New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 37: Hope of the third-level agent

"Hey, Wesley Gibson, it's nice to meet you." Wesley went straight up to shake hands, and the other party showed face and didn't refuse, and didn't coolly ignore it.

"I've heard of you, Agent Phil Colson introduced you, and I saw it in the last mission briefing." Maria Hill said with a smile.

"Really? It seems a bit unfair. I don't know anything about you. What do you think of us as having dinner together?" Wesley directly prepared to ask each other for dinner.

"Sorry, I am leaving New York tonight."

"Oh, it's a pity. I don't know when we can meet. Maybe we can exchange phone numbers. As a newcomer, we always need some special guidance." Wesley kept a charming smile.

"This is fine, but now we are in the archives room. You need to complete your information registration first."

"Oh, time is so short, but don't you all have my information?"

"We don't have your fingerprints, retina records, DNA records, dental records, etc., all of which must be registered."

"Are you sure? Then all of my things are exposed. Does that big guy just need to register?" Wesley's head grew bigger, so he really came to work as an agent? Don’t you want to join the Avengers?

"That is Captain America, have you heard of it?" Hill said directly.

"Yes, I read comics about him when I was young, America's first superhero, but how should his age be counted?" Wesley's words made Hill laugh.

"You are very interesting. He has already registered while he is asleep. Don't worry, your information is top secret. That's why I came to register for you." Wesley understood this time. Hill is Nick. One of Fury's most trusted subordinates, and her level is one level higher than Phil.

"Understood, come on, I hope you can remember me deeply, yes, remember to exchange phone numbers with me when you are done." Wesley took a fancy to Hill, compared to the very old black widow , He likes Hill even more, just don’t know how old she is now, does she have a boyfriend?

After leaving a large number of records, Wesley officially received a certificate, but the agent level above was blank, "Why didn't I fill in my level?"

"This will be filled out after training, and see how strong you are, but the highest level can only be filled in as a third-level agent, and then you need to be promoted slowly. Agents are not such a simple profession."

After listening to Wesley, he was relieved. Finally, he can no longer need to be an intern agent. The third-level agent is also good. Look at the American show "S.H.I.E.L.D. What a tragedy it was when the Shield was headquartered.

"Okay, I have confidence in myself, but when will I be honored to invite a beautiful lady to dinner?" Wesley still did not give up.

"Well, it depends on the time. When will you come to Washington headquarters and when will you have the opportunity, after all, I have always been there." Maria Hill said with a smile, and Wesley was shocked. Don't worry, I think it will be done soon."

Then Maria Hill took Wesley to the third floor of the building. This is the training base. There are many training programs such as firearms, equipment, tracking, anti-tracking, etc. This is just a part, given that Wess With his shooting level, he skipped gun training and started other studies directly.

Maria Hill left her phone number and left, and went back to meet with Nick Fury, "How is it? What is Wesley's attitude and emotions?"

"It's not bad, I am very motivated to learn, and exchanged phone numbers with me. He is really handsome and his smile is very charming." Maria Hill said directly, without the slightest twist.

"Well, you can try to get along with him, he is still a rich man." Nick Fury drove and said.

"You said what would happen to him seeing Natasha?" Maria Hill asked.

"What's wrong? Are you worried?" Nick Fury asked in surprise.

"Wesley's record has never lacked a girlfriend. His handsome face is very lethal to women."

"It depends on him." Neither of them knew that Wesley was not optimistic about the woman Natasha Romanoff, especially her nose, which occupies too much of the face, and she was both old. Several dozen years old, although he has been so young for special reasons, Wesley can say that his taste is not heavy at all.

The first day was just a brief understanding, and training will not officially start tomorrow. Wesley left here in his own sports car. He drove directly to the flower shop. It is still early. He came here directly and is still dismantling the decorations in the past.

"I came back so early today?" Carlos asked.

"It will officially start tomorrow. After the end, there will be an assessment. There is hope to become a third-level agent directly, but it is estimated that it is a small role. Later upgrades will depend on merit, but this is interesting." Wesley said. "How are you here? Is the supply settled?"

"Yes, it's done. The source is a flower garden in the suburbs. It is very convenient to send flowers every morning. Although the price is a bit more expensive, it is not a problem at this location. People around here can consume it. "

"That's good, have you started looking for employees?"

"At the beginning, there are a lot of applicants, but they know too little about flowers. Such people are not suitable for working with me."

"Very well, you are starting to look like a boss. It's only this afternoon. How about we go to see the yacht?"

"Yes, let's go in your car." The two got on the Audi R8, Wesley started the car and went directly to the yacht company. There are many yachts here in New York, and many yachts are sold here.

The Yacht Club in New York (NYYC for short) is not only a gathering place for yacht lovers, but also a good place to buy yachts. Wesley and Carlos came here and received a warm reception, because each yacht is not just for sale. To make money, that is, the usual maintenance and maintenance are a lot of money, and every member is wealth.

"Gentlemen, what can I do for help?" The person receiving them is called Rose. The people here need to find customers on their own. Whether it is for sale or maintenance, it is money.

"Buy a yacht, then rent a berth and arrange maintenance. I think you know this set. We are only responsible for selecting the yacht and paying for it. You do the other things. Are there any problems?" Wesley said directly.

"Of course there is no problem. Please come with me. Now we are going to look at the model and data of the yacht. It is difficult to see the actual product. Most yachts are customized. Although the specifications may be the same, no company has produced a finished product to display. here."

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