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I have to admit that the chairman ’s speech skills are undoubtedly very good, especially in terms of making foreshadowing and mobilizing emotions, the “chairman” is not much more than the famous Bard.

But it turns out … these passionate speeches can only be used as icing on the cake at Legendary Powerhouse.

After all … The “President” is not facing some middle-aged youths at the moment, but a group of Legend Class Holders who are not profitable.

Maybe the history of “Alliance of the Silencers” is described by the “President” as a grand epic surging forward with great momentum. Maybe the phrase “President” says “We need to make a change” is full of moving firmness Resolute, but … If only these empty words are spoken, the Legendary Powerhouse, whose eyes are not necessarily long-term but absolutely selfish enough, will certainly not react to the proposal of the “President”.

Even the curious Punk will not be interested in knowing what the “President” is called “change”, let alone expect others to cooperate with the Alliance of the Silencers plan to do something.

The “Chairman” certainly understands the thoughts of his own group of “hands”, so after fully preparing the foresight, he did not hide the information he got, but directly “selectively” made it public. :

“Tide of Destiny is coming, is it necessary to continue to deceive yourself and go down, everyone can figure it out.”

Well, this is a “Critical Notice” that is directly “bia” on everyone’s face!

At the same time, the disclosure of this information also proves the determination of the “President” to make changes-even the “openness” of this time may lead to the complete disclosure of such important and precious information about “Tide of Destiny”, but that The resolute gray black projection did not hesitate to tell the information.

Perhaps in the opinion of the “President”, it may be worth paying the price of a piece of intelligence compared to the possible “change”.

“Openness” … or “Critical Notice” is indeed very effective, at least compared to the many words that “President” said before, it seems that the word “Tide of Destiny” is more than all the things he has said so far. It is more attractive!

During his passionate speech, the Legendary Powerhouse projection of stand in great numbers under the stage all remained calm and composed.

While he satirized everyone’s fears, the Legendary Powerhouses under the stage were very accustomed and expressed indifference …

But … when the “President” said the intelligence of “Tide of Destiny” coming soon “in a very solemn tone … Punk quickly felt that in the Legend projection on the scene, there were fewer than a dozen people who immediately said Unconsciously exudes Mental Power fluctuations representing surprise, horror, fear, etc. emotions!

“Tide of Destiny”!

This is a terrifying vocabulary. The appearance of this word is enough to make those experienced Legendary Powerhouses who have experienced many things do not know how much. The “Tide of Destiny” can be said to be a big deal to the Multiverse Legend Class Holder. Cleaning, the second generation of Alliance of the Silencers ushered in subversive destruction in the last “Tide of Destiny”.

In the face of nowhere to hide, pervasive, and unpredictable “destiny”, even the extremely powerful Brilliant Sun throne ca n’t guarantee that they can wander safely in the waves that swept the Multiverse, even composed of 100 Legendary Powerhouse Allies may disappear into obscurity!

And now, standing on the podium, never exaggerating or underestimating any fact, the “president” actually made it clear that the next “wave of destiny” is coming?

This is amazing news. Even the legendary Legend of the old gods can’t be indifferent to this important information.

Sure enough, along with the president ’s final and decisive message, tone barely fell, a Mental Power fluctuation that did not conceal his suspicion immediately and politely questioned the “chairman” on the podium:

“Tide of Destiny? Mr. President, are you kidding me? How long has it been since the last Tide of Destiny? Why do we have to face this tricky thing again? Please let me ask in a sneer, what the hell are you doing? Information from where, after all, as far as I know … It seems that the Legend of “Tide of Destiny” has never existed in the entire Multiverse, even Ms. “Eternal Sleeping Eyes” can’t do it. Such a thing? “

Obviously, although in the “Alliance of the Silencers”, “President” is almost synonymous with authority and mysterious, there is still no doubt that the “authority” powerhouse has capital to raise questions and refutes.

For example, the powerhouse, which almost always uses the “question” tone, is one of them.

At the same time, along with his leading questions, many Legend Class Holder projections also looked towards the “president” on stage with suspicion, even for Punk.

In fact, “Whisper of Destruction” is also a bit curious at this time as to how this “President” of calm and composed, planning strategies, as if always like a calm lake, would answer many of the questions of Legendary Powerhouse.

Of course, he does n’t think that the “President” will directly publish the reminder of the Filth Bird. After all, there are almost none of the silent ones present who are trustworthy. The “President” can live to the present more impossible. Idiots leaked everywhere.

But … it seems unrealistic to want a seamless lie.

Because at least 70% of Legendary Powerhouses waiting for the “President” to answer are Legendary Wizards with profound knowledge, trying to pervert so many Legendary Spellcasters at the same time will not be a wise decision for anyone.

“So what would you do? Mr. President, the huge fact that the oppression force” Tide of Destiny “is your basic motivation for” change “, if no one is willing to believe your information, what you call” change ” I am afraid it will be reduced to nonsense. “

Silently speaking in the heart, Punk, who is on the edge of the square, like other projections, fixed his eyes on the every move of the projection representing the “president”.

At this moment, regardless of whether it is Punk or other Legend Class Holder, even the unidentified person who just unknowingly questioned is quietly waiting patiently for an explanation, because then … “President” answer Not only will it directly determine whether his so-called “change” has a little basis for realization, but it is more likely to be related to the interests of all silent ones present.

The “tide of fate” cannot be ignored! Even though this information has not yet been determined, no one dares to pay any attention to its existence!


Compared to other people who simply wait for answers, for Punk who knows a little bit of insider, there is still a lot of things in the short sentence that the “President” said that it is worth careful consideration.

For example, the information mentioned by the “President” is undoubtedly the message transmitted by Film Bird, but … Among the information that Film Bird asked Punk to help, the word “River of Destiny” may be mentioned. It is the “wheel of light and death”, not the “tide of fate” as the “President” said at this time.

Then the problem is coming.

The “tide of fate” as mentioned by “President” is the same thing as the “wheel of extinction” as described by Film Bird …………

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