illusion. In fact, he only saw the scene where he was kneeling on the ground and surrendered to the final ghost mother.

At that moment, his eyes even appeared slightly blurred.

It was at this time that the volume of wisdom in his mind finally burst into a powerful force.

Ma Wen cited his proud will power. The biggest capital still derives from the support of the “volume of wisdom.”

You know, this thing is a baby from the Dragon Library. It is said to be an artifact left by the god of ancient wisdom. Even the horrific artifacts of the Naru Book can be suppressed. Although Marvin hasn’t figured out how to use the volume of wisdom, he doesn’t know any of the weird words, but it is only the most powerful talisman that he can bring with him!

The words in the volume of wisdom were inspired, and Marvin was surprised to find that these ancient words actually floated out.

Those silver-colored characters lined up in a row, and eventually they resembled a magic carpet and wrapped Marvin’s body completely.

The illusion around them began to blur and twist.

The originally very cold voice became a little scared:

“What is this?”

“Why are you still not lost?”

The voice of Morella was horrified and even deformed.

Marvin could not tell her.

He can only watch as these silvery words forcefully tear down the maze of the final ghost mother.

And at this time, the sound he had heard before reopened:

“There are outsiders.”

Marvin was shocked. This is the second time he heard Fernand’s face will be the voice!

The last time, it was because he had forcibly absorbed the power of the apocalypse and he had disturbed the will of the plane. This time, was it because of the effectiveness of the plane’s son’s aura? Or are these floating ancient texts arousing the attention of the plane’s will?


Plane will once again convey its meaning to Marvin in the plain and majestic voice.

The next second, all the phantom mazes suddenly crash!

In the screaming of Morira, Marvin opened his eyes and found that the scrolls on his body still had a bright blue color.

The spectre of defensiveness is still in effect, and numerous dark foes who come up in the air like the ice-melting snow are destroyed by Spectre Defence.

Not far away, the entire body of Moraira, whose spiritual attack was broken, appeared dry!

The huge light, as if deflated, appeared to have collapsed by more than half.

Marvin was surprised. He thought he needed more troublesome battles to solve the problem.

“Is it a plane that will be shot directly? Or the words on the volume of wisdom?”

He flashed these questions quickly in his mind.

At this time, he noticed the text and seemed to have become dim.

After the collapse of the illusion maze, the plane will no longer make a sound and completely fall into silence.

Marvin has many doubts, but he knows that this is the best time to kill Muriel!

From its appearance, this monster’s silkworm has failed!

[Endless Road]!

Ma Wen, excluding physical exertion, broke into the ice directly from the periphery of the Permafrost!

The power of the Apocalypse broke out. Between the electric light and the Flint, he took out the sword of the devil!

The huge light rippled constantly and tried to escape Marvin’s killing. However, at this moment, no one can stop Marvin from ruining the ultimate mother!

Seemingly simple and ordinary sword of the devil goes down, and the ferocious light cuts are cut hard in half.


In a flash, thousands of people mourn in Marvin’s ear!

It was the soul that was devoured by dark ghosts. It was completely released at this moment for thousands of years.

If it weren’t for those ancient texts that were already somewhat bleak, they still protected Marvin’s body. I am afraid under the unintentional attack of these sound waves, Marvin could also be hit hard.

It may not be impossible to become a blind man!

The light splits into two bits and becomes a finely divided particle that begins to drift upward.

Under Marvin’s gaze, all the particles condense into a brilliance and rise directly into the sky, breaking through the layers of crust in the dark areas and jetting them towards unknown distant stars!

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