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Due to the efficient nature of Magic communications, the news of the mutual aid annihilation spread throughout the entire Scott Empire in just one day, especially after the five great nobility blocked all news about Emoda Flameclaw, those who could not be reached The true core secret medium nobles will still advertise their merits in accordance with ordinary war victory.

Under the active propaganda of these nobles who are still thinking about making excuses to increase taxes and hold banquets, many announcements at Scott Empire ’s towns have been posted to promote victory …

The content of these announcements is the same, but it is nothing more than praising the emergence victorious in every battle of nobility with extraordinarily gorgeous words, and then condemning the cannon tell good from bad of the “rebellion mob” with extraordinarily dark words. The right words emphasize that nobility is a natural ruler, and anyone who dares to question is a damn villain.

Maybe in the period of nobility benevolence and Empire peace, the ruling class suddenly issued a notice that there will be a group of poor people who care about the country ’s major events, but now, in the context of the turmoil like Scott Empire, this complete It ’s a parchment used to show off victory to nobles.

Among the busy pedestrians at the gate of each town, at most there are only one or two literate poor people who read the two notices, and then shake their heads helplessly and leave as if nothing happened, even though many people are understood the news that mutual aid will be destroyed, but most of them still barely survive The poor in the future will not be touched, they still have “more important” life to be busy, they have no time to care about things that are “irrelevant” to themselves.

But … the notice posted by nobles may not be able to attract the attention of the poor, but a youngster walking slowly with the Horned Dragon beast attracted by the curled parchment.

I saw this traveler who had endured the hardships of a long journey and steered the obedient Horned Dragon beast to avoid to-and-fro pedestrians, and then read the city gate announcement from each minding their own business.

There is no doubt that this seemingly ordinary teenager is the “Brave” Ganatika who has been away from the Pearl City.

In fact, at this time, Ganatika knew nothing about what happened in the Pearl City. He had followed Pandora ’s instructions for several days to avoid every town to hurry up until today. After consuming the food and The young man from the water source came to this remote small city to buy supplies.

Then … Ganatika saw the prominent notice posted on the city gate.

With excellent eyesight, Ganatika can easily see every line of text on the parchment notice. Of course, he also immediately knows the meaning of each word ………

I saw that the sign came up and said:

“After the unremitting efforts of me such as nobles, the hard work of the loyal Knights, and the devout cooperation of the friends who get to back on the right path, finally, we completely defeated the” traitor treason army “2 days ago This evil organization, a large number of Class Holder and the poor who have been bewitched by the evil leader Ganatika, have been awakened, and the only remaining, unforgivable “evil Demon woman” Pandora has been sentenced to death. The calm and peace that have been restored once again are all great credit for my nobility …… “

There are a lot of notices, and the words of praise for nobility and the black society are more excessive and countless, but … Ganatika has only stopped here, because, after he fully understood the meaning of a few key sentences The thought of the young brave man has suddenly stopped in the buzz in his mind!

“We completely defeated the” treason treasury army “two days ago,” to the faithful cooperation of friends who get back on the right path “,” Pandora has been sentenced to capital punishment “………

A sentence like a sudden blade penetrates Ganatika’s soul, even in this brief moment, the teenager with a blank brain doesn’t even know what he should think at this time.

Mutual aid will be destroyed, how is this possible? In just 2 days, how could the promising form suddenly become like this? Also what is said on the notice “to get back on the right path of the friends’ pious cooperation”? How is this possible? How could so many Lawful Good companions betray the mutual aid society that everyone co-organized, and they clearly gave them selfless help, and clearly the mutual aid association helped out so many poor people who had nowhere to go ………

The thing that Gannatica ca n’t believe or dare to believe is that the beautiful woman Pandora who answered her confession before leaving 2 days ago … is dead?

“No … no no no, this is impossible … this … this is all the suspicion of the nobility! It is a clumsy method that they only came out after they could not find Pandora and their companions … this will definitely not be true of”!

In any case, I ca n’t believe everything on the notice in front of me. Ganatika desperately tried to persuade himself that this is a nobility conspiracy. His trusted companions will not betray himself, Pandora … the one he loves deeply The girl will never die!

“Ci la”!

Regardless of the surprised eyes of the people around him, angry Ganatika fiercely tore off the parchment pasted on the wall, and then, until the piece of paper was torn into pieces flying in the sky, the boy with the blinking eyes in his pupils used it Shaking fingers took out a metal steel plate inscribed with many Magic rune in his pocket.

This is an emergency communication device that can communicate with many leaders of the mutual aid associations. Due to the shortage of funds in the mutual aid associations, even the more powerful leaders only allow this precious Magic tool to communicate in emergency situations, and in accordance with the regulations. The members called by the communication steel sheet are obliged to respond as soon as possible.

Now, Ganatika is patiently using steel sheets each and everyone to contact the leaders who are recognized as “companions” among them. Among them are “Axe big brother”, there are “Tano”, and even as the deputy Keto is also within the scope of contact.

But … this time, Ganatika was destined to be disappointed.

His contact was unprecedented and did not get any response from anyone. Even though he usually answers Pandora as quickly as possible … this time, he did not smile and convey a bunch of messages full of advice and care ………

The cold metal steel sheet is silent, and the silent is like the only floating ice in the surging waves, and the last piece of ice has cracked under the beat of the waves. This white and flawless ice layer will be completely annihilation in the heaven overflowing giant wave …………

“No, Pandora, I’m going to find Pandora. Even if something goes wrong in Pearl City, I never believe that my companions will betray me … I’m going to save them, even if it’s dead, I’m going to die with Pandora together”!

A shattered, useless piece of communication steel, with a trance, the self-talking Ganatika dragged his tired body to the Horned Dragon’s back with the fastest speed forcibly, and then, controlled the reins The teenager without the slightest hesitation let the mount reverse its direction 180 degrees.

Next, Ganatika ’s destination will be the hazy Pearl City. He ca n’t convince himself to accept the betrayal of his companions, and he dare not believe the fact that his beloved love has fallen. The “braver” who has completely lost his thinking ability is now going. Save everything you have, even at the cost of your life ……… at all costs!

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