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Smiling answered Punk ’s question, but … after her answer, Kane ’s expression immediately began to diminish no matter Punk started. At this time, even the discussion of Spellcaster ’s question can be temporarily postponed, because … smile now The situation is really wrong!

If before smiling to Legend, the smile was just a little “arrogant”, then now she looks like a real “Lady Queen”, although because she does not understand too much nobility etiquette, and Wearing a short brief leather pants and a red trench coat is somewhat nondescript, but the tone and expression are simple, and the smile at this time is much more aloof and remote than the “Your Majesty the Queen” in the novel of overwhelming majority.

There is no doubt that this is not due to the self-confidence expansion caused by the skyrocketing strength. The smile is not stupid. When she saw the projection of Kane and Punk, she had already felt immediately and judged the Spellcaster and Warrior’s Class Level, it is reasonable to say that the current smile should recognize the fact that the strength of this weak Divine Power is in the countdown, and then on the surface, it should be a little polite to the Class Holder that is obviously much stronger than yourself.

However, when faced with Punk’s unassuming direct question, the smiling response was very arrogant and arrogant. The proud look was as strange as a person in a moment, and the previous “Pride and Miss” state. Compared with “Smile”, “Smile” of “Queen State” even behaves like a … newly born personality …

Of course, after the 2 sentences were exported, she suddenly realized what she was talking about. At that time, she immediately changed her voice to a completely different tone and complained to herself:

“Oh, damn, how did I become that way again, this mistress clearly cleared a large number of fanatics, I was” Smile “! Damn, damn!”

Just now, “Smile”, which is still comfortable with the old god, seems to have suddenly become unstable. I saw that her projection has a little unchecked tremor. Finally, until about 2 seconds have passed, the emotion of smile Only then has calmed down at a faster speed.

But at this time, the mood of the godless girl God seems to have become very unhappy.

“Okay, Mr. Saian, what did you just ask? Can you ask again? You also saw that my condition just now seems a bit … not quite right”?

The smile whispered in a very tired tone.

“… God’s road has never been a shortcut, and I should have warned you before.”

Punk did not repeat the question again. He just gazed at the beautiful face with a beautiful smile like a puppet. At the same time, there was no disappointment in the Spellcaster’s tone from looking down, and only a trace of inexplicable sneer and a touch. Surprisingly calm

It’s not surprising that Punk is smiling, he had expected this to happen.

The God of the entire Multiverse will definitely be affected after the integration of Divine Portfolio, because their believers hope that their God will always be aloof and remote, omnipotent, so God ’s character will inevitably be influenced by the believers ’beliefs and desires. The power of “Divine Portfolio” is constantly being tampered with. This method of tampering with thinking at the Mind level can not be completely avoided by God, and of course, smiling is not enough.

Therefore, the extremely awkward “Queen demeanor” of smiling is not unique. All creatures who have just become God or God who has been in the gods for a long time are almost so dead and arrogant, they will be quick. Dead is definitely aloof and remote. Even in the face of a Brilliant Sun who can save his life, 80% of Gods will involuntarily reveal this “above heaven under earth, Only I Am Supreme” tone .

This is a repercussions whose character has been tampered with, and this repercussions can only be stabilized slowly after reaching a balance between “self-consciousness” and “tampered consciousness” until Divine Portfolio’s influence on God’s soul reaches a new critical point again …

This is a character defect that is unavoidable by almost any God. The more weak the performance is, the more obvious it is, and the more difficult it is to control yourself. Therefore, the basic feature of God is that the weaker the strength, the more arrogant the tone, and the weakest is definitely The craziest and boundless.

In contrast, the ability of “Smile” to recover quickly after entering an abnormal state has shown that her willpower is unusually firm.

But even so, the status of “Smile” can’t be ignored. Both Kane and Punk are now looking at the girl who looks a little dazed.

Especially for Kane, Knight, who is clearly connected to “Smile”, is actually more worried about the status of this “new Red Sand God”.

“Your personality has changed more,” Smile “! The collapse of Mind is far more troublesome than the problem of strength. I think maybe you should share the information of this adventure, and then do n’t get involved. Your current state is not suitable for participation. Any adventure “!

Kane stared at the girl’s face seriously.

As you can see, he is a bit worried now. He is worried that this adventure will have problems. After all, strictly speaking Kane and Punk are the dividers of the former Red Sand God treasure. Compared to Punk, they will not be Alchemy spell. Kane’s utilization of the treasures of his predecessor Red Sand God is lower. Now Knight must have a more rewarding adventure than Punk, so Kane should be the most attentive to this adventure. He can’t tolerate this opportunity. The discoverer of “Smile” made a mistake at this time.

Of course, Punk speculates that Kane may be more worried about plans that are more important than this risk and are extremely confidential. After all, it is not difficult to observe the sharp Spellcaster. Now the extremely unstable character of “Smile” mysterious and secretive Kane must be achieved. Some other agreement

However, the smile is obviously very confident in herself, or … she must also be 100% confident in herself, at least to make Punk and Kane believe that she is very confident, and only in this way, the venture cooperation of this time can be established .

So, while Kane’s “advice” tone barely fell, the smile was replied with a very impatient voice:

“Enough! All shut up! Does this mistress seem to have even this combat capability? Do n’t have enough resources to resist the impact of Divine Portfolio? The chance of this adventure was discovered by this mistress, I thought about giving it Breaking the bridge? Dreaming! “Instant Kill Gun” … Don’t forget, you signed it … “

“Ah Lala ……… Punk What question did you just ask? You asked me how to contact me with a smile, right? Yes, I contacted her first, let’s continue to discuss this topic!”

Seeing that “Smile” doesn’t match, it is necessary to talk about the leak. Although Kane thinks this may be just a little threat of smiling, he is still scared that the cold sweat is about to come down.

So immediately, something that disappointed Spellcaster happened-as a Warrior, Kane ’s language at the moment was even more eye-catching than his knight spear. Before smiling and saying the real key information, Legend Knight of trembling in fear was still a thrill after all. 10000 points interrupted the speech of the girl God.

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