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Kirkwellen’s “transit” was as early as Punk expected. After all, what he went out to do at this time was really too big, whether it was the Hoss Mountains that had become volcanic ash or the Lesser Demon that appeared in the wild sand sea. Lord projection giants are destined to attract the attention of all nearby Legend organizations with branch offices.

The troubles that Punk faced actually came from three aspects, and the most important question naturally came from the internal questioning of Truth’s Thinking.

A mission directly caused the client and an Advanced Tutor Brachel to fall. Truth’s Thinking, a Legend organization, will be dissatisfied even if it is loose.

But Punk, which was originally the most difficult problem, no longer needs to be worried.

Kirkwellen ’s conversation with Punk just included questions and warnings from Truth ’s Thinking, but Kirkwellen, an old man who did n’t want to make trouble, helped Punk suppress the doubts from Truth ’s Thinking for his “calm and peaceful old age”, when Kirkwellen turned to Outside the door, trouble from Truth’s Thinking, a loose Wizard Organization, has been solved even by Perfection.

The second trouble comes from the priests who always like to be busy and busy.

You should know that Sleeping Dragon Volcano detonated by Punk has no meaning of returning to peace at all. This terrifying “Dragon” has been spreading volcanic ash in the Hoss Mountains for 2 months. Today, it is not just ten thousand li The frozen Hoss Mountains became a “Flame Land”, including the Minotaot Impact Plain next to the Hoss Mountains, the “Toothfall Mountain” in the north, and the “Red Rabbit Plain” in the south, even to a certain distance from the Hoss Mountains The Red Sand Ocean has been affected by severe climate change.

It is expected that in the future several decades, this area will inevitably fall into a state where people are not talking about their lives. In this case, it is inevitable for the churches of Good God to investigate everything that happened in the Hoss Mountains.

Of course, due to the semi-public nature of Truth’s Thinking task system, people in Good God Church can certainly find that Punk once went to the Hoss Mountains to perform the “Dragon Slaying” task. At that time … Will there be trouble to find the door? What?

Before returning to Truth’s Thinking, Punk had considered this issue very seriously. After all, this kind of thing is undoubtedly related to his own life. Any danger must be considered.

Fortunately … Punk thought the answer was-no!

That ’s right, it ’s not. According to Punk ’s prediction, Priest and Paladin, who are going to be mad at Good God church, are simply impossible to find their own teachers and ask for guilt. The reason is very simple-because Punk is in Gray Rain Kingdom, he is still affiliated Advanced Tutor by Truth’s Thinking!

You should know that Gray Rain Kingdom is a Wizard country jointly ruled by Zhentarim Division, Wizard Union Division, and Truth’s Thinking Division. Legendary Powerhouse, an Empire-level country in Oversee-“Luminous Burner” Ankazan Fireshield is a no-brainer. Legendary Spellcaster.

As a Wizard country with Legendary Wizard oversee, Gray Rain Kingdom undoubtedly has a very strong Wizard atmosphere. This atmosphere includes the pursuit of knowledge, a repressive and quiet atmosphere, pedestrians who come and go like hoods, and … … The indiscriminate exclusion of any priest.

In fact, Ankazan Fireshield had explicitly stated that it prohibited all priests from approaching the border of Gray Rain Kingdom more than 1000 metres a few thousand years ago, and as a Legendary Wizard said, Ankazan ’s warning was undoubtedly permanent.

Thanks to the Legendary Wizard ’s undisguised contempt and aversion to the priest, the entire Gray Rain Kingdom has not seen even a silhouette of the priest for thousands of years. For the children of many poor people, Priest and Paladin even It is just a fictional legend in the novel. As for the church and so on, it is definitely a “fraudster’s place”.

Needless to say, this is the deterrent of a Legendary Spellcaster. Maybe he has not been able to change the entire world, but at least the country under his refuge must obey his will … A Legendary Wizard ’s warning even God It must be weighed, not to mention that Ankazan Fireshield is one of the Wizard Union Elders, and Gray Rain Kingdom is also stationed in three consecutive key divisions of the Legend organization.

Unless one of the Gods is crazy, he is easily possible to trifling the life and death of several small kingdoms and 3 Legend organizations.

Thanks to Gray Rain Kingdom, a wizard country that absolutely opposes the priest, Punk can worry about being picked up by hordes of priests as soon as he leaves the laboratory. As long as he is still in Gray Rain Kingdom, he is still Truth’s Thinking One day in Advanced Tutor, then any church must ponder carefully if it wants to punish evil and promote good.

I have to admit that it is good to join a Legend organization. At least on the destruction of one or two small kingdoms that are not worth mentioning to Legend organizations, a member of a Legend organization can undoubtedly get the organization behind help.

Well, it is this kind of slightly bully people by flaunting one’s powerful connections nature free help!

The priests from the Good God Church have been stopped by the three words “Gray Rain Kingdom”, no matter how Priest and Paladin who have a sense of justice burst into tears, they are also impossible to Gray Rain Kingdom to question Punk. Parties “.

But in addition to a group of the most troublesome priests, there is another uneasy force that needs to be dealt with by Punk, that is, the leader of Gray Rain Kingdom True Dragon-Wizard Union!

Wizard Union is a neutral Lawful Alignment Magic Organization, which is recognized throughout the Faerun Plane.

But the problem is … they never admit to their neutral Alignment. Wizard Union ’s publicity is always pulling themselves into Lawful Good Alignment, even if they do things that are generally incompatible with “goodness”. Above, but this “little detail” will obviously not prevent Wizard Union’s cheeky people from giving themselves gold.

The reputation of a “Lawful Good” Alignment does have a lot of advantages … For example, many small Wizard Apprentice who will not know the will of the people is vicious will think that they have found the organization and then without the slightest hesitation and the Wizard Union “Shenkeng Wizard” Organization “signed a massive unequal treaty.

But the disadvantages of this reputation are also obvious-in the matter of maintaining “justice and kindness”, the Wizard Union, even if it is perfunctory, must show some way to others … No, it is for those naive members within themselves, this kind of The perfunctory project is one of Wizard Union’s core policies. Even small branches in remote and small areas must be thoroughly implemented. In Gray Rain Kingdom, a country with a strong river and lake atmosphere, it is even more impossible to live on.

Therefore, he had anticipated the “question” of Punk by Wizard Union. He even wondered whether he would give up some benefits and accept some minor penalties in exchange for Wizard Union’s compromise.

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