New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 67: Thor's story

"Drink some hot water. When you are calm again, let's talk about it. If you want, you can tell me your story. This is a towel. Wipe the rain. I'll talk to my boss." ." Wesley walked out.

"Found abnormal energy fluctuations. According to the plot in the movie, Loki should have come. The specifics are not clear. I can't detect them through your skin." Apple's voice sounded.

"Don't worry about them, we are not capable enough now, we will talk about it later." Wesley walked directly to Phil.

"Are you sure he is the owner of the hammer?" Phil asked directly.

"Almost, it's not like a fake, he shouldn't be an earthling, but an alien, and so is the hammer." Wesley said.

"Did you recognize it?" Sivetl asked from the side.

"Don't you read fairy tales? You should have seen it when you were young." Wesley went directly to the vacant computer beside him, typing quickly with both hands, and then a picture appeared, "Look, it’s exactly the same as that hammer. And this person’s name is Saul, his confidence just now, and his sadness later, remember that it is sadness rather than depression."

"Mythical character? Are you kidding me?" Hawkeye said.

"Hehe, how can it be a joke? In ancient times, people didn't have much knowledge, so they looked like mythical characters, but we would be wrong to think that way. We can be regarded as aliens, right?"

"Alien?" Phil repeated, "Are you sure?"

"How is it possible to be sure? I haven't said a few words to him yet. Prepare something to eat. If you want something delicious, I will talk to him. If he is really an alien, then what he said will be something Enough logic is to be found. By the way, have you done anything when I sleep during the day?"

Phil thought for a while and said, "I'm going to bring back the research materials of a female scientist. Her name is Jane Foster."

"I see." Wesley turned and returned to the room. Sol's emotions became even lower. It is estimated that Rocky had really come just now and deceived this hapless guy. He thought his father was dead.

"What's the matter? I see you even more sad. Did you encounter anything when I went out?" Wesley asked.

"My father died, all because of me, I should continue to be exiled."

"Can you tell me your story? If someone shares pain with you, your pain will be reduced by half. If someone shares happiness with you, then your happiness will be doubled."

"It's very interesting." Saul felt a little bit after hearing it. At this time, the food was brought in. Some heated burgers and coffee were basically all they brought in the wild. In addition, there were some hot potatoes. mud.

"Let’s talk while eating. We have a lot of time. In the morning, I can send you where you want to go. After all, it’s raining heavily." At this time, Jane Foster is trying to save him, but she also It's not urgent, after all, Sol was not taken in just now, but was invited in.

Saul began to tell his story, a young militant, but after acting privately, he was exiled here because of contradicting his father, and he could no longer hold the story of Thor's Hammer. The rainbow bridge in the story, the division of the nine worlds and the tree of the world, etc., let Wesley know a little bit more, this world is so amazing.

The two said as they ate, until the morning, "Thank you for listening to my story, but I think I am leaving."

"Do you have a place to go?"

"Well, there is a friend, but you seem to have taken her things."

"Don't worry, we will return. This is just an inspection. Just make sure that her research is not harmful to our world. After all, some things are not something we can touch now, so we must be careful. My job is in this way."

Wesley walked out with Sol, and then got Jane Foster's notebook, "Give you this, you can return this to her first, and we will carefully check the rest. Now I will send you to her. There." Wesley drove Sol directly away.

"Sir, did we just let him leave?" Sitwell asked.

"We are just paying for a meal, aren't we?" Phil said with a smile. Phil’s words surprised everyone, but everyone did think it made sense. Whether the opponent was an alien or not, then they just paid a meal, even if it was an enemy, it didn’t matter, because he was sure he could not take it away. That hammer.

Wesley drove Sol to the town. Jane Foster, Eric Shavig and Daisy Louise were drinking coffee in their original studio, and Sol walked in. Then Jane Foster stood up excitedly, "It's great that you're okay."

"Sorry, I worried you." Then Saul handed her a black leather-wrapped notebook, which contained a lot of thick notes, all of Jane Foster's work notes.

"Thanks to the help of a new friend, this is Wesley Gibson, my new friend." Sol introduced.

"He belongs to S.H.I.E.L.D.? They took our research materials." Daisy Louise said angrily.

"Hehe, don’t worry, the things you researched will come back, mainly to see if there is any threat or if it helps us. This is our job. Please think carefully when you complain. If it were not for our hard work, would you be doing research in such a quiet way? Some scientists, for their own sake, completely disregard the safety of other people or the safety of the earth. Am I right to say that?"

The three of them stopped talking. They did yell at the beginning. They didn't think about anything else. They just felt sorry for their own research, but they didn't know the consequences of their research.

"Come in, let's have a cup of coffee together." Dr. Eric Shavig invited Wesley in. It is empty now, and Sol and Jane Foster talked, and they seemed to be talking Nice look, is this fate? Sol didn't come back last night and didn't talk to her at night. Now he can talk so happy and happily?

Saul should be telling his story again, while Wesley was drinking coffee quietly by the side. He was waiting for the people of God's Domain to appear. The story of Thor can be said to happen very quickly, just a few days, because of his The matter is really urgent, there is not so much time to waste, but Wesley miscalculated, Sol's friend did not show up, and he had to leave, after all, he couldn't live here.

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