Night Ranger

Chapter 148 Sleeping Warriors

Dark Knight’s Newest Chapter, Volume One Lost Aristocrat Chapter 148 Sleeping Warriors, Gone with the Wind

The brilliant Guanghua continued to rotate at the top of the hall and eventually formed a small whirlpool.

The light emitted in the whirlpool makes people feel warm.

Faintly, everyone heard low and low singing voices coming from the whirlpool.

The whirlpool kept spinning, and the central mouth was getting bigger and bigger. In the eye-catching eyes of everyone, there was a starry sky behind the hole!

They directly passed through the barriers in the castle and saw the clearest star palace.


A total of 247 stars are formed.

This kind of story, which only exists in people’s rumors, is displayed in front of everyone.

Whirlpool keeps rotating.

In the end, Guanghua Fusion became a spot of light, slowly descending into Marvin’s eyebrows.

“What happened?”

Everyone is staring at Marvin, concerned about his physical changes.

However, Marvin had a hand in hand: “I didn’t feel anything.”

Constantine stunned and said: “Your kid really is a bit of luck… The last time I saw a birthday wish to succeed, it all seemed like it was more than ten years ago.”

The old blacksmith had a deep look at Marvin and no words.

Marvin himself was confused.

Marvin knows about the constellation of prayer.

In previous games, every player who enters Funan will have his own birthday. Wishing a wish to the star palace on his birthday, he will receive a three-day blessing.

This blessing may be a few points to improve the property. It may also directly increase attack power – some simply double the experience.

But the indigenous people of Fernandin, there is no such welfare. Only a handful of people can get the Star Palace’s response when they pray.

Ma Wen thought he was crossing into the aboriginal people’s body. It should be that nothing is possible to get a response from the fish.

I didn’t expect the Star Palace to really respond to itself.

However, the blessing he received this time was completely different from the game.

After Guanghua’s brilliance was integrated into Marvin’s body, his data panel did not change.

Only under the column of characters, there is a message of “Blessing (not activated) of the fishes.”

He does not know how to activate this thing.

However, what he cares about is that the location of the “Blessing of the Marshal” appears exactly the same as the “Lucky+1” that appeared after the fortunate elves Eduard Blessed himself.

“Is it the same as the last time that I need some special conditions to trigger?”

Marvin’s heart guessed.

But anyway. It is certainly a good thing to be able to get the blessing of the carp.

The moment everyone celebrated. In a lively “Happy Birthday”, Marvin spent his first birthday in Fernan.

At least until that day before 12 o’clock in the evening, he not only chats with friends, but also rests. Did not do anything.

He paused on the sofa in the hall for a moment.

During this time, it was really tired.


In the temporary camp on the coast, a girl in a sarong hugs her knees, sits on a high rock, and stares at the west.

Just now, she saw with her own eyes that a group of brilliant Guanghua descended from the fishery seat and landed in a short distance.


“It turned out to be his birthday today.” Lola thought quietly.

After today, the throne is dominated by the constellation of the Central Star Palace.

A person quietly came and sat side by side with her.

“There are few when you don’t speak.” The elf prince also saw the bright brilliance.

As a legendary of him. Perceived much higher than the average person.

“About three years in the constellation of the constellation of the constellation Urn, Marvin is a very special person.”

He said so.

Lola nodded and she looked as if she was depressed.

“Are you annoyed that you can’t personally tell him a happy birthday?”

Ibrahimovic took the initiative to talk with Lola.

The degree of hatred of a woman by a fairy prince. His attitude to Lola is simply amazing.

Maybe she was the kind of girl who couldn’t hate her, but she really couldn’t hate her.

“Actually, what I said with the sailors was false. I was deceiving them.”

Lola opened her face and avoided the subject. “I’m not a business executive at White River. I’m just a liar.”

“For Marvin, I probably have such a role. It’s insignificant.”

“He chose to believe me only because he felt that everyone should have an opportunity to be forgiven.”

“I always messed things up. Even things like purchasing food. I didn’t do it well. There was really no value at all.”

Ibrahimovic was silent for a moment.

He patted Lola’s shoulder gently: “You’re wrong.”

“There are things that you don’t do well, not that you have no value. It’s that nobody or the environment can help you to use your own value.”

“And Marvin, he chose to believe that you are not just for this reason. I want to be more fundamental, or because he believes you are a kind girl.”

“This world is very messy. Strong people can’t protect everyone. Therefore, for many weak people, lying is a necessary skill for life.”

“If you want to live, you must lie, don’t you?”

Ibrahimovic’s words have not yet been finished. The girl beside him has begun to cry silently.

“You are quite right. Actually, I don’t want to be a liar…”

“When I was very young, my father was gone…”

“When my mother was dying, let me live well. But what can I do? I am a rural girl who does not have any life skills…. A sister who grew up grew up selling me to a brothel. I tried my best. The method escaped.”

“Then I didn’t start believing anyone. I started to learn to deceive people. Only this way. I can live.”

“I don’t fight as hard as you or Marvin. I can’t protect myself.”

“You said that people like us are so hard to live in this world. What’s the point?”

Lola sobbed and asked Ibrahim.

The elf prince shook his head and said firmly: “Everyone in this world is alive, and it makes sense.”

“This sentence was told by my father when I was very young. He is the most powerful person in the world.”

“So he must believe it.”

Laura, who was tearful, nodded and knew how to nod.

She may not even know what Ibrahim’s father is.

But this sentence, for her now. It is already the greatest comfort.

“Thank you, Ibrahimovic.”

She asked cautiously: “However, why did you take the initiative to speak to me today?”

“You don’t dislike women?”

Ibrahim felt funny while looking at the alertness of Lola’s eyes.

He smiled and flashed a hint of loneliness:

“Because sometimes I’m boring. I think too. What do I live for?”

Lola said earnestly: “But you fight so badly, there is a father who is so good to you.”

Ibrahimovic said: “After ten years old, he did not tell me any positive words.”

Lola stared at Ibrahim and suddenly patted Ibrahimovic’s shoulder.

“Don’t be so sad, at least you look so handsome.”

“Do you know the story of the fish? If you don’t know it, I can speak to you.”

“When the earliest legends were told, there was no such thing as a constellation in this world. After Lance’s advent, there was a constellation. And in the case of the carp, he was ready to go…”

The sea breeze is great. The girl’s voice was gradually blown away in the wind.

As the night darkened, the fish in the sky flashed past the last glimmer of light, eventually being dominated by the more overbearing Neptune.

Summer. It will soon be over.


Late at night, Marvin slowly opened his eyes from the bed.

In this sense, he slept soundly.

This time, it may be too tired, even if it was taken from the restaurant to the bedroom did not feel.

Ma Wen rubbed his temples and tried to get his spirit up.

He is dressed. Leaving the bedroom, he hurried to where the old blacksmith lived.

It is a blacksmith workshop.

Late at night. The old blacksmith is still hitting iron. The jingle sound is limited to the interior of the blacksmith’s shop and will not affect the rest of the rest.

“You come?” He seemed to know that Marvin would come.

“You know what I want to do?” Marvin smiled.

“Of course, this crowd of risky people seems to have a lot of people and can directly overthrow the Ogre tribe.”

“But in actual combat, their morale and cohesion are doubtful. Once they have died, they may be dispersed.”

“You can’t rely on the silver church or other outside forces to win this war?”

The old blacksmith shook his eyebrows. “Even if you don’t come tonight, you will definitely come tomorrow night.”

“But you think you will take a day off.”

“I have enough rest.”

Marvin took a deep breath: “Help me open the country of night.”

“I need their help.”

Shinn nodded. “Indeed, they also slept for too long.”

“From the days of their sleep, there have been too many changes in the world. I have heard many news from many friends, including Ms. Hathaway.”

“This world will soon undergo a shocking change.”

“If you have the power, go and wake them up.”

“They are true warriors.”


Early the next morning, a luxurious team slowly stopped outside the Baihe Valley.

The team consisted of three luxury carriages, more than twenty high-level knights and more knight servants.

They have a banner and a half moon on the banner.

Soon, an envoy who was responsible for the report boarded the castle in the White River Valley.

Marvin at this time was not inside the castle.

Everything is handled by Anna and Pooh.

Only when they met the envoy and listened to the other party’s intentions, both of them were invariably surprised:

“Another fiancee?”

… (to be continued)

Ps: In the last chapter of May, transitional chapters, one clue, should start slowly. Thank you for your monthly ticket support. There will be a summary of this month after zero. Here you can book your monthly security ticket for the beginning of June. Thank you.

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