Chapter 257

As soon as Tenten passed the training days, everyone’s body changed silently.

Concentrated accommodation training is not only training, but also the most important communication.

In addition to the daily qualifying competition between adjacent groups, the top level A group has also received guidance from Onijujiro and Irie Kanado.

Especially the concept of world class, for the first time clearly took root in the hearts of many caring people.

Seeing different landscapes and seeing a higher level of strength also gave top players like Yukimura and Tezuka a deeper understanding of their future direction.

As for the first grade, who is more like to make up the number, a special training called “Wine Challenge” is held every day in the unknown night.

The members of the club at the top of the mountain have become a huge obstacle for them during this period. Even if one is defeated, they will immediately be entangled by the second one.

If they want to defeat more, then the time Mifune left for them is not allowed.

Test, observe, choose, and persevere every day. Everyone is absorbing nutrients quickly in such an atmosphere.

“See you at the national competition!”

After shook hands with Baishi in the end, the shirt Yu returned to the team where the ice emperor was.

His coaching duties ended when the boarding ended today, and now he has returned to being an ordinary middle school student.

“Let’s go!”

He took the Ice Emperor’s jacket that Huadi handed over, flicked the shirt back, and then draped it on his body handsomely.

On the side, the traces of the eyes were clear, and he raised his eyebrows and said: “Tops, why do you look so familiar with this action.”

“Haha, don’t worry about the details, the opponents in this national competition are not so easy to deal with.”

With a smile on the shoulder of the slap, Yu Yuu’s face was solemn, and he wanted to skip the topic above.

In the later stage of this co-stay training, Li Haida’s doubles performance was very outstanding, and Marui Fumata seemed to have completed some kind of evolution faintly.

“Huh… don’t worry, the victory will still be our Ice Emperor!” The big hand was emptied, and his face was full of confidence, “and… the stronger the enemy, the more fulfilling the defeat.”

“Right, Huadi!”


Huadi’s tone rose slightly, and the answer he gave made the smile at the corner of Trace’s mouth widened by three points.

On the other side, the Lihai public also changed back to their team uniforms, and the dark yellow jacket added a sense of majesty to them.

Yukimura and Sanada also greeted Shitenbao Temple in Kansai, and then led the other team members to leave.

In this 20-odd day of living together, everyone did not say how close they became, but most of the people have become acquainted with each other.

If it used to be purely an opponent, then these strong teams now have such a fetter between each other.

On the way, Liu observed that Kirara’s mood seemed not too high, squinted his eyes and thought for a while, and asked: “Jihara, I found that your changes have been quite large during this period of time.”

In his cognition, Kirara has always been a child’s character, what to say, but now, Kirara’s heart seems to have grown a lot.

“Ah, no…”

Kirara scratched his head and said embarrassedly.

At this moment, Nioh’s white-haired head leaned over, “I guess Kirara has made some good friends.”

Smiling like a fox, how could Nioh, who always likes to tease Kirara, let this opportunity pass.


Unexpectedly, Kirara didn’t flush his neck this time, jumped up to retort him, but started thinking.

Seeing this scene, Yukimura and Sanada looked at each other, and both saw the surprise in each other’s eyes.

Kirara, this is also a kind of growth.

“Chitose, let’s leave too.”

Tachibana looked enviously at the departure of several strong Kanto teams. After this time, Chitose will go abroad to treat his eyes, and he will also transfer to Tokyo. The future of their Lion Music National Competition can be said to be worrying.

“Orange, don’t think so much, it’s not up to you to decide, the lions will welcome their new lion king.”

Glancing at the lion music crowd behind him, Chitose patted Orange on the shoulder with optimism.

“Although I may not play tennis together in the future, but…I still look forward to the day when I meet you on the court.”

“Relax, yes! Tennis is our direct contact.”

With a free and easy smile, Tachibana gently touched Chitose with his fist, and the blood still remained in the eyes of the two of them.

After seeing so many outstanding tennis players, how can they give up tennis?

What’s more, there is the so-called World Tournament, which is the stage that every tennis player dreams of.

Under the shade of a tree on a high ground, three figures stood quietly together.

Looking at the buses leaving from the parking lot, Iryangzuo touched the corner of his eyes lightly, seemingly emotional, “I really can’t bear it, I didn’t expect twenty days to pass in a blink of an eye.”

“Irie, I think you haven’t played enough.” Oni Jujiro put his arms around his chest, with a rare corner of his mouth, and said in a somewhat ridiculous tone: “Or next month’s Japan-U.S. Exchange Tournament is also handed over to Irie, you lead the team. .”


Irie was startled, and the sentimental atmosphere just disappeared on his face, “Ghost-kun and Tokugawa-kun have something important, do you want them to do it together.”

Pushing down the glasses on the nose, Irie’s counterattack did not lose the wind.

“Ah…” His face was slightly embarrassed. Tokugawa always felt that there was something in his words when I entered the river, and he smiled helplessly: “Did you not propose a way to deal with the Byodoin Temple last time, Senior I entered the river? Try it for me.”

“You mean, that?!” Irue’s face became abnormally serious, and he looked at Shitokugawa’s body seriously, “Practicing that move, your sports career will be reduced, is it worth it?”

Staring into Tokugawa’s eyes, Irie wanted to find a reason to convince him.

With a firm gaze, Tokugawa smiled softly: “There is nothing worth it. Haven’t I already been ready to cross hell.”

“I will control the amount of training. Once it exceeds the limit, you must stop practicing immediately.”

The ghost didn’t say anything to stop it. It was Tokugawa’s own will. All he could do was to reduce Tokugawa’s burden as much as possible.

Rather than let Tokugawa practice blindly behind his back, let him control it, at least he would feel more at ease.

“Well, if the coach still arranges me to lead the team, I won’t refuse.”

Taking a deep look at Tokugawa, Irie saw a certain quality in the opponent that he didn’t possess.

Everyone has their own choices, and they are destined to embark on a different path!

Time flickered to mid-August.

In addition to the summer vacation that each school ended one after another, another major event quickly attracted the attention of many tennis fans.

The annual national competition is about to begin!

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