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In front of the broken Horaka defense line, Demon ’s wave march has become more fierce and unstoppable over time. I saw that the crazy giant beast exuding heavy blood-reeking qi breath seemed to be fearless and tireless. The charge came in the direction of Mithril Royal City in the Karams Empire. The earth cracked in the trembling rumbling sound. The flying dust turned into hot steam and boiled the rolling sea of ​​clouds.

The climax of this war is about to be released, and the dance music of the nightmare is about to come to the end, and since such a grand party is happily released in the harsh roar accompaniment, how can the gorgeous lights and explosions not keep up with the times What about entering together?

So in the location of Benito City, the former Horaca line, I saw a silhouette showing Jin red Ze which represented the fiery energy, followed by a blast of light like the sun rising from the horizon. ——There is no doubt that it is the shining struggle of the leaders of the war and the strong evidence of the fierce battle. After all, even in the dying process of an empire, the battle at the Morningstar level is definitely worth any body. The creatures on the battlefield paid close attention.

“hong long long”!

“Saian, my defensive power is destined to be invincible, and every attack you make is just adding weight to my counterattack that’s all!”

Like a flaming meteorite dropping from the sky, Donnela suddenly dashed into the sky and fell down like a red copper man, and the flames flew all over his body, and after a word of gnashing teeth, a torrent Yongjin’s incandescent shock wave also suddenly burst out around his body.

It did n’t take long since then, the flame walls that followed Heaven and Earth instantly burned all the energy and substances remaining in the air, and the magnificent battlefield was able to recover again in this large-scale killing with a significant clearing effect Clean.

Of course, from a visual point of view, such a crushing flame is still very shocking and shining ten thousand zhang, but if you consider it from the perspective of actual combat ……… the real killing effect it has is not too worth it. Too deep.

After all, although it seems that Donnela, who has continued to explode several energy torrents, has finally successfully burned the space within a radius of several millions of square kilometers, but in fact, he obviously does not at all ability to pass a fairly pure defensive Morningstar spell poses any substantial threat to the enemy “Whisper of Destruction” that is fighting with it. The special effect of “Gold Riveted Clothes” is to continuously absorb the Energy of Rule and then transform it into pure heat to quickly dissipate and exhaust to achieve the defense of the enemy. The purpose of the attacker, the tide of energy released by it is chaotic and complicated, and there is no law. Bathed in such a low heat wave, “Whisper of Destruction” from start to finish expressionless is completely indifferent to the clamor of “Astral Plane Husky”.

Even since the beginning of the battle, Donnela hasn’t had a breakthrough Punk’s outermost 3-layer energy shield for several consecutive energy bursts.

“This is what you rely on to fight? A hard shell with no attack power”?

Once again, a brand-new “tide wave” was released, watching the gilded Donela once again submerged by the wave of disengagement from Rule, Punk’s eyes were only a quiet calm, and his words were only meaningful. Sarcasm and indifference.

To be honest, this battle is not easy, although Augustine’s “turtle shell” has almost no attack power, and due to the high pressure of energy absorption, the “Golden Riveter” has greatly reduced Donnela’s progress. The maneuver effect during instantaneous acceleration, but to be strong and resistant … This golden red hot thing is definitely the strongest defense spell Punk has ever seen!

What more can I say? It can only be said that the purely defensive Morningstar trick is worthy of the purely defensive Morningstar trick. Take a look at the Laipi affix of this thing:

Enchantment Spell Once the arcane magic is completed, it can be maintained as long as it is continuously charged, continuously absorb energy, greatly reduce the attack strength of the enemy, and can also release excess energy while absorbing. The damage reduction effect is specifically controlled by a single Rule to cause a large range of continuous killing Morningstar spell XNUMX. The effect of Enchantment, which is extremely good at self-recovery, is definitely the natural enemy of those attack methods with insufficient explosive lethality …

how about it? Did you see anything?

This thing is clearly used to restrain Punk’s “tide wave”, after all, is the Morningstar spell “tide wave” not the typical “single rule spell of continuous killing type”, its biggest disadvantage is not Is the explosive lethality seriously insufficient?

In fact, there is no need to make a difference between life and death. Punk actually had almost understood it at the beginning of the war. Others are not fools. They never know where to find such a “Astral Plane. It is not unreasonable for the wolf to act as a temporary Alliance Leader until he is in the state of being “named” and still decides to use hard means to enslave bad luck’s Donnela.

Although Mr. “Archmage” of mysterious and secretive seems to have been hiding in his Magic Tower from beginning to end in this war, he has never stood still in the face of the enemy’s attack. Under the crown of the throne of Brilliant Sun, who is crazy and actually meticulous, it is clear that he has long wanted to use Mr. Augustine, who is good at using “gold riveting clothes”, to contain and even kill the battle strength. The amazing “Whisper of Destruction” Too.

Even at this moment, Punk had a little doubt in his heart. The reason why Donnela, such an unknown secluded Morningstar Wizard, was able to unfathomable mystery suddenly learned the “golden riveted clothes”, the rather unpopular Morningstar spell. It was because of “Archmage” “Your long-term plan” has been planned for a long time ago to deal with your own sake. It seems that the “Astral Plane Wolf” who has been harmed by humanity is purely a piece of the Wizard Guild specially designed for himself. piece.

And from the perspective of Brilliant Sun powerhouse level, the ultimate goal of this piece is eight-nine tenths, or the “President” who is in a state of extreme lack of manpower!

It’s just ……… How do you say something?

After all, people are not as good as heaven, and no perfect plan can keep up with the changes. Who can think that the second fool of Tiamat will detonate a long war that should be suppressed?

Mesoul ’s idea is actually quite good, but he was unfortunately behind a trick in the conspiracy with the “President”. The result of this time lag is that he never has the time to take Donila. The role of the chess piece is fully exerted, and now the eyebrows that have been burned and have no time to go against the Morningstar Wizard’s calculation strategy, “Mesur” can only choose to be discarded from start to finish. “Astral Plane” “Wolf” turned to concentrate on the raging wave of Abyss.

And in the face of a sad cannon fodder that has been clearly abandoned and only passively defended and has no self-knowledge, how can Punk have any extra fear of the other side?

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