Night Ranger

Chapter 134 Chapter Name

Dark Knight’s Newest Chapter, Volume One Lost Aristocracy Chapter 134 Chapters

Jester was shocked.

There are still people who do not know how to live or die!

He blinked and watched the skinny boy come out of the crowd with a young girl of similar age.

Behind them, follow a group of refugees. Their eyes filled with hope, but in the eyes of Jester, this hope became fear.

“Where did the children come from?”

Jester frowned: “The king does not welcome waste without fighting power!”

“This is my last statement. Whereever you come from, you’ll roll back! I don’t care what Dagong’s warrants say. Now, here’s what I say!”

“Guards! Get them away!”

“close the door!”

Say, Jester looked at Marvin disgustedly.

This kid made him feel uncomfortable. Although he was a child, he would not really kill him, but he must give him a lesson.

Otherwise, these civilians really want to rebel!

Thought of this, he suddenly raised his finger and hummed in a low voice.


A black halo descended directly from heaven and pressed against Marvin’s body!

【Aura of fear】!

This halo is enough to allow an adult to be shrouded in fear of haze, scared to cry, not to mention an ordinary boy!

Jester laughed with satisfaction. He was ready to watch the youngsters and he was shocked by others.

Even if he was sitting on the wall and watching the group of people swaying underneath, it was annoying.

It is best to drive away.


The refugees showed a desperate look.

The only militia they could count on was deluded by Jester’s tactics. What can the boy do?

Seeing that he was shrouded in the ring of fear, they could not bear themselves.

However, in the next second, Halo falls on Marvin, who does not respond at all.

He is still stepping forward firmly.

“This kid is weird!”

Jest was surprised.

In his perception. This is clearly an ordinary boy.

However, he can actually exempt himself from the fear ring.

“Is it luck?”

There is some doubt in Jest. This is not impossible, spiritual charm spells. There is a certain probability of failure. If the juvenile’s will is firmer, there is indeed a possibility of exemption.

However, if this is the case, this boy is not his waste, at least it is worth training.

But no matter what, in this situation, Jester would not want him to enter the city.

Under his order, the guards began to close the gate.

The remaining people widened their eyes and watched as Marvin stepped over.

Jester sneers, even if he can exempt the first spell, but also exempt the second one?

So he did not give up the second spell in the past.

Marvin is still not affected!

This time. Jester finally changed color. He shouted: “All people are on alert!”

“This kid may be a devil!”

This time, not only are the guards on the walls facing the enemy, even the refugees are full of fear in looking at Marvin’s eyes!

Only those who were rescued by Marvin did not believe in Jester’s words and jokes. If Marvin were a demon, how could he allow Isabelle to kill the demon squad?


The guards hurriedly closed the door.

The alarm bell on the wall was also ringed and a city defense warlock team was rushing over.

Jestt made a sweat. Do not know how, this seemingly no strength of the teenager gave him a great deal of pressure.

He did not even have the meaning of his hands, but he had an aggressive style.

Isabel silently followed Ma Wen. Soon, the two came to the city gate.

“Jester? What’s wrong?”

The captain of the Warlocks team finally arrived. It was a hot woman.

They heard the alarm bells on the walls. This is an unusual measure to use.

Jester’s face was somewhat uncertain. He pointed at Marvin and said: “This kid may be a devil!”

“All people. Attack with me!”

Upon hearing the word “devil”, the warlocks suddenly looked very different.

The king’s bloody battle continued until yesterday evening. Lavish’s warlocks can be said to be the devils and demons.

So far, they are subconsciously ready to attack!

The atmosphere became tense and all the warlocks were staring at Marvin. If he had any changes, there would be dozens of spells on him!

Most of the magic spells of the Warlock are instantaneous, although the power may be weaker, but the speed is absolutely amazing.

The captain of the Warlock squad is confident that the devil can be smashed into the dungeon for the first time!

However, at this time, Marvin under the gate of the city suddenly raised his head, showing a look of helplessness:

“Are you sure you want to do this?”

“We just want to enter the city.”

Jester immediately jumped and shouted: “Don’t think that disguised as a human, you can get into the king! Under my watch, your devil don’t want to get in!”

Say, he will be the first to use spells!

Suddenly, he heard a light drink beside him: “Stop!”

He is the captain of the Warlocks.

Jaste brow wrinkled, this team although nominally managed by him, but in fact is Daniela’s people, he did not like them.

It just happened that they were in rotation.

“You guys want to resist?” Jester pretends to be furious, but in his heart is smirking.

There is reason to change the preparation of this team into its own.

The captain of the Warlocks looked coldly at Jester: “Just adults, you seem nervous, and the ones below are not demons.”

When Jester came, he suddenly discovered that other people in the Warlock squad looked at their eyes as if they were idiots!

This feeling made him very unhappy, he looked down subconsciously.

At this moment, he finally saw the appearance of Marvin.

A very handsome boy.

It looks a little familiar.

Jester’s head was slightly blunt.

The sardonic voice of the captain of the warlock suddenly passed over:

“If you let the elders know you, you are trying to attack the famous “plane-destroyer”, “God-defying” now Fernand’s only recognized hero, Marvin adults in the White River Valley. What do you think will happen? ”

The voice of the captain of the warlock was clearly heard and fell into the ears of someone in the venue!

Everyone is shocked!

Marvin the god of war!

If. Today’s Fernan, who is the most famous, may be for most people, the Elven King Nicholas is the only choice!

The guardians of the three planes, together with Erik who embodied the star beast, are courageous fighters fighting the gods. There is no doubt about this. Among them, the Grand Elven King is the most famous, and the remaining three people have some unknown names.

And these four people are below. Although Northland has begun to circulate the story of the female warrior Eve, the legend of the Rocky Mountains in the South and the Three Sisters of Destiny also began to circulate, but the most famous is the owner of the White River Valley Refuge!

Destroyers on planes, dragonslayers, blasphemers… too many titles are all in one!

When the Cataclysm was turned on, it was the first time he had lit the Order Fire. That time. His appearance has left a deep impression in the minds of every Finannan soul!

Under the impact of boundless magic, he was the first to stand up and spill the order back to earth.

Although not much, they gave them hope as did the four strong men who faced the gods in the universe.

Give them the confidence to live!

In Marvin’s data panel, the prestige column, especially the World Reputation column. Has already burst out!

Not only Fei Nan. Even the dead domain, as well as other regions. The legend of Marvin is circulated.

He is the most heroic hero of this era!

Wei Hing!


All the people in the room watched Marvin silently, and their eyes burned with a warm flame.

That is the flame of hope.

Gastton became thirsty.

He looked at Marvin, and the images in memory finally overlapped with reality!

No wonder that I just felt a little familiar…

Jester suddenly surprised that he hadn’t waited for him to react. Marvin said indifferently:

“Can we go to the city?”

The Warlock squad’s people liked the little chickens.

Just kidding, everyone knows that Daniela and hero Marvin have a lot to do with each other.

Unless Ravis’s brain pumped!

In an instant, the city gate opened wide!

Marvin took the lead first and then turned to beckon the rest of the refugees:

“Come in, no one can go against Dagong’s warrants, and no one can drive you.”

The refugees did not dare to believe and looked at Jest.

The latter was obviously not reconciled. He said, “He is biting his teeth, and said with difficulty:” Even if you are Marvin, you cannot interfere with the defense of the king’s city… You are the Lord of the White River Valley, but it is not you at Laves. Have the final say!”

The hope that the refugees had just started was instantly wiped out!

The people in the Warlocks’ team face have become ugly. They did not know the news of Jester’s rejection of the refugees. They did not expect him to dare to do so. Openly disobeying the Grand Prix! However, as he said, the city defense service is really responsible for him temporarily, and the rest of the people should not intervene.

They are also somewhat embarrassed.

Ma Wen narrowed his eyes and the warlock was really stubborn.

“Now you are responsible for Wangdu’s defense of the city?”

In one night, he came directly to Jest.

The latter was shocked by him and nodded subconsciously.

However, in the next second, he only felt that his eyes were dark and a sharp pain hit him from behind his head.

“It is a pity that the city defense officials of the king of Ravis are not feeling well. It seems that they must apply to the Grand Duke and send another candidate.”

This is the last sentence that Jester had heard before he fell into a coma. Even before he fell into a coma, he almost jeopardized him!

When Jest was beaten, his parents did not dare to say a word. All the soldiers, too, they looked at Marvin, his eyes full of fanatical worship!

Marvin turned and looked at the people outside the city and calmly said:

“Now no one can stop you from entering the city.”

The city suddenly burst into cheers.

For a time, the atmosphere that had been somewhat hazy was swept away and the city gate became lively.

The captain of the Warlock squad smiled, but she still selectively ignored Jest.

“Master Marvin, I have passed the news. The Grand Prince was very happy to hear about your visit. She is ready to meet you.”

Marvin stumbled.

He keenly noticed that the deixis used in the other sentence was “she”!


[Fourth more to send! There is still a fifth more! ] (To be continued.)

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