Night Ranger

Chapter 188 Reclusive

The Dark Knight’s Newest Chapter, Volume One The Lost Aristocracy Chapter 188 Reclusive, Gone with the Wind

The trip to the rotten mushroom marshes has made Marvin a lot of harvest. At the end of the day, he did not let the witches and witches make a fuss.

When Marvin left the swamp, his body was still in pain, which made him have to lament the power of the curse.

However, although he did not look closely, he still noticed that among the books he had raided in the Snake Witch Library, there seemed to be a description of the curse of the slayer.

These things are precious resources. Although the current White River Valley has no suitable delivery candidate, Marvin believes that soon, this person will return.

There was a strong sense of foreboding deep in his heart. When Pooh returned from the wilderness, as an apocalypse who had not died, he should be able to embark on the path of a wizard that was unimaginable by his predecessors.

Marvin had already prepared everything for him in the White River Valley, waiting for him to come back.

And the kind of premonition that was accompanied by the more intense, he knew that it all seemed not far away.

By the time the brothers joined forces, Marvin’s burden would be much lighter.

Medrilli and another legendary wizard are ultimately accused of being under the control of Naru’s book.

Marvin couldn’t help but think about this. The power of Naru’s book is terrifying, and even the legendary strong can be taken away from the mind. If Marvin does not have the wisdom of the book, he dares not use the book of Naru.


Leaving the rotten mushroom swamp, Marvin’s purpose has been largely completed.

With Sodom’s blade in his hand, Spectre Defence was in his hand, and even if he couldn’t kill the ultimate ghost mother, he should be able to retreat.

Ultimately, this level of wave of ghosts is basically world-class. It is actually difficult to completely remove her with the existing strength of the dark areas.

Even with Marvin and Jessica as superpowers, it is very difficult. Only Marvin must try it, because the invasion of the dark and ghosts not only relates to the dark areas, but also relates to the chaos and even the surface of the Funan. If the dark spectres are flooded, this terrible population than the plague will threaten the people of Fernan beyond the evil spirits!

of course. This time, in the dark south, there is the last destination.

It is not far from the patio area, there is a quiet valley.

There is a hidden person in the valley. No one has ever seen his appearance.

But Marvin knew his origins.

He holds a strange object in his hand. The name is called Sword of the Devil. What needs to be known is that this phrase was translated directly from the ancient lingua franca. This means that the source of this weapon is very old.

In fact, that hidden person is closely related to the dark ghosts.

They are from the same world.

The Dark Spectre Clan is actually a locust loitering in the Universe. They find a plane behind it. He dug a gap and started to infest, invade, and plunder, eventually devouring the entire plane.

The plane on which the last one was swallowed is the world where the hidden one is.

The plane’s name is already untestable, but as the only remaining strong player in the world, the recluse should have led his people to fight again and again.

He knew well about the dark ghosts, and even more rumored that he had ever played against the ultimate ghost mother.

It was accompanied by the collapse of that world. The ghost of darkness stared at Fernan again.

It was just that the hard-tempered king of the night they encountered in the invasion of Fernan led the ancient sages to seal the ultimate demon mother. In the process, the recluse was said to have come to the world with dark specters and gave some useful advice to the King of the Night.

In the final seal battle, the sword of demons in his hand caused incalculable damage to the ultimate ghost mother. The king of the night could easily complete the seal.

Therefore, after the frequent renewal of the permanent frozen fountain, some people speculated that this hidden person is the key to completing the mission.

Through a series of clues, they got the help of hermits before they finally captured a copy of the perpetual frozen spring and killed the final ghost mother.

It’s just a team of 25 super legend players. This is in addition to possessing the sword of the devil that specifically suppresses the ultimate ghost mother.

This is also why Marvin is not optimistic about the legendary team of Rosen Fortress.

In his view, although the legend of the dark area is generally stronger than the legend of the surface, there is still a big difference compared with the real player in the previous game.

But no matter what. He has to try it.


Passing through the dark tunnel, soon, Marvin came to the quiet valley.

This valley and the neighboring patio area are just a few kilometers away. Once the snake witch once committed a crime. After eating a loss, no one has ever entered the area again.

Marvin stood in the valley mouth for a while. After a short while, I stepped in.

Did not hear that the hidden person has any quirks, that is, does not like to see people, they should not have anything to do with it?

Who knew that he had only just walked in? A huge cockroach jumped out of signposts and said in a jerky idiom:

“The idler stops.”

Marvin smiled and said: “I came to Mr. Hidet.”

He looked at him very humanly: “No one of him is.”

“I have to find him to borrow something.” Marvin explained to himself, but quietly looked at the depths of the valley with Yu Guang.

Unfortunately, the quiet valley is also peculiar, there is no fog, but there is a thick layer of mud suspended in the air, which hindered Marvin’s sight.

“He didn’t know you.” The tone was very blunt: “This is a private land. Please don’t pry into it. It’s no good for you, sir.”

“I’m not vexatious.” Marvin said, “If I haven’t guessed correctly, Mr. Hidet should always be looking at the status of the permafrost. Now what? What did he see?”

He suddenly fell silent.

For a long time, a slightly tired sound came from the depths of the valley:

“I saw destruction.”


In the depths of the valley, beside the shabby wooden house, the legendary dragon who was not seen at the end of the legend, appeared before Marvin.

This made him a bit surprised.

But soon, he understood the reason why the vagrant was willing to meet him.

The past players did not see him. It was because in the eyes of the recluse, they were all ordinary.

Marvin is different.

The word “hidden” reveals: “You are like me, not the people of this world.”

Ma Wen slightly surprised.

He did not understand how the middle-aged man with two crutches in front of him saw his identity as a passer-by. However, when he thought that the other person was not a Financier, he was relieved.

“This is not a very important thing,” said Marvin earnestly: “Mr. Hidden, the seal of the everlasting frozen spring has become looser than ever before…”

“Yes, because your God has chosen to undermine the order in which one’s struggling are built.”

The hidden eyes of the Hidden are ridiculous: “I have already seen destruction.”

“The tragedies that occurred in my hometown will be repeated here.”


Fourth more! There is one more chapter. I try to write. Ask for a ticket. The recommended ticket need not be wasted! (To be continued.)

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