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Bill Cayton should look like a shadow, battle energy Dual Cultivation Class Holder, and his Stalker level and Warrior level should not be low, and it is precisely because of the ability to use these two Legend professions at the same time, “Sharp Glow Mr. Flying Blade was able to pick up Punk’s spell attack with such agility and temporarily save Ankazan’s life.

Although from the time of coming to the battlefield, Mr. Bill is indeed a bit too appropriate, but even so … in the face of a powerful 3 Level 19 Spellcaster, is it really possible to save his best friends?

The answer is obviously impossible!

Not only can he not save people, but even his rescuer himself may fall into this nameless mountain range that turned into a deep gorge today.

After all, Bill himself is just an ordinary Legend with no powerful equipment, although from the perspective of the agility of the action and the behavior of easily opening the “Destroy Rift”, this guy’s strength should be better than Level 33’s “Luminous” Burner is a lot more powerful, but Punk can basically determine that his opponent cannot reach the subtle Peak state of 3 Level 19.

What’s more, now he has to do his best to protect a waste man who has completely lost his battle strength and is in a coma and is on the verge of death … So in conclusion, Bill’s move into this canyon is simply “home delivery”!

“Impressive idiot, how did you guys advance to Legend? Who gave you the courage to rush into the court of courting death? Or is you prepared a trump card back-up that you think is more harmful?”

Watching Bill holding the dagger with a mocking look, Punk’s voice appeared calm in the empty deep pit.

Under the premise that Ankazan has lost battle strength, immediately launching an attack is not the best option. In order to quickly and safely eliminate unplanned enemies, Spellcaster decided to carefully explore the safety of the battlefield environment first, and try to use it by the way. Language anger looks like a stunned opponent.

So, this satirical sentence enough for most impulsive people to naturally appear naturally.


A little out of the Legendary Wizard’s expectation is that the expression is gradually gloomy, and Bill’s gloomy eyes are not at all because the enemy’s ridicule is violent.

I saw the “Sharp Glow Flying Blade” without saying a word. He didn’t even look at the strong enemy in front of him. He just lowered his head and lowered the brim quietly, and carefully sorted out a few on the hat. Bright Silver badge, and finally … Until the dividing line brought by the sun crossed the last piece of gravel beside Ankazan, suddenly became like the novice Stalker, the Legend Ranger was trembling and turned the dagger in his hand.

In an instant, the cold glow reflected by the dagger suddenly illuminated the gloomy face with no trace of blood covered by the hat …………


The light and shadow of light azure and the liquid of crimson are intertwined. The blue crystal light spot dissipates the Annihilation in the slender Space Crack. The sunlight projected into the hole in the sky illuminates the sloppy middle-aged man and the light behind him. The charred black body with no breath anymore …………

That ’s right, with the battle energy cold glow of Sharp Edge passing over the only half of the head left in Ankazan, the dying “lord of Gray Rain Kingdom”, “Wizard Guild Legend member”, “Faerun Plane central area order “Maintainer”, Legendary Wizard “Luminous Burner” Ankazan Fireshield just fell!

He did not die in the enemy’s spell bombing, but fell decently and dignified under the blade of his best friend!


“It seems that you already understand that it is impossible to fight with a burden, yes, this is indeed a very decisive choice, so now are you interested to talk about it? How does it feel to be a close friend in person?”

Running magic power to prepare for battle, slightly frowning at the shadowy Rule next to Bill’s gloomy eyes, the more intense, cold ridicule was still revealed by Spellcaster’s unbridled expression.

The insidious “Whisper of Destruction” can never understand what it means to respect the dead. He only knows that he still has an enemy to deal with. He also removes any “trouble” that comes to the door by fair means or foul!

And at this moment, Ranger, who killed his best friend by hand, seems to be in a state of extreme grief and anger. At this step, the battle is already an inevitable choice for 2 Legendary Powerhouses. In the face of the insult of Spellcaster, he opened his eyes with red eyes. Bill-Keton, who is a mortal enemy, had no intention of continuing to stand still and answer calmly. I saw that in the next moment, the angry Ranger chose to refute the satire of the sinister Wizard while loudly, while suddenly holding the dagger to release the superb Legend Level Skills rush to the enemy:

“Don’t steal the concept! Despicable Wizard! It’s you who ambushed the insidious trap! It’s you that killed my best friend! And now, I will end the shame and pain for him … and revenge for him”!

“Legend Level Battle Skill-Sharp Edge blade glow”!

Cut the space and Rule, tear the roar and the afterimage, the blade light of the deep azure turns into a thin light curtain and cut into the Legendary Wizard of Serene, and the “Sharp Glow Flying Blade” wielding the dagger even in the state of hair stands up in anger Still showing his superb skills, it seems that there is only one layer of blade glow actually stacked one on top of the other, and they all killed the head of Spellcaster like a ring spreading out at a very fast speed!

“Revenge and hate? Where does your confidence come from? Do you think you have a chance to win?”

Facts have proved that “Whisper of Destruction” does not care about the opponent’s insults at all. He just continued to anger the enemy while calmly driving the “Distorted World” Rule interfered with the attack trajectory, and the blade light that cut straight to himself quickly formed in midair. With an unusual arc, Spellcaster just sideways and calmly avoided the attack.


A large rock wall was cut in half by the blade, and the smooth cut surface roared and fell from directly behind Punk. The dust of flying Annihilation proved the powerful killing of this blow, and also proved that the circumvention of “Whisper of Destruction” was flawless!

But even because of the influence of “Muse’s Twisted World”, Punk’s actions have become extremely turbulent, but in the face of the Legendary Battle Skill, which is as thin as a hairline and faster than a light knife, the Punk who pretends to despise the enemy actually raised 100 instantly. % ‘S vigilance is just to perceive the Rule’s Power contained in the layers of blade light, he can be keenly aware that the Legend Ranger in front of him is not bad.

At least when the dead Ankazan can no longer drag the opponent’s hind legs as a burden, he has no reason to underestimate the enemy!

So he didn’t even wait for the angry Bill to launch his second attack. Punk’s spell bombing overtures like howling wind and torrential rain had already played the first step in the boom!

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