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In the remote corner of Multiverse, still in the white and empty meeting place …………

When Punk hurriedly stepped on the smooth and silent floor, the emptyness of the conference hall was presented to his eyes, but the difference from Spellcaster’s idea was that-not at all in the conference venue at this time Like the previous executive meeting, everyone went to Qi quietly waiting for the “President” to come to the project to explain the affairs. The participants seen from this time Punk from start to finish were only 2 people-one is the “President” projection , The other is the knight kane bezadas still wearing a full set of gold glitter armor!

And when Punk arrived, the conversation between the two of them seemed to have come to an end …

Mr. “Instant Kill Gun”, the job you need to perform is not easy. I hope you take every opponent you meet seriously. Please do n’t forget how much harm this thing can bring to people. You need to learn to control My own greed and desire is even more worthy of a Morningstar Class Holder to pay attention to and learn than to improve Class Level. “

The voice of “President” is still so bland and concise. There is no too gorgeous words between words, and there is no need to include many emotional fluctuations. Although this style of expression full of sense of order and equality is not without command and warning, But at the same time, it will definitely not disgust people.

However, no matter what the tone of voice, he said the truth can not be ignored by anyone, listening to the “President” teachings, even the always cynical “Instant Kill Gun” will no longer reveal a hehe haha’s injustice With his attitude, I saw that when using standard nobility etiquette while expressing gratitude, he solemnly made a guarantee:

“Follow your orders, esteemed” President “, just as the water birds in the wind and rain will not fall easily, and just as the reefs on the coast will not be afraid of the waves, I believe my ability is enough to complete these important tasks … … then, to save your time, let me retreat first. “

In the face of the crazy Knight in the powerhouse, he did not mind showing the most basic courtesy and respect. When he received a salty warning and saw a Punk that showed a silhouette not far from himself, Kane solemnly After making a guarantee, walk quickly to the exit of Conference Hall.

Obviously, the executive meeting format of this time is no longer a group of people waiting for the “chairman” to discuss the goal of the cooperation mode, but has become a more concealed one-to-one separate task release.

Before the arrival of Punk Formal, the “President” should have assigned the top secret important task to Morningstar Knight, “the chain will not fall at a critical moment”. Similarly, the conversation between Spellcaster and Brilliant Sun throne Kane has no reason. Stay at the scene and listen.

So, with a smile and a big step towards the exit, the “Instant Kill Gun” just passed by the Punk who had just entered the entrance, just as I did not know the Morningstar Wizard at all, followed by a few pale-gold rays of The flash of light passed away, and Kane, who entered the state of super-light speed flight, had left the venue.

“…………” President “, what kind of accident happened in the end? Why was the danger notice program interrupted?”

I didn’t care about Morningstar Knight’s hurried departure, and I had come to Punk next to the gray-black spherical projection. Even if I was expressionless, I asked.

Crazy Knight’s mission from the “President” is not something he needs to pay attention to. The Spellcaster now pays more attention to what kind of “emergency” happens before it forces the “President” to interrupt the original plan for a long time. Action “Danger Notice”.

You know, from seeing the great priest Aikal-Call of Life in the Spirit King court, I have never liked the “Whisper of Destruction” that missed any opportunity. I feel that the entire eternal forest is very wrong now If the “President” insists on asking him to send a letter to Goddess Sage, Punk believes that he can discover more secrets of the “religious man” Zealot. After all, even with the intuition Spellcaster has a 9% chance to be sure Karl has been covering up some unspeakable things.

But now … The “danger notice” mission is over. If Punk visits the Spirit King Court without authorization, it will become a real “Outsider Invasion”. If you do n’t want to take a risky attack, the Spirit King Court The secret of Goddess, the goddess of the “religious man”, and the life of Goddess are destined to temporarily become a new unsolved mystery.


“It seems that the performance of the” pious man “is very general, or that the intuition from” It “has come into effect again. You should have discovered the strangeness of the Spirit King court, right?”

It seems that Punk’s doubts seem to be able to remain calm forever, and the “President” of Mount Tai could collapse and his face wouldn’t change also not at all. The mission is immediately arranged, and he is very responsible for Spellcaster. Questions were fully answered and reminded:

“Don’t think too much,” Mr. Whisper of Destruction “, the spirit King’s wrongness was noticed by many people as early as 100,000 years ago, but this matter involves a great Divine Power, involving the God of Life Department, 10000 shrines and more, so nobody from start to finish has no one to delve into ……… Remember, curiosity is undoubtedly a good quality for Wizard, but now you better not It ’s better to be curious about those troublesome things that you know at a glance. After all, everyone ’s power and time are limited in the end. Even I have to try my best to solve the enemy in front of me and think about other things. I can say that you can understand “?

“… Well, understand, then … have the enemies in front of us used new methods again?”

After being reminded by the “President”, Punk also understands how the ridiculous level of Spirit King Court relates to the outrageous level. It must be admitted that Brilliant Sun is right under the throne. The current Spellcaster is just a 4 Level 14 Morningstar Wizard. Compared with those ancient and dangerous secrets, he really should first focus on the current development and respond to the enemy, especially … The “enemy” placed in front of Punk and even the Alliance of the Silencers at this time is not particularly easy to deal with.

At least from the attitude of the “President” today, the Brilliant Sun throne, which has always been planning strategies, has been rarely seen under the crown of so-called “accidents”.

I saw that after Punk said his doubts, the “president” who reduced the size of the sphere projection projected a clear image in a vacuum while explaining Spellcaster with a tired tone:

“No … the guy in Mesoul is” rolled “, and the bad luck eggs that are” rolled “are never difficult to deal with, but the real trouble is that the” Chromatic Dragon mother “who should be on the same front as us Ms. Tiamat is too stupid and impulsive. Her idiot’s actions not only ruined my precise plan, but also gave Mr. “Archmage” a chance to come back to life-in fact, even I have to admit that I went Abyss’ negotiation with the stupid dragon is probably a complete mistake, because I didn’t think that Tiamat is crazy enough to be so dizzy! “

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