Netherworld Game Producer

Chapter 185 Unfair Confrontation Game

Li Wen is a very efficient person.

In addition, the company now has a lot of funds, and it is no longer as tight as before.

This kid Zhou Bo is very good. Anyway, he is very optimistic. Maybe he can bring a mature producer to Happy Paradise.

When he went to work the next day, he gave Zhou Bo his suggestion.

But, the game of Chainsaw will not be made into a large-scale game, it is just a small-cost game.

The budget Li Wen gave was not much, only 10 million.

Now for Happy Paradise, a budget of 10 million is really just a small-cost game.

It's not like when the company was first established, it was full of digging and searching everywhere.

This was unexpected for Zhou Bo, and he never expected that he would be named by Li Wen as the producer of the game.

And it seems that the members of the production team have been formed, and Su Yang is there to help him.

It's already like this, and he has no reason to refuse at all.

He has officially changed careers.

Although he has been teaching himself for a while, he is still new to making games.

However, with Su Yang's help, he and Su Yang are quite familiar. They are similar in age and have similar hobbies.

They all have a soft spot for horror events.

Zhou Bo quickly forgot about the fact that he was really kidnapped a few days ago, and began to immerse himself in making the chainsaw.

Chainsaw is a game script written by Li Wen.

After he saw it, he immediately admired Li Wen.

If the game is produced according to the script, at least it is a high-quality game.

He didn't know if he was up to it.

The plot of the game is simple.

It is a group of people who did bad things and were not punished by law, and were kidnapped by a man named Jigsaw.

Then let this group of people choose among various traps.

All options are extremely cruel and bloody.

One of the projects, Zhou Bo was a little creepy just looking at the description, he didn't dare to imagine how terrifying the finished game would be.

That project requires the player to take a key to open the 'tool of torture' worn around the neck.

The 'instrument of torture' is extremely sharp, and it is a very ingenious mechanism.

And there will be a countdown urging the player to open the only lock on the 'tool of torture'.

Only one minute.

If the lock is not opened for a minute, the 'instrument of torture' will be closed.

Instantly let the player's head try the thrill of a small iron maiden.

The whole point of the game is where the keys are.

In front of the player, there will be a clear reminder where the key is placed.

Just behind the eyes.

On the table, there is also an iron spoon.

There are only two choices left for the player, one is to dig out his own eyes, take out the key, and open the 'instrument of torture'.

The other was unable to do so, and was killed by the closed 'instrument of torture'.

Zhou Bo felt very exciting just seeing this scene.

After the stimulation, he couldn't help but contemplate. He felt that Li Wen seemed more perverted than he thought.

Even a pervert like him thinks that Li Wen is very perverted, he is simply a perverted S!

A normal pervert would not be able to think of such a plot.

Scoop out the eyeballs with a spoon.

If it was an old platform game, Zhou Bo wouldn't feel too much.

At most, it's just a dull pain in the bloody picture and my own eyes.

However, now is the platform of the second world era, and the game can simulate real feelings.

Even if the pain is adjusted to the lowest level, not many players dare to take out a spoon to goug their own eyes.

Zhou Bo really can't be regarded as a normal player, he is quite curious.

Even if he is kidnapped by a real waist-cutting person, he will not take it to heart in a blink of an eye.

Thinking about it carefully, he didn't dare to dig his own eyeballs with a spoon...

He is solely responsible for this game.

Zhou Bo originally wanted to make Chainsaw into a plot-oriented game.

But after thinking about it carefully, if it is made into a plot-oriented game, it seems to be less interesting.

It can only become a more perverted horror game.

This is his first time as a producer, and he wants to make the game the best it can be.

After communicating with Su Yang, he suddenly felt that it was not bad to make the game into a confrontational game.

There is no Dead by Daylight in this world, so there have been no unfair confrontation games so far.

Zhou Bo's idea is that two groups of players enter the game, score points by clearing various traps, and use the points to determine the outcome of the confrontation game.

But he felt that the game made in this way seemed less interesting.

Because of the popularity of battle royale and the dawn of the night, multiplayer massively online games have become the mainstream of domestic games.

Even the first-line manufacturers are learning from Happy Paradise, and making games will create single-player plots and multiplayer online.

Now that online games have become mainstream, Zhou Bo has no problem thinking about making online games.

He didn't think about it alone, and he would go to Li Wen to discuss it.

He told Li Wen his thoughts.

Li Wen also thought of the game Dead by Daylight from Zhou Bo's idea of ​​making a confrontation game.

As a milestone in the rise of unfair confrontation, Dead by Daylight has indeed made this type of game popular for a long time.

There are also many follow-up works on the market.

A certain pig factory also developed a mobile game.

The whole thing was hilarious at the time.

In the beginning, Zhuchang plagiarized and made a mobile game, which was criticized by many players, and even the manufacturer of Dead by Daylight issued a strong condemnation.

However, just in the past few days, the majority of players have known what money ability is.

Liming manufacturers deleted the condemned content, and also claimed that this game was jointly developed by them and Zhuchang...

This farce made the majority of players have to sigh, money is really easy to use.

Thoughts come back.

Li Wen introduced the unfair confrontation mode to Zhou Bo in detail.

Zhou Bo's eyes became brighter as he heard this, and various confrontational images had already begun to appear in his mind.

Of course, since this is Saw.

The protagonist is not a player, but an exquisite trap.

One player plays the villainous boss on Jigsaw's side, and five to ten players play the victims.

The gameplay of the villain boss is to use various traps to kill the players one by one.

The game of the victim player is to survive.

The villain player can divide the victim player and take them down one by one in various ways.

Victim players can also unite against villain players.

It seems that it is unexpectedly interesting!

Zhou Bo quickly understood the core of Li Wen's unfair confrontational game.

Compared with Dead by Daylight in terms of unfairness, this game has too many walls.

After all, in the beginning, the villain used all kinds of traps, and in the control room...

There is no such thing as Gao Wan walking the dog.

The victim players seem to be fighting against the villain BOSS, but they are actually fighting against the trap...

He can't wait to play the finished product.

Now, how high the quality of this game can be achieved depends entirely on him.

To be honest, he's more stressed than he was at the beginning.

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