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Punk didn’t pay any attention to Kirkwellen’s meaning. Under the gaze of the horrified Wizard, he directly released an “Anywhere Door”, and then Punk ignored Kirkwellen’s meaningful eyes and stepped directly into “Anywhere Door”.

“Ga ga, I said the boss you are so handsome, you see that the Level 19 Old Wizard is almost stunned, haha, his constipated expression is really fun, quack.”

Vector standing on Punk’s shoulders is always slow to respond to this thing. At present, Magic Crow has no idea to cater to the serious atmosphere in the hall. Seeing Kirkwellen’s smile fixed on the old Zhang’s face, the vector that feels funny actually has Xin Siqiang swallowed in Punk’s ear with a smile.

Because I did n’t even look at Southend, Punk did n’t know anything funny about Vector ’s “expression”. I felt that Magic Crow was whispering in his ear. Punk just put a finger on Vector ’s beak. Spit out a low word:

“To shut up”!

The fingers on the vector bird’s beak pressed slightly, and Magic Crow’s head was turned back to its original position by Punk.

The exit of “Anywhere Door” was opened in front of the task handover counter. Punk stepped out while handing the status token in his hand and said coldly to Golem in front of himself:

“I am Advanced Tutor Punk Saian, I will hand over the” Dragon Slaying “mission”.

“Hello, Wizard Saian. It is clear from the record that you and Brachel Nokan Wizard took the” Dragon Slaying “task on Gray Rain Kingdom 7729th March 3 Gregorian calendar. Are you sure that the task has been completed? Note, you You must be responsible for every sentence of you. If there is evidence in the future that your report does not conform to the facts, you will be punished by Truth’s Thinking. “

It seems that Golem scans the status token of Punk, and then he uses a mechanical voice to talk about the “mission regulations” that are no different to anyone.

Golem’s “confirmation of task completion” is really just a simple confirmation for “Advanced Tutor”.

In fact, because the incident involving powerhouse in this World always has too much uncertainty and delay, in theory, as long as the Advanced Tutor who received the task “confirmed” to complete it at the task counter, then the reward for this task will be It will be issued on the status token of the task receiver.

But do n’t think that you can just cheat the Golem who is stupid in front of you, as the “Task Regulations” said, the task receiver must be responsible for every sentence he says when reporting the progress of the task Did not complete the task but lied that the task has been completed …

If it is not found, naturally everything is easy to say, but if it is debunked … Truth’s Thinking is the most intolerable thing is to deceive this behavior, and within Truth’s Thinking, the penalty for “deception” since ancient times is only one Kind, that is-die!

The few mechanized questions that now welcome Golem sounds indifferent, but anyone knows that in this seemingly serious and careless mechanized voice, Truth’s Thinking’s strict rules and regulations are hidden. Anyone who tries to violate We must weigh our skills, because then he was not facing the weak Golem in front of him, but the entire Legend organization-Truth’s Thinking!

But for Punk … he has nothing to fear.

On the one hand, the Punk with the Heitzita Magic Box is not afraid of any investigation of the Destination spell. On the other hand … Owakin Acidmaw is dead, but it is an absolute fact. Gioni Zodas, the deceased task publisher, is more impossible to find the door to initiate a complaint .

As for the death of Brachel Nokan … this is even more normal-how vulnerable the Master Level Spellcaster is in this world. It is already lucky to have a dangerous Master Level mission without group destruction. It is too common to die a teammate.

So, even though the warnings of the “Mission Regulations” were extremely serious and harsh, Punk, who was not guilty, still only reported his mission to Golem with a calm face.

“In my own name, Punk Saian, I can be sure: the complete death of Owakin Acidmaw is a fact, and Brachel Nokan ’s unfortunate death is also a fact. So far, the” Dragon Slaying “mission has been completed by Perfection, according to the mission Rule, I do n’t need to turn in any spoils of war for Truth ’s Thinking. ”

After calm and composed, after finishing his report, Punk continued to stare at the slow reception of Golem.

It seems that Golem of the Truth’s Thinking branch has not been overhauled for several hundred years. After listening to the report of Punk in one go, this low-level Golem buzzed in place for a few seconds before it was replied to Punk:

“Advanced Tutor Punk Saian confirms the completion of the task, according to the task reservation remuneration, 15,000 trade points have been paid to your identity plate, if Brachel Nokan has not returned to Truth’s Thinking to receive remuneration within ten years, it belongs to Nokan Advanced Tutor’s 15,000 trade point will also be paid to your nameplate “.

After talking about a very common task processing solution, Golem respectfully handed the identity plate to Punk. Then, this little Golem returned to the corner of the counter again motionless-it is waiting for the handover of other tasks, As a Golem, it does not need to rest.

But in fact, regardless of whether the reception Golem needs to take a break or not, it looks like it has to wait for a long time now.

Because of the arrival of Punk, the already silent mission hall has become more silent-except for the two Master Level Spellcasters present, there is no even an Apprentice or Formal Tutor. During the time Punk took over the mission Here, almost all Wizards are almost in a panic, pouring out of the mission hall from the door. It seems that unless they confirm that both Punk and Kirkwellen have left, they will not be willing to stay in this hall for another second even if they have any more important tasks. .

It is also because of the departure of all Wizards, Punk who has collected his identity plate and turned to leave also has to face Kirkwellen who is walking slowly-now there are no other Apprentice and Wizard in the lobby, just pretend It’s too boring to not see it.

Looking at Kirkwellen standing more than 2 meters away from him, Punk narrowed his eyes slightly coldly.

Although the Magic Crow Vector looks left and right on his shoulder, it really destroys the dignified atmosphere in the air, but this little sense of violation is not enough to disturb the confrontation between Punk and the “Branch Chief”.

That’s right, it’s confrontation. This is the confrontation between 2 Level 19 Master Level powerhouse!

In fact, from the moment of entering the lobby, the confrontation between Punk and Kirkwellen, the Lawful Good Alignment Wizard, has already begun. It’s just that now, both Punk and Kirkwellen have ended their silent trials with each other.

Especially Kirkwellen …… At this moment, this Wizard that always keeps the smile of calm and composed has finally ended the kind and non-violent smile full of violations.

“Hello, Mr. Saian, welcome back to Truth’s Thinking”!

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