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“President” left, her departure was as silent as her arrival, and the gray mist was quickly dissipated in Morningstar Wizard’s Laboratory, and Punk’s “Hitezta Magic Box” Naturally, it was transformed as promised.

According to Brilliant Sun under the throne, the brand new Magic box with completed spell enchantment will be delivered to Punk by Ms. “Eternal Sleeping Eyes” after 10000 years-although “Whisper of Destruction” is not clear why it was handed to you The mission is to be completed by the “Missing Eye” who is a member named Radiant Moon, who is actually responsible for the Divination River of Destiny punishment mechanism, but it is obviously not the “President” that is related to a mysterious Divination person. Is not within the scope of interpretation?

Just as if “President” wouldn’t explain to Punk why she never let that “Music of the Sleeping Girl” actually participate in any of her actions, she would not explain why a Brilliant Sun-level spell Enchantment item finally Will be transferred to a Radiant Moon Class Holder.

In fact, at this moment, the crown of Brilliant Sun has completely disappeared into Spellcaster’s perception, and the mysteries left by her are destined to be unanswered …

“I really don’t know what happened to this beautiful” Alliance of the Silencers “leader, although” Bicknert’s soul fusion technique “is indeed well known, but I have not heard of it Other Brilliant Sun Class Holder went directly to the sea of ​​chaos without a word. Why did the “President” act so hurriedly that she even had to put so much power into the hands of a mercenary with the highest interests ” ?

Silently staring at the place where Brilliant Sun projection dissipated, the Spellcaster narrowing his eyes slightly couldn’t help but narrow his lips.

After receiving a generous reward and a full-fledged position, it was certainly a surprise, but before cheering excitedly for the “pie falling from the sky”, Punk felt that he had to seriously think about how to throw down the good ceiling suddenly. What about the pie?

Was this “ceiling” so generous that it suddenly achieved the desireless Saint gesture?

Or simply because … the ceiling is leaking? Broken?

Once the conspiracy theory that is not optimistic emerges, Spellcaster deep in one’s heart’s self-talking voice and words can’t be light:

Isn’t the “President” injured in the battle with Mesr? Think again about why she suddenly characterized Tiamat, the “colorless dragon mother” who was an ally some time ago, as an enemy? Is it because the evil mad dragon who participated in the battle of the Karams Empire is also one of the culprits that caused her serious injuries? “

I was a little surprised thinking about this speculation, which is very likely to be the fact. The more frowning “Whisper of Destruction” thinks, the more I feel that I am not wrong.

In the final analysis, the “President” is only a Brilliant Sun Class Holder of the same level as Methour. She can repeatedly defeat Mr. “Archmage” and the persecuted opponents dare not to leave the door of Brilliant Sun Magic Tower. It can really kill an ancient Brilliant Sun Wizard “without injury”.

Judging from the series of low-key measures taken by the “President” after winning the war, the Alliance of the Silencers’ battle strength ceiling is likely to have been seriously damaged.

And this “damage” is not a type that can take a little time and drink a few bottles of potions to quickly recover completely. Punk is a bit unimaginable. What degree of soul injury can make a Brilliant Sun Class Holder cost 100,000 years? Ensure perfect recover completely

And in this way, the eccentric policy formulated by the “President” that “Tiamat is the enemy but does not actually attack, retaliate 10000 temples but does not declare hostility” makes sense-because in order to keep his weak secret The other Brilliant Sun throne sees this embarrassing restraint, and the always strong Brilliant Sun Wizard can only choose to enter the sea of ​​chaos to ensure its own safety while continuing to order “executors”, and even the entire Alliance of the Silencers to continue to be active. On the big stage of Multiverse …

She delegated authority to Punk is both a necessary move and a helpless move.

There is something wrong with “President”, is this a good thing or a bad thing? Can the crown of the Brilliant Sun who is hiding in the chaotic sea really conceal the suspicions of other Brilliant Sun Class Holders? Is my current special situation safe enough? The trouble is overwhelming, and I am not sure that this “provisional reviewer” job is still a hot potato. “

Thinking of the rapid changes in the situation and strategies, he stretched his white fingers and rubbed his temples. The wistful of Destruction thoughts are now very rare.

His ingenuity always helps him to analyze many, many things easily, but how many responses can Spellcaster really make?

Only by improving the strength, becoming stronger as soon as possible, and gaining huge benefits with real power that’s all, apart from this, any Class Holder at the beginning of a Grand Era will inevitably have no choice.

“Radiant Moon’s promotion can’t be delayed any longer. Since the” President “has promised generous rewards, it is the most important thing to study the Magic as soon as possible to improve the Class Level. Up to 80000 … Must be promoted within 80000 years Radiant Moon, this is where my first stage goal is! “

Punk, who firmly strengthened his conviction and put his goals into practice, quickly formulated his own strength improvement plan.

He needs the strength of the Radiant Moon level too, he needs to perform the duties of “provisional reviewer” to retaliate the 10000 shrines, and also be careful to ensure that his personal safety is not threatened. If there is an opportunity, Punk even wants to use the “President” “Obtain some precious benefits without the opportunity of the main substance Plane …………

These all are things that you can actually control after you have Class Level as the foundation, so you do n’t need to think too much about Punk to determine that the promotion of strength level must be the top priority of your first stage efforts.

But in addition to the annoyances in groups, the things that please Spellcaster are not non-existent.

For example, just now, the complicated spell model structure derived from Brilliant Sun Level gave the Morningstar Wizard a great inspiration. After perfectly remembering the “Bicknert’s soul fusion technique” left by Mesour, “Whisper The Arcane magic level of “Destruction” has been upgraded smoothly.

Now Punk Saian is already a 4 Level 17 Morningstar Spellcaster.

And this key level also represents …… He can finally learn an extremely powerful Legend skill-“Double Cast”.

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