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It was autumn, and the moonlight of the red moon looked a little strange.

A black or red crow flew in the sky, and a pair of pairs of crow eyes were filled with icy rays of light, faithfully searching for all living creatures and abnormal places in this area according to the owner’s instructions.

The living creatures found in the forest are very rare, or they have fallen asleep in the trees and underground, or are hiding in some other places.

Only a few wild beasts and monsters that are directly exposed to the crowd of crows are not at all powerful. There seems to be not at all powerful monsters nearby.

If he is close to Yate, he will dare to kill them, and if he is far away, a few crows will cooperate to hunt and kill them, and the hunt will be completed with basically no injuries.

Only 2 living creatures survived.

Above the high sky, the petite blood crow flapped its wings continuously, and its scarlet blood-like eyes looked at the two people below.

In front of the two people, there is a forest that supports each other with hills.

This wood is not at all as dense as the other areas, it appears to be much sparse, and it is also scattered with some messy rocks and soil.

These two people are Philol and Wiggs.

When they came to this hill, they stopped in front of a big rock that wasn’t particularly huge, but half a person tall.

2 people are looking for the entrance to the underground maze built by the wandering trolls.

With the unique perspective of the blood crow, Yate can clearly see the movements of the two people. The item in the hands of Wiggs exudes red rays of light, which should be a search method, and the Philo next to it You are also using some kind of spell.

However, at this time, Yate heard Promi’s voice:

“Master, I seem to have found it!”


At this time, Promi, who had taken off the corpse of the simulant monster, appeared in front of a hill as a Spirit Physique crow.

This hill is not far away from the location of Promi and Wiggs, only about 2 kilometers away.

It traced the breath of living creatures and found it, similar to the blood crow that is extremely sensitive to the smell of blood. As a Spirit Physique, it is also very sensitive to the life force of living creatures.

Promi traveled underground in the posture of Spirit Physique, trying his best to perceive the existence of living creatures. Although I don’t know why the owner wants to hunt all kinds of creatures, it doesn’t feel at all.

Killing wild beasts and monsters, for Promi, what is the difference from cutting down trees not at all? After obtaining Shaq’s memory, it has some similar values ​​to humans, but it is only an approximation—perhaps searching for materials ?

Later, it found an area where a large number of living things gathered. Without thinking, it sent a message to its owner and floated on the ground to wait.

It didn’t take long before it saw a blood crow fall from in the sky.

The gaze in the blood crow’s eyes was very similar to that of the master, and Promi immediately knew that the master was looking at him through the blood crow.

Promi immediately raised his wings and pointed to the ground diagonally below.

The blood crow flapped its wings again and flew.

When it flew high in the sky, Yate found a strange situation——

Looking down from an oblique angle, this area looks like a huge stone carved face, with fangs on the face, and two parts that look like eyes are staring at the sky——


Yate controlled the blood crow and turned his head, looking towards the sky, this direction seemed to be looking at the red moon in the sky.

It’s just a little bit shifted.

If a few more hours pass, when the position of the red moon continues to rise, will it reach the position of the gaze?

Yate brows slightly wrinkle, what does this mean?

Putting his doubts aside for a while, Yate exchanged the perspectives of several crow servants to observe, and finally found that the size of this huge face was the size of the entire hill, and the entire face was spread on the hill.

The position he was looking at just now was the eyes, and the position where Philol and Wiggs stayed was…chin?

This big face, like a troll, was staring at the sky, and the empty eye socket seemed to be the entrance to the underground.

And that should be the position of the mouth. There are 2 bare trees growing there, which look weirder than other trees in this forest-like fangs.

There must be something wrong.

No matter what anyone looks at, this hill has its problems. However, ordinary people can’t observe it from such a high perspective, and it is difficult to find that this hill is a face, even for transcendent professionals.

At this time, the servant of the crow who was sent by Yate to the eye sockets found a few silhouettes in the huge hole.

A group of blue-skinned creatures that looked extremely short and humanoid appeared in the crow servant’s field of vision. They carefully crawled out of the hole with an axe made of a certain creature skeleton or stone.

Hesitating trolls.

The number of them is 7. This group of humanoids that only reach Yate’s knees or thighs has a big drooping face, and deep eye sockets are inlaid with gray eyes like stones.

Two huge wild boar-like fangs emerged from the mouth and extended below the eyes.

The body under the head is only 2 heads in length, with obvious muscle lines, and looks very strong.

Except for the height and size factor, they look like the shrunken trolls. This is also the source of the “trolls” in their names, although they are not at all trolls, but only look similar.

When they saw them, the crow servants showed their desire to attack, but Yate stopped them.

He wanted to see what these wandering trolls wanted to do?

The wandering trolls do not at all see the crow’s gaze, or they do, but not at all treat the crow as an anomaly.

After crawling out of the hole, the seven hesitating trolls ran in another direction with their bare feet. There seemed to be some kind of bone attached to the ground, which made the late night forest sound. sound.

At this moment, Ferrol and Wiggs stopped in front of the big rock.

“There is not only water, but also a rich Water Element. Below this should be the maze of the hesitant trolls.” Wiggs squatted down and brought the thing on his left hand to the ground.

In his left hand, he holds a crystal-like ball that is less than the size of a palm, with red rays of light glowing in it, and red fluorescent light floats in it. As Wiggs smoothly injects spiritual energy, the fluorescent light inside Becomes more and more shiny, and these fluorescent positions–

They gathered in the direction off the ground, gathered at the top of the crystal ball, and seemed to be far away.

This thing is used to detect the objects of Water Element and Water Attribute. The life of underground creatures also needs a water source. The wandering trolls are no exception. They will choose places where a water source passes, and… they still have collections. The habit of Water Attribute material.

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