Night Ranger

Vol 2 Chapter 47: Shadow avatar

Sure enough, it is the book of Naru!

Although it was expected, Marvin was very happy to be able to get this artifact fragment so smoothly.

This piece of parchment is the sixth page of Naru's book.

Everyone can inspire some of their potential by reading the sixth page of Naru's book.

It may seem beautiful, but the book of Naru is not entirely beneficial.

This is a book about prophecy written by all your divine power before the fall of the deceitful god!

Because the destiny, fortunes, and other priesthoods are not controlled, the future that the gods see is very limited. The **** of fraud is said to be one of the deepest gods involved in the fate of the river!

If you read this book of Naru completely, it is said that even the gods will go crazy!

This is not a hole in the wind, the new gods born in the Third Age - one of them [Anger of the Fury] Angola, a very powerful warrior, has secretly watched the complete book of Naru!

After reading the results, he directly collapsed and the kingdom of God was destroyed!

The scene at the time was very horrible. The nearby gods witnessed the scene of the destruction of the earth: the power of the violent Lord turned into a meteor, and madly went to all parts of the multiverse!

Each meteor is equivalent to a six-ring spell!

The gods near the violent Lord of God also ate some losses, and they had to fight against the power of these collapses!

That is an innocent disaster!

Just because you read a book, the eternal life and strength that have been painstakingly exchanged are completely annihilated.

Since then, among the gods, Naru's book has become a taboo word.

Whether it is the ancient gods of the first two or three generations born of nature, or the new gods born in the Tertiary, they all respect the book of Naru.

And after that experience, Naru's book itself was also smashed by the power of the violent Lord, and it became a page of separate sheepskin rolls, scattered around Fernan.

Some even fell on the evil spirits plane.

Time has passed and people seem to have forgotten them.

But Marvin knows that there are still many mysterious organizations in Fernan collecting secret books in Naru.

For example, the mysterious organization called [Black Rider Retreat]. Founded by the Black Knight Cang Gore, this undead guy has been working hard to collect the book of Naru.

It is said that only the true wise man can see through the real content of the whole book. What is contained in this is the major secret of the rise and fall of Feinan.

Whoever truly understands the book of Naru can gain real power.


Ma Wen does not know how many famous books are in Naru.

But on the sixth page, he knows the roots.

The book of Naru on the sixth page is a very practical item.

Everyone can read and can be motivated, but those who are not determined can easily be inspired by the evil side.

Ma Wen’s self-confidence, coupled with the gift of a headless girl, should have a added value in the will test.

So he decided to read it himself before handing Nalu's book to Hathaway.

The bonfire gradually warmed his body. He put on his clothes, took a deep breath, and opened the rope that tied the sheepskin roll.

A short text with a picture appeared in the eyes of Marvin.

He does not know these words.

The **** of fraud is the third generation of ancient gods, like the **** of plague, they use ancient gods!

However, the writing of Nalu is for people to see. Although the reader can't understand the words, he can also receive the various meanings contained in it.

Only everyone accepts different information.

In an instant, Marvin only felt that the image in front of him had twisted like a sly.

There was a cold feeling in the parchment in your hand!

The low whisper sounded in his ear, as if the ancient devil was whispering and seducing.

There was a large, large shadow in front of his eyes.

The shadows are constantly changing and eventually become a personal shadow. The figures are well-equipped and the movements are neatly behind one person.

They are a cliff in front of them.

The weird scene came to an abrupt end!

Because Marvin has struggled with his own will from the virtual space and time made on the sixth page of Naru's book!


[You are reading the book of Naru (page 6)]

[You entered the fraud space...]

[The relevant will check is underway...]

[The will test passed...]

[Your potential is motivated, and in your blood, there seems to be a peculiar energy ready to go. 】

[You got a talent spell - shadow avatar]

Ma Weng stunned at the extra spells in his spell list, and he was ecstatic!

This body, actually has such potential?

He had previously spit out the basics of this body, and the second half of the question mark on the character panel, he thought it was difficult to be stimulated.

It was only when the elf gods pointed out that he was a descendant of the Numan people, and he realized that the question mark might be famous.

But not everyone who has the blood of the Numan people can stimulate their own blood. Ma Wen knows several ways to activate, but none of them are dangerous. He is not willing to do such an attempt.

I just didn't expect that, on the sixth page of Naru's book, I got some information about my blood in advance!

He got a very powerful talent spell - shadow avatar!

[Shadow avatar]: There are always shadows hiding in the light of the sun. Every day you can use the shadows to create a shadow avatar that lasts for three minutes.

The strength of the shadow is about one-half of Marvin's own. But with all the skills of Marvin - in addition to the ability to blood.

The emergence of this new ability has allowed Marvin’s combat power to soar!

A double-knife ranger is very fierce, plus a shadow!

In this way, even during the day, Marvin is not worth any other profession!

And at night... within the same level, not to mention invincible, basically can take a big advantage!

Of course, these are just good news on the surface.

More importantly, Marvin seems to have guessed his own blood attributes!

"Shadows are separated...shaded..."

"It's actually this ability. Then, if I didn't guess wrong, the blood of this body inheritance may be the special branch of the Numan people..."

Ma Wen, sitting on the ground, carefully collected Naru's book while recalling relevant knowledge.

That special branch, even in the Numan people, is an alternative. It is also very difficult to fully activate the rare blood.

Even Marvin, who is so experienced, doesn't know how to get it. After all, the Numan people are really mysterious.

"...I will talk about it later, anyway, the strength of the present is enough to cope with the Holy Grail battle and the next situation."

"The Cataclysm has at least four months. I still have time."

His gaze moved to another thing in the box.

It is a human skin mask.

Fraud mask.

This is also a magic item in itself, but unfortunately because it has been soaked in water all the year round, it has appeared to be damaged. It seems to be used only two or three times.

This human skin mask can be made easy to wear. After wearing it, it can become any person you want to even the gods can't tell!

Because this is with the ancient power of the **** of fraud.

I also carefully closed the human skin mask and extinguished the campfire. Marvin was ready to leave the cave.

Who knows that at this time, in his perception, he suddenly heard a low footstep!

Someone is nearby?

Ma Wen is a spirit, the double knife is in the hand, and the hand is close to the hole!

There was a heavy breath in the grass beside the cave!

"The worm is a little skill..." Marvin sneered.

He jumped in and slashed the scimitar, and immediately cut a piece of tall grass into a clearing.


An exclaimed came, a pale-faced elf boy fell to the ground!

"Is it you?" Marvin was surprised.

This boy was amazed by what he had encountered in the village before. At that time, he was still entangled in Marvin and asked about the story of the adventurers. Marvin casually told him a few stories, thinking that he would be satisfied.

But after the teenager heard the story, he was more interested. At that time, Ma Wen did not care.

"What are you doing here?" Marvin asked seriously.

The elf boy looked at Marvin and suddenly said, "Can I go with you?"

"I don't want to be kept in the village for a lifetime. I heard that the world is very big."

"I want to go outside and see."

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