Night Ranger

Chapter 102 Hunting begins!

The Dark Knight’s Newest Chapter, Volume One The Lost Aristocracy Chapter 102 The Hunting Begins! , Astronomy

On the hunter’s hunting ground, Ma Wenfei froze fast.

But compared to before, his speed has dropped dramatically!

The ghost did not deceive him. In this bizarre fall hunting ground, his legendary career, the Dark Lord, lost any effect.

Legendary rule is invalid!

He only has 20 regular masters.

The only good news is that the rest should do the same.

Marvin’s strength lies in the fact that he has more part-time jobs. Whether he is a magician or a firearms gunner, he can help him in this hunt.

In front, the bonfire glows brighter and brighter.

The dark vision did not lose because it was not part of the legendary rule, but was a gift from the king of the night. Even the god of the wild could not directly kill this rule.

This point, let Marvin calmed down a lot.

If he loses his dark vision, his strength will be further constrained.

What’s more, he has become accustomed to the ability to have a superb view anytime and anywhere. All of a sudden, he loses his ability and may not be able to adapt.

After all, relying on dark vision for a long period of time has caused his skills such as “listening to the voices” and “blind fighting” not to be very high.

Because the nature of this hunt is still not well understood, Marvin still wants to find a place to stay.

But looking ahead, there are small hills and small mountains in the lonely wilderness, and there are no buildings.

Only under a hillside not far away, vaguely revealing an ignition.

Marvin looked real, it was a bunch of fire.

And the shape of the bonfire was very similar to what he saw in the illusion.

His instincts tell him strongly that in the past he might gain something.

In any case, no one encountered anybody. Marvin launched the operation directly.


As he stepped closer to the hill, Marvin found that the mountains in the area still fluctuate.

From a distance, it was only a small hill bag. When he left, he found it was still quite high.

The bonfire is in a foothills, almost like a swindler.

Beside the campfire, some wood was scattered. In addition, there is a box!

There were a lot of straw under the box and a hide on it.

On the fire, there was a kettle. At this point the kettle has boiled, and a large amount of water vapor boils.

He can feel a different kind of warmth.

“How it feels like it suddenly returned to the most ancient times.”

Marvin wiped his nose and felt a little strange in his heart.

There was a shadow in the depths of the foothills. He carefully examined it and found it to be a small cave.

The cave is only about half a person high. Marvin could only walk in. What was in the cave, he was not sure.

If it is in Fernan, Marvin can be judged by experience. This is mostly a goblin cave; but in the bloody wilderness, there may be ordinary goblin?

What’s more, here is an autumn hunting ground that is even more dangerous than the bloody wilderness!

“Water seems to have just opened. Is there a hunter?”

Marvin examined the trail carefully but found no footprints.

If this is really a hunter’s temporary stronghold, then this hunter must be a very old and cunning man.

Think of it here. Marvin felt a bit heavy.

The invalid rules of the legend not only mean the loss of legendary abilities and areas, but also mean that Aoba cannot be used.

There was no good knife on his body, so he really could only use a hunting machete bought from the ghost.

However, when the machete saw it, he knew that it was not a good thing. The blade was full of rust. Marvin wondered if he had cut it hard and it broke.

He usually used the two-pole knife, and suddenly he did not feel comfortable with a knife.

After thinking about it, he still managed to pull out a pair of muskets from the storage facility. Cut the machete to the waist.

This is the best magical weapon that Constantine bestowed on him. He was top of the line of firearms.

The two handle pistols were named Astaloga, and the other one was called Satan, which is the name of a certain lord of the abyss and a powerful devil.

Before the battle. Marvin once used them, and the effect was pretty good. Although he was not as scared as Zi Yao, he was top of the list of thermal weapons in Fernan.

He estimated that if he does not have a good knife, he may not be able to make too much of a bargain in the close combat.

So he simply crammed. Put a lot of experience into the “Firewire Gunner” career.

He also did not care about what the second part of the experience of the punishment, directly to the FireWire gunner heaped to 10 levels.

So he suddenly changed to become the top FireWire gunner with ten Ranger levels.

All skill points, except for basic assignments (those on precision shooting and other specialties), are lost to McKenzie Martial Arts.

This martial art can greatly enhance his battle under the legend.

Although it may be useless after restoring the legendary skills, now it can be topped.

Anyway, first live and say it again.

Thinking of this, Marvin prepared to open the box and see what was inside.

Who knows it is at this time, among his perceptions, suddenly skipping a shadow!

“The ghost will not break.”

Marvin’s body did not move.

Perceive the moment the earth opens, everything in the vicinity is kept in his eyes.

In the bushes not far away, the dirt rises slightly, and a dark shadow is approaching one by one!

He does not have to look at it, and he can judge who is coming out of it by virtue of the blood of the magic warlock that is boiling inside.

“Who is this Blade Demon?

“Although there are many people who I have sinned against, it seems that there is not a lot of dealings with the abyss.”

“Is it Balkh’s old man? Reaction so fast?”

He also didn’t think much about it and still kept his actions.

On the surface, he still went to the box.

In fact, his hands have gripped two muskets.

He knows that the blade demon’s constitution is very strong. With two guns, I am afraid it is difficult to kill him.

In this area, the legendary rule is invalid.

But Marvin was not afraid of him.

Dealing with the devil, he has his own hand.

The blade demon is still sneaking.

His actions are patient. Hiding under the earth is his most powerful skill. If it wasn’t for the power of Master Conn that he taught to Marvin, he would not be aware of it at all.

He was waiting, waiting for Marvin to bend to open the box.

that time. It is Marvin’s most unprepared moment.

“Killing this human can accomplish the task.”

At this moment, in the eyes of the blade demon, only Marvin alone.

The next second, Marvin bent.


The darkness behind him suddenly rose.


Icy hunting grounds. A single figure emerged in succession.

Most people are pale, but barely keep calm.

In one corner of the hunting ground, the girl with crimson eyes looked at the four malicious men around and seemed to be talking to herself:

“Then, hunting started?”

“Hands on it…” The whisperer said lazily: “Although I don’t know who started the autumn hunting grounds, it is certainly not a wilderness… He’s certainly not so boring now. If he has the power to open the autumn hunting grounds , will certainly choose to directly wake up. And if it is someone else, then it is not afraid.”

“Kill them. Anyway, they are not good people. Get enough hunter stamps to get into the real wilderness.”

“You will have the chance to get the cold light by then.”

“Teacher, you don’t have to take care of my emotions.” Isabel said calmly: “Even if the four of them are good guys, I will do it.”

The cold winter assassin was a bit sloppy by the little girl.

The other four people are baffling.

Four of them, originally adventurers near the City of Light, came from a sub-plane.

Because of some coincidences, they arrived in the bloody wilderness and experienced a nine-death experience. Become a legendary strongman.

This time, they also heard that the grip of the cold light appeared in the East Light of the City of Lights before they came to try their luck.

As a result, the grip of the cold light did not touch, but met a beautiful girl.

She looks nervous. Often talk to himself.

Four people came together and Isabel did not reject it.

However, when the black vortex forces them into the autumn hunting ground, their nature is exposed.

“I’m sorry, little girl.” One of them licked his lips: “We all need the hunter’s mark, it seems that you can only use your use first…”

However, his voice did not fall. A cold flash

Heads to the ground!

“How many times have I told you, don’t use talents indiscriminately!” The Winter Assassins yelled at Isabel’s ear.

“I don’t have a teacher,” Isabel said softly, her eyes getting a little excited:

“In this place, their response and speed seem to have slowed down.”

“And I, the rules here don’t seem to affect me.”

The other three men looked at the headless body of their partner’s blood. They suddenly opened their eyes.

However, it was too late to escape.


In the dark hunting grounds, a squad with great talent emerged.

“Sure enough, it is the site of the wilderness.”

“If we can enter the wilderness this time and get the grip of the cold, we will surely receive the praise from God!”

A magician looked at the empty sky in the distance without fear and shouted, “We will succeed!”

Behind him, a total of six shrine samurai silently pulled out the sword.

The sword light flashes, and the badge of the Dream Temple is unusually bright.

The magician looked at the paladin’s paladin and said softly:

“You can change your faith. This is the best solution.”

“The God of truth is dead, and my God glorifies the entire universe. The temple of the dream is your ultimate home.”

“This task is to prove that when your faith is religious, help me to complete this task, and I will complete the safe conversion ceremony for you. At the same time, I will dismiss the curse on this little girl as promised.”

The samurai’s complexion was annoyingly annoying.

But when he thinks about the horror scene when the little girl curses the attack, he ends up with a haughty head.

After failing to ask for help in Light City, he finally agreed to the request of the Temple of Dreams.

Change your faith.

Abandon the truth of God and believe in the God of Dreams.

Of course, not giving up immediately, taking into account that the mission is also very likely to use the samurai’s truth, the deity postponed the conversion ceremony, and promised that as long as Griffin assisted them in completing this task, it must be Help each other.

Griffin has no other choice.

“Although the God of truth is dead.”

“But the truth will never die.”

The samurai said lightly: “Let’s go. I can feel it. There is a group of monsters with hunter’s mark in front of them.”

“The sooner you get enough hunters’ seals to enter the wilderness, the better your mission.”


In all corners of the hunting grounds, most of the legendary strongmen have emerged.

Some of them met with other people at the beginning and hit a big fight. Some were still in the groping of a single person, while others were trapped in the monster’s nest and were directly submerged by the ocean of monsters.

And just at this time, in a humble corner, space suddenly twisted.

A 12-year-old girl appeared in this space very abruptly.

The rest of the people were sucked in by the vortex.

Only she alone actually entered the hunting ground.

In the sky, the moon flashed, what it seemed to mean.

The little girl looked coldly at the moon and muttered to herself:

“Fannia, it’s time to honor your promise.”

“And there was the locust… It’s time to return the power belonging to An Zedi to us.”

She held a flower in her hand. The flowers had five colored petals, and two places seemed to be vacant.

She silently looked at the colored flower, and an old woman’s voice appeared in her mind:

“Only the remaking of An Zedi’s power can become the real witch.”

“The seven kinds of witchcraft authority, we have already recovered five kinds. There are two kinds left, it depends on you.”

Thought of this, she strode directly into the wilderness!

There, a tall palace is looming.


Hawthorn, campfire, next to the storage box.

Just as the blade demon showed his murderous moment, Marvin reacted quickly.

He rushed forward and escaped the fierce offensive of Blade Demon.

Left foot on the box, the body is twisted!


Two shots from the backhand, extremely accurate and bang on the blade of the demon’s chest!

In such a close position, it is still difficult to escape from the guns!

The offensive of the Blade Demon suddenly blocked. Although his body was very tough, he still suffered a lot from the two guns.

With this opportunity, Ma Wensheng withdrew a space.

In the next second, the muskets of his hands suddenly disappeared.

[Hand Kung Fu – Weapon Switching]!

The two pistols suddenly became a shotgun!

“Constantine said that the bullets of this stuff are designed to fight demons. I don’t know if it’s OK or not.”

Marvin’s mind flashed such a thought.

He did not hesitate to pull the trigger!


A strong recoil force pushed his whole person to the hillside.

… (To be continued.)

Ps: The two-in-one chapter begins hunting. The wilderness’s plot will fill in a lot of pits. Fight for full attendance this month. Quietly ask for ticket, recommended ticket, and monthly ticket.

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