New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 61: Apple upgrade

After getting busy, the laboratory was completely unrecognizable. Wesley took a bath and slept directly in the guest room.

When Tony Stark woke up the next day, the breakfast was served. The two ate up quickly. Then, waiting for the new equipment to be ordered, Wesley turned on the TV. The above turned out to be the news of Justin Hammer, "He is going to hold a new product launch conference in your main hall of the expo?"

"What product can he have, he is just an idiot, don't bother with him." Tony Steck didn't care about this guy at all.

"Why don't I feel right, Jarvis collects information about Ivan Vanke."

"Okay, Mr. Wesley."

"How is it possible? That person is dead?" There is not much news about Ivan Vanke, but it says that he is dead. He died in prison, as if he committed suicide.

"It seems that there is a problem. He will not commit suicide. There is no reason. Now Justin Hammer releases a new product. It seems that there is something to do with it. We need to prepare in advance, otherwise the other party will probably start it. Attacking, Hammer is an idiot, he is easy to deceive."

"I agree with this point. We need to get a few more new elements. I don't know how many opponents there are." Under Wesley's guidance, Tony Stark decided to be ready.

"It's also time for you to hand over the battle clothes you prepared for Colonel Rod, so that he can speak for you from the military, but the property rights must be in your hands."

"Don't worry, if others use it, I will destroy it."

The new equipment arrived, and the two were busy again, and the prism accelerator was installed. "Wesley be careful. I'm going to start it."

The accelerator started, and a laser beam shot out directly on the wall. Wesley hurriedly turned the valve and adjusted the direction of the beam. The beam was cut all the way, and finally hit the prepared triangular metal.

The power was cut off, and the two came to the side of the new element, which has been emitting a dazzling light.

"It succeeded." Tony Stark installed it in the reactor and then replaced his own, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh awesome.

"Tony, don't yell like that, let people hear what we are doing, that's bad." Wesley couldn't accept his yelling.

"But it's really great, I feel the power." He then lifted his clothes and watched as the toxins on his body began to disappear. "We succeeded, hurry up, let's get a few more."

Starting again, the two began to make new elements again, making five at a time, which is considered to be six of him.

"Yours is also replaced, do you want to try it?"

"No, I'm going to try another method." Wesley picked up a new element reactor next to it, and then Apple started up. "The new element reactor is pollution-free and can be used. Can we start to absorb it now?"

"Go ahead and see if you can level up. Aw..." He had just finished speaking, and a strong energy began to enter the body along his arm, and he also felt very comfortable. "Ah...Um..."

"Okay, Wesley, don't make such a sound, others will misunderstand it, but what are you doing?"

"It's really great, I'm upgrading myself, I'll talk later." His words confused Tony Stark. Can the human body also be upgraded?

"Brain development reaches 10%...20%, the data is unlocked, and the data is being sorted... the data is being sorted out." Wesley felt the impact of energy for ten minutes, but the light of the new element in his hand began to shine Dimmed.

"You can upgrade now. Please enter the first password to set the first program of the system upgrade."

Wesley knew that this was the key, "The first program setting must obey my order." Then he entered the password, and the password just needs to be in his mind.

"The first program is complete, please enter the second password, and enter the second program."

"The second program must protect my security." To the password again, the first is his original computer password, the second is his mobile phone password, and then Apple unlocks all, "The upgrade will begin, and the upgrade will take three days. In addition, Your body has been strengthened to a certain extent, but the energy level is too low. Your body has been strengthened twice. See you in three days."

"Huh..." With a long breath, the new elements in Wesley's hands were exhausted, but it felt really good. Looking at the silly Tony Stark, he laughed, "Really It’s great, your new element is perfect."

"What happened to you?"

"As I said, my abilities are very special. I need a lot of energy to use, but the energy that the human body can provide is limited. Your new element gives me the opportunity to upgrade my body. Now my body strength is the original one. Double, what do you think."

"So amazing? There is more here, why don't you continue?"

"I am a human being, how can I upgrade infinitely?"

"Are you still a human? You can upgrade your body and consume a whole piece of new element at a time. Is there a better character than you? Oh, maybe there is, that big green guy."

"Okay, you contact Colonel Rhodes and prepare to put on a battle suit anytime. I will now return to New York to get my equipment. Then on the day that Hanmer develops the cloth meeting, I will be ready on the periphery. If the other party Any plans, I think the three of us are enough."

"It makes sense, do you want me to make you some armor-piercing bullets?"

"No, they don't have so many alloys for materials. They use armor at most and it's not too thick. My armor-piercing projectile is enough. Now I'm going to set off. What do you think my suit should be called? "

"How about Black Sir?"

"Nice name." Wesley put on his battle suit and then carried a small bag with his jacket and holster inside. Then he flew away and flew directly back to New York at high altitude. Everyone thought he was. It's Iron Man.

Landed directly on the rooftop, but it took a bit of effort to take it off. He felt that Steck should also install a mechanical arm for him, "Wesley?" Carlos asked strangely, looking at the suit on Wesley.

"Oh, yes, this is a collection given to me by Tony. You can also wear it. We are about the same height, but it's a bit hard to take off. Of course, it’s hard to put on now. We need to remodel the roof."

"Have you been busy with work lately?"

"It's okay, I think the vacation will be soon, how about Hannah?"

"Yes, you are really good at picking people, she is really good, of course as an employee, and other aspects need to be understood."

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