Chapter 269 Unusual Semifinals

Two days later, Bingdi Academy, physical training room.

After the battle with Sitianbao Temple, Bingdi returned to the intense pre-match training.

In this sports training room funded by the trace family, there were a dozen teenagers doing high-intensity physical training at this time.

Sweater Yuduan sat on a resting chair, and a few thin documents were spread over his knees.

Picking up the schedule by his side, Yuu glanced at his shirt roughly and narrowed his eyes. “Their opponent this time is Nagoya Singde…”

This is a famous tennis school from Aichi Prefecture in the central region.

Because it has always been an international joint middle school, most of the staff of the Nagoya Star Tennis Club are foreigners who come to Neon as exchange students.

Compared with the neon used to be called the tennis desert, foreign countries have always had obvious advantages due to problems such as physical growth and tennis education.

This has also resulted in the fact that Nagoya Stars is basically a frequent visitor to the national competitions, especially in the past two years, they have achieved good results in the top four in a row.

Faced with such a team that couldn’t figure out the details, Sung Yuu still cheered up a little.

Because of the changes in the last World Championship, foreign countries have paid more attention to the neon tennis world. As a window to connect with foreign countries, no one knows whether Nagoya Xingde will produce any moths this year.

Those countries that are among the top in the tennis world should not be too simple to infiltrate and intervene.

“Still worried?”

“You know what happened last time, so it’s better to be careful.”

Without turning his head back, Jackie Yu heard that the sound was made by Trace.

There is a white sports towel hanging around his neck, and his hands on his hips have walked slowly to the side of Shang Shan Yu.

“An Xin, even if those guys still appear, my uncle will not let them go.”

Bend down and pulled out one of the printing papers full of contestants’ information, Trace Department smiled confidently.

“Don’t be too careless.” Shang Shun You ignored Mi’s stinky thoughts, and passed two pieces of information from his hand, “Look at this.”

“What is this?” Trace Department took a curious look.

“This is their game record… and the live photos?” Trace Department flipped through it at random, then his face grew darker as he watched, “These bastards!”

The palm of his hand tightly squeezed the sheets of information handed over by the shirt, and the expression on Trace Department’s face finally became dignified.

A trace of anger burned in his eyes.

According to the data, Nagoya Xingde’s opponent in the quarter-finals this time was their “old friend” Lion Music Middle School. However, after the game ended, two Lion Music were sent to the hospital.

Although Lions appealed to the organizer after the event, it was clear that there was no result in this matter.

First of all, the Nagoya Xingde players did not violate the rules. The Lions players were injured on the court. It can only be said that the game was a little bit fierce and there were many coincidences.

However, is it really a coincidence?

Just after the trace department saw the injuries on the bodies of the two men, he immediately remembered the days when he first started playing tennis.

“It’s definitely the despicable group of maggots.” The trail’s tone was a bit cold. He lowered his eyebrows and glanced at his shirt Yuu, then gritted his teeth and said: “I’m familiar with such attacks.”

“Hehe, it seems that some people really haven’t given up on it, this uncle will show them good looks!”

Almost angrily and laughing, the days when he was studying in England have appeared in the mind of Jibu.

“So, it should be from the British and Belgian people.” Yu Shan Yu’s eyes flashed, and he calmly withdrew the information from the trace department.

During the Kanto Competition, although their Bingdi did not receive most of the harassment, they often talked about it during the stay together and when they communicated with other schools.

“Moreover, these scars are also very familiar to me.” With drooping eyelids and shirt Yuu, the words were only in his own heart, and he didn’t say it.

The injuries suffered by the two Lions are basically similar to those used on street tennis courts in the UK.



After patted the palms a few times, the solemn voice of the track department sounded in the training room.

“What’s the matter? It looks like a miraculous look at the trail department.”

“Let’s take a look, it’s probably about the game three days later.”

Shinzu closed the treadmill in front of him, and after seeing the two figures over there, a gleam of light appeared in his eyes, and he said lightly.

“Well, I hope so.”

He took a breath and wiped the sweat from his forehead with the towel on his neck.

Taking advantage of the time when everyone was gathering, the trace department calmed down, as if suddenly thinking of something, he asked in a cold voice: “By the way, Jujuping didn’t make a move this time?”

If the yellow-haired, lion-like Haki boy was present, I am afraid it would not end so hastily.

“Because of family reasons, he transferred to another school after the training.” Shang Xian You explained with a light sigh.

For some reasons, the Kyushu Shuangxiong ended briefly.

At least until next year, they will not be able to see them active on the court for the time being.

Shang Shan Yu continued to carefully flip through the information in his hand, trying to find out if it was an acquaintance in his memory.


The main members of the Ice Emperor Team One and Two have all gathered together.

“Let’s circulate it and take a look.”

Standing up, Yushang Yu directly handed the game information of Shiraku and Nagoya Singtoku to the headed Shinzu Yushi.

“This is–”

Shinzu took a look, and then his face was similar to the previous trace, and an anger rose in his heart.

Silently speechless, he handed the information to Xiang Riyue behind him.

In this way, one by one, soon everyone in the Ice Emperor had read the information about the quarter-finals.

Unanimously, there was a chill and anger in their hearts.

“Let’s take a look first, I can talk to you about this matter now.” Shang Xianyou clapped his hands, attracting other people’s attention to him.

“Pay attention and listen.”

He glanced at everyone. Shang Shan Yu continued:

“Tennis, in our junior high school league, there is a special training camp called U17 training camp.”

“This is the top training base for each country to cultivate future professional tennis players. The invitation I received last time with Ajiuzin was from the U14 team of the United States.”

“In foreign countries, U14 is the U17 talent reserve base, and you will automatically be promoted to it as soon as you get older. It is equivalent to the difference between our high school and junior high school.”

Ajiutsu’s eyes shrank slightly when she heard Sung Yuu mentioning herself.

However, he didn’t say anything, and continued to wait for Shan Yuu’s explanation.

In this respect, shirt Yu is obviously clearer and more detailed than he understands.

“And this time…” Seeing everyone sinking into contemplation, the shirt stretched slightly: “…We may be facing a U14 team from abroad.”

“Well, what?!!!”

“In other words, Nagoya Star…!”

Before the shock in everyone’s eyes dissipated, the shirt coughed lightly, “As for the reason–”

“The coach Tokugawa you met last time stayed together. He is a member of Neon U17. In order to protect Lihai University’s selection players, he played a game with a U17 member from the United Kingdom.”

“The result of the game is… the opponent’s arms are broken, and it is estimated that he will not be able to play tennis in the future.”

The gaze in Shang Xian You’s eyes was cold, and the tone was low and quiet.

The words of the shirt on Yu are like a thread that connects some of the situations they encountered before, but at the same time, more doubts appeared in their minds.

Shido Ryo’s thoughts flowed for a moment, and his eyes looked sharply at the shirt Yuu, “In other words, this is a revenge for us by the other party.”

“That’s right.” With crossed eyes, the shirt you nodded and said: “If you don’t get it, you will ruin it. I think you all understand this truth.”

“The outside world is not as simple as everyone thinks.”

As soon as Jackie You said this, it once again refreshed the three views of many people in the Bingdi. It was the first time that they heard such a statement in tennis in competitive sports.

From this point of view, the previous invitation was just a form of courtesy first and then soldiers abroad.

The eyes of several people fell on Shangshan Yu and Ajutsu’s body.

You know, neither of them accepted the invitation of the US team last time.

On the side, Akutsu also looked sideways at Sung Yuu’s words.

Speaking of it, it was the second time he felt a murderous aura in Shang Shan Yu’s words just now.

“Then the top, our previous live-in training, can I understand it as our neon U14?”

Unusually, Shinzu calmly pushed his eyes, and raised a question that many people had overlooked.


He gave a thumbs up to Ninzu, and the shirt smiled, “Last time was a preview of the Neon Miku U14.”

“Sure enough, I know.” After receiving a satisfactory answer, Shinzu nodded and stopped talking.

There is no news about U14 in Neon, and many people must have checked it, such as Rubu, Ninzu, Qingxue’s Gan, Lihaida Liu, and Sitianbao Temple’s Koharu.

With the information from Shang Shan Yu this time, Shinobu has sorted out everything.

Foreign wooing-rejection-attack-Neon U17 shot-Hesu (U14 simulation)-revenge.

“So this is the whole story of this time…” With a forbearance, his eyes fell on the information that was finally passed back to him, and he smiled coldly in his heart, “It’s really interesting.”


Snap your fingers.

In the end, a biting chill spread all over the training room, and the track department made a declaration of preparation:

“Semi-finals, you can only win, you can’t lose!”

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