Night Ranger

Chapter 104 Sacrifice

The Dark Knight’s Newest Chapter, Volume One The Lost Aristocracy Chapter 104 Sacrifice, Gone with the Wind

Surprise came suddenly, Marvin almost did not hold back launch King Kong form!

“This knife, actually so sharp?”

In his heart, Marvin was no longer hesitant and suddenly rushed up with a machete.

After the bladed demon had broken his forearm, the bladed devil was obviously injured. After Marvin opened the desperation sword, it was even more impossible to parry.

Before long, his two arms were cut off by Marvin Sang with a hunting machete.

With his arms lost, the blade demon completely lost his threat. His body was restored to its original shape, and his eyes were full of pain.

Marvin knocked it down and eventually tied the devil with a rope.

This hunter’s scimitar is simply worth the money, but it can be hard with the edge of the blade demon. The sharpness is probably still above the green leaves!

Or is it that there is a special bonus for hunting machetes sold by ghosts on this special hunting ground?

Marvin’s heart suddenly had a lot of speculation, look to the machete’s eyes have become full of surprises.

He collected the machete and was ready to interrogate prisoners.

However, the result was repulsive. After the Blade Demon was captured by Marvin, he had been struggling.

Whatever Marvin asked, he refused to answer a word.

Basically, he is yelling or roaring, even if he speaks, it is a very difficult abyss dialect…

Under the gloomy conditions, Marvin could only kill it with one knife.

At that moment, the bladed demon’s body floated a mark and fell into Marvin’s hands.

The hunter’s mark.

The blade demon also arrived in the autumn hunting ground, so kill him and get the hunter’s mark.

Regarding the leader behind him, although there is no clear evidence yet, Marvin has doubts in his mind and he must pay attention in the future.


After finishing the blade demon. Marvin is prepared to leave this place as soon as possible.

The blade demon can come to the door, then those two dream guardians are also likely to appear nearby.

If it is one-on-one, Marvin still has a few chances to win; one-two is really too difficult to fight.

The good news is that both sides have lost the legendary rule. For Marvin, it is a more favorable situation.

The legendary career guarded by the dream is definitely higher than Marvin, but it is much higher.

With only a 20-level mortal strength, Marvin does not necessarily lose to them with his strong fighting experience.

But in this strange place of autumn hunting grounds, Marvin did not want to meet those two strong players too early. This kind of fighting is really too expensive.

God knows what kind of crisis it will face in the land of the god of wildness, the horrible evil god.

Live, get enough hunters’ seals, and enter the wilderness at the right time. Marvin is now the only way out.

He stayed in the mountains for a little while, and opened the box by the way.

What surprised him was that there was something in the box.

That’s a bronze key. It looks like it’s open. In addition, the box is empty.

After taking the key, Marvin glanced at him and decided that there was nothing nearby and he was ready to leave.

Who knows it at this time. Above the sky drastic changes.

A large number of clouds gathered instantly, on the lonely wilderness. Suddenly it started to rain.

The raindrops fell on Marvin. He actually felt a burning pain!

“This is not rain…”

Marvin was animated and instantly responded: “This daddy is sulfuric acid!”

Large-scale sulfuric acid rain!

This strange climate was basically invisible to Fernand. Marvin looked around, but near the radius, it was covered with sulfuric acid rain. If you are forced to sprint, I am afraid that you will suffer a lot of damage.

At the moment, he can only bite his teeth and bend down to drill into the cave.

There are caves in the cave, although the external entrance is a bit narrow. However, it is still very open inside.

The tunnel is sloping downwards, but the upper entrance is high, and half an hour of sulfuric acid rain is estimated to be impossible to fill.

Marvin found a corner and watched the situation at any time, and he took a rest.

In heavy rain, there was a sour gas in the air.

Marvin took a deep breath and tried to calm his mind.

Taking advantage of this time, he wanted to analyze the clues at hand.

According to the ghosts, the autumn hunting grounds were indeed a space opened by the god of the wild, and only himself and his men could open it.

There is no doubt that the opening of hunting grounds this fall is probably not the work of the wilderness.

Marvin heard that voice. It was in Regis’s remains. He overheard the voice of the Emerald Banshee and a Lich.

At that time, he overheard what the Lich seemed to be planning. It seemed to be related to the Wilderness Hall, the remains of Regis, and even Miss Yinyue.

Only he did not expect that he would be involved in this incident because he was being chased and killed.

What is currently certain is that the god of the wilderness has not yet been resurrected.

This is probably the only thing that makes people happy.

After all, when one thinks of facing the ancient evil spirits in which the legendary gods are all changed, mortals will have a headache.

But the Lich… is not a good creature.

Marvin sighed deep. There must be many hidden feelings behind this matter.

The appearance of the grip of cold light and the opening of the hunting grounds in autumn are obviously a deliberate plot.

What is the purpose of the Lich?

There is no killing for no reason whatsoever. What if the lich is only trying to satisfy his desire for killing? Why not choose a straightforward way?

The accumulation of a large number of legendary strongmen like this is actually a certain risk.

Even if he has a home advantage, he will inevitably face the test of many strong players.

When he does this, he must have his plot.

Thought of this, Marvin suddenly subconsciously remembered the body of the Blade Demon!

He walked quickly to the hole and looked out.

However, in the next second, he only felt like a twitch!

The body of the Blade Demon is melting little by little under the effect of sulfuric acid rain.

Under the land where he lay down, the soil kept creeping.

As if he had a greedy mouth, he was constantly drawing his flesh!

Soon, the entire body of the Blade Demon was digested clean.

The earth regained its calm.

However, the shocking scene just now was deeply imprinted in Marvin’s mind.

He suddenly understood what this scene was like.

“This is an offering!”

“Damn it! This is not hunting at all! Autumn hunting grounds are essentially an offering.”

“What do he really want to do with the flesh and blood sacrifices of so many legendary strongmen?”

Ma Wen thought more and more horrible: “Won’t this. This madman really wants to resurrect the wilderness?”

Now he can’t reveal the answer.

Only by living and arriving in the wilderness can we have the opportunity to see the final result.

After a while, the sulfuric acid rain stopped, and Marvin walked out of the cave. It seemed as though he had not had any rain.

However, Ma Wen’s face was more dignified.

This place is like a stomach!

A greedy stomach.

I would like to face too many difficulties if I want to make a comedy.

In the distance, several figures continue to jump.

Ma Wen frowned and immediately opened the sneak, quickly approaching the past.

… (to be continued …)

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