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“It looks like this Southend Jess is really a troublesome guy.”

Rubbing his eyebrows with his fingers, Punk’s words were somewhat helpless. Although he expected that Owakin’s running place must have trouble enough to hinder himself, he never thought that the trouble would be so big. If this continues to develop, he hasn’t solved the previous Level 19 Master Level powerhouse Owakin. He will get another mysterious Level 19 Wizard Southend.

“But okay …”

Silently glanced at the expression nervous Zola, Punk’s sighed sighed, for him at least mention the understood the enemy’s power is always better than the real fight, only to find the enemy’s strength is unexpectedly convenient, not to mention … if it can In the meantime, Punk doesn’t want to mess with this Southend yet.

So, with this slightly tentative and slightly questionable tone, Punk froze to Zola slowly said:

“I have to remind this Ranger Miss a little bit, although the enemy you mentioned does seem to have something to watch out for, but … I do n’t think it has anything to do with me, and I do n’t have to go anyway. Provoking a Spellcaster that is even stronger than me, especially if there are no benefits. “

“No, not right.”

Hearing the cold words of Punk a matter of no concern to oneself, Zola hurriedly retorted:

“Maybe you do n’t want to provoke Southend, but as far as I know, Southend may have begun to make another” hunting plan “. Even if you try to avoid Nightmare Cult, Southend who never knows to give up will definitely be against you. In the wild desert, Nightmare Cult’s power is everywhere, unless you avoid all the towns and caravans, otherwise Southend’s conspiracy may come at any time, instead of waiting for the enemy to prepare various means to come to the door and then be beaten a completely unprepared , Take the initiative to strike the enemy a completely unprepared, is it not the right choice to face danger? “

Maybe it ’s because Punk and Kane did n’t pay enough attention, and Zola ’s voice became hurried, and even her emotions caused dramatic fluctuations in the battle energy. Breeze dancing slowly around the Female Ranger began to be due to the spilled battle energy energy. It became irritable.

Hearing Zola’s remarks, although no emotional changes were apparent on the surface, in fact, both Punk from start to finish expressionless and Kane who still kept smiling began to weigh carefully in the heart.

As Zola said, Punk now has a reason to stay in this wild desert, Kane ’s goal is from the very beginning to point directly to Nightmare Cult, and neither of them is good at hiding their Stalker to the town Investigating intelligence and replenishing supplies is an indispensable action. In this case, it is obviously unrealistic to expect to avoid the search of a powerful Level 2 Wizard through blind evasion.

Therefore, in a sense, Zola is right. It ’s not Punk and Kane who want to provoke Southend ’s problems, but Anderson is always ready to come to the door with complete preparations. Therefore, whether you want it or not, Punk and Kane had to accept the reality that he already had an irreconcilable Level 19 Master Level Wizard as an enemy. As for the reason … Is bad luck a reason?

“Okay, okay, there’s really no way. This Lord hasn’t really wanted to kill or quit recently, but can’t bear someone running over courting death!”

Carefree put knight spear on his shoulder, Kane’s tone immediately became confident and full, and it looked like he didn’t put Southend in his eyes at first.

“Is that guy called Southend? Do you dare to talk about a hunting plan? It ’s funny, I ’m not afraid of the wind blowing my tongue, and I want to hunt this Lord? This Lord still wants to hunt him, owl owl owl, let him come over By the way, the knight spear of this Lord has been eager to fight for a long time. “

With the weird laughter of “歭 涭 枭”, Kane flexibly danced the knight spear in his hands one after another, and the gold glittering gun head reflected the dazzling flash again and again onto Zola’s face.

But unlike Kane’s arrogant declaration, Punk’s words seem more practical:

“So Miss Zola, do you mean … Would you like to find me and this suspected Knight of ADHD?”

“Hey hey hey, ADHD and so on this Lord can be heard”!


No one paid attention to Kane’s yelling, Punk and Zola were still silently staring at each other with calm and deep eyes.

“Yes Sir Wizard, we have common interests”!

took a deep breath, Zola said seriously:

“Southend took my family with the evil Abyssal Energy Contamination. My family was bewitched by the Demon in human skin. I already hated this Nightmare Cult that used our family to stretch the leaves, but it was only in the He Family Too many people are under the control of Southend, and my strength … I have no capital against that Evil Wizard, so I need the help of a strong enough ally. “

Speaking of which, Zola’s eyes revealed a deep and firm look.

“So … what do we need to do, and what kind of help can you provide? What can I get after it is done, and what do you want to get,”?

Ignoring Zola’s eyes and tight fists indifferently, Punk asked Zola in a cold trading tone.

Zola, who had already anticipated this, also quickly answered:

“You just need to go to the capital of the capital” Sandyrock City, it hasn’t been penetrated by Nightmare Cult completely, and I will go back to Nightmare Cult to explore Southend’s hunting plan, when the time comes I will send the information to Sandyrock City 89 In the hands of Jeff Earl of the nobility mansion, you can get information and communicate with me through Jeff Earl, when the time comes we are planning the next step

As for the distribution of benefits after the event … I can guarantee that Southend not only has a lot of precious Magic materials, but he also records a lot of knowledge of “Rule perception”, “Abyssal Energy”, when the time comes All can be handed over! “

Hearing that Punk had a tendency to agree to cooperation, Valiant and formidable looking Female Ranger immediately sincerely threw out his chips.

Although Zola’s language and emotions are sincere enough, Punk still did not answer Zola’s questions immediately.

He did n’t trust the words of the Female Ranger. Of course, he did n’t dare to underestimate the wild sand sea Spellcaster-Southend Jess. On the other hand, Punk did have enough interest in Zola ’s “wealth”. And, besides, he still has a faint hunch-this and Nightmare Cult if used well ……… The hunt for Owakin will twist the results for half the effort. Besides, let alone have a good one. Kane, his helper, was accompanied.

The only thing that worries Punk right now is that he is not sure that Zola ’s “request for cooperation” is not part of Southend ’s “hunting plan” conspiracy, nor can he guarantee that he can get substantial information before confronting Southend directly … …

“Intelligence, intelligence, nothing is more worthy of careful consideration than intelligence … wait a minute, if it is intelligence … will that spell come in handy?”

In the process of thinking, with the terrible thinking ability of Master Level powerhouse, Punk suddenly remembered that a very practical spell might bring him a huge advantage, although due to the strangeness and side effects of this spell, Punk must be extremely concerned The number of uses is limited, but now, think about it may be the right time to play.

Thinking of this, Punk’s mouth finally outlined a smile:

“Very good, then Miss Zola, now wish us a happy cooperation”!

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