Chapter 246 Spiritual Baptism

“Why, I felt so good just now…”

He whispered silently in his heart, but Kirahara didn’t notice the smile on Shang Yuu’s face.

“Scare, come again!”

Akameka Kirara was quite calm, and his emotions quickly broke away from the last ball.

Squeak, squeak, squeak…

Knuckles pressed the tennis ball, Kirara stared at Yuu Yu’s movements, seeming to want to give himself a little confidence through the pressure of aura.


The tennis ball was twisted irregularly between Kirara’s fingers.

The next moment.


A golden light beam appeared in the half-time of Top Yuu.

at the same time.

Kirara’s figure also swiftly pressed forward, seemingly sure that Yuu Yuu will be able to hit the ball back.

Seeing that it bounced towards his body, some violent and irregular serve, his shirt frowned slightly, “I really don’t have a long memory.”

He can easily dodge this ball, but it is not necessary.

He withdrew half a step back, and his shirt waved his racket in the air.


It was as if the air had been pierced, and all the people outside the court saw only a golden arc of light, which was fleeting in their eyes.

“So fast.” Taocheng stunned to herself.

The shirt Yu is obviously just an ordinary slam, but it is faster than the serve he hits with all his strength.

Faced with the ball, Qiuyuan’s footsteps paused slightly, and the afterimages of tennis balls flashed in his eyes extremely fast.

“it’s here.”

In Akame’s state, Sanada’s speed is like the wind, he has not never hit back. The top of the ball is very fast, but he still caught the spot.

His body accelerated and moved across, and just after he caught up with the tennis ball, a strange scene happened again.


After the tennis ball landed, there was no back-spin friction, but a strange deflection at a large angle, hitting the running feet of Kirara.

Kirara saw it very clearly this time, but it was too late to stop. The strong inertia allowed him to continue to take the next step.


With his feet in a mess, Kirara hit his face and fell on the court.


“Kihara boy, don’t stand up again, this game will be over,” Shang Xian You said in a faint tone, but there was no wave on his face.


“What happened just now? Why did the curly-haired classmate fall.”

Taocheng looked at Shang Shan Yu with a little fright. If he was teased in this way, he would go straight away.

“I said, Lion Majesty, it’s better not to challenge the senior in the shirt. You think Li Haida is too miserable.”

Taocheng elbowed Haitang next to him, reminding him with lingering fears.

This senior looks very kind, but he did not expect to be such a black-hearted person.

“Heh… naive, didn’t you see the tennis ball falling on the stone on the ground just now?”

Cai Qianguang glanced at Taocheng obliquely, with a hint of contempt on his face. This guy in the uniform of the Qingxue team really lacked vision.

“What did you say!”

“Who would pay attention to so many small rocks on the court!”

At first, Taocheng’s complexion turned red when being looked at by people like this, and then a little angrily defended herself.

The several courts here are not plastic courts. It is normal for the ground to have irregularities, but he didn’t think of this at the time.


Cai Qianguang put his arms around his chest, but he didn’t mean to quarrel with Taocheng Wu at all.

“It seems that Senior was also annoyed by the ignorant guy opposite.”

Feng Chang Taro frowned slightly. It was obvious that Kirihara’s previous attack made Shang Yuu a little angry, otherwise he wouldn’t go back like this.

On the side, Hijiruo was very cold and cold: “You have committed sins and you can’t live.”

He didn’t have much to do with Kirara’s methods, but on the contrary, Yu Yuu used the field several times to retaliate to Kirara with precision, which made him amazed.

Being able to control tennis through such subtle factors on the court is enough for him to learn for a long time.

On the field.

Kieyuan supported his body with one hand, he only felt a fiery pain on his face, “Damn it, you angered me!”

Feeling a drop of dark red liquid dripping from his nasal cavity, Kirara’s pupils shrank abruptly, and a gray chaotic aura radiated from him.

“Scared… he… scared…”

Kirara grinned lowly, while climbing up from the ground.

The color of his hair became very strangely gray, and the skin on his body became a deep dark red. Under the skin, the blood vessels expand and the veins twist.

“Here, Kirara Chiya’s demon form.” Sweater Yu looked at the changes in Kirara’s body, her eyes gleaming.

Unlike Akutsu who can maintain a sane wild posture, although Kirara’s demon posture can greatly improve his physical fitness, it will also have a certain impact on his body and his reason.

Let’s make a quick fight.

Now that the goal has been achieved, the next step is to wake up the opponent from this state.

Sweeping a group of first-year students who were already surprised outside the field, Yu Yuu’s gaze was slightly condensed, and his expression was serious.

“I want to dye you red!”

With one hand, he wiped the two bloody colors flowing out of the nasal cavity, and smiled grimly at his original face.

“Kazhi, Kazhi…”

The knuckles squeaked the tennis ball, straightened the original arm, and quickly flicked the tennis ball on the top of the head.

next moment.

The front end of the racket net slammed hard on the tennis ball, which was spinning fiercely up and down.


A touch of greenery suddenly appeared, and the tennis ball seemed to have a touch of blood, pressing fiercely towards the hair extension area of ​​the shirt.

At the moment of landing.

Whoosh whoosh!

With a fierce wind whistling, the tennis ball came directly towards Yu Shan Yu’s knee.

“Really dangerous tennis.”

Kirihara’s style reminded him of the executioner in U17-Tono Atsushi, who played Ultimate violent tennis.

“The demonized little kelp, grow up as soon as possible, I hope to see you cross this stage of dementia sooner.”

With a smile in his eyes, Jackie Yu murmured softly in his heart.


The dark blue brilliance on the racket is full of waves, which directly eliminates all the spin on the tennis ball.



The tennis ball was like a jet of water, slamming directly towards Kirara.

“Game, shirt Yuu, 7-0!”

“The game is over, any of you want to try?”

Seeing Kirara lying on the ground in a big letter, the atmosphere outside the court was quiet and strange.

So when the shirt you asked this question, no one answered him immediately.

Shocked, amazed.

These words that express their inner feelings are not enough to describe their hearts at this time.

Taocheng originally thought that the kelp head could score a point or two after turning into that state, but what he saw was the more violent suppression of the shirt Yuu.

Especially in the last few balls, Chihiro was directly lifted up by the top of Yuu’s swipe, and then the game was over and Chihiro was still lying on the ground.

Looking at the sky blankly, Kirara had retreated from a demonized state, but now he only felt mentally and physically exhausted, and he didn’t have the strength to get up.

“I come!”

It wasn’t until another firm and deep voice sounded that Qiyuan realized that he had been lifted out by the two first-year Bingdi.

Unconsciously, two lines of tears flowed from the corners of his eyes, “Woo… Minister Yukumura, Deputy Minister Sanada, I’m so embarrassed!”

On the other side, Cai Qianguang’s eyes darkened slightly after seeing the gloomy weird man with a turban in Qingxue playing.

“Perhaps, I should also make some changes…”

Turning around and glanced at their seniors at Sitianbao Temple, Cai Qianguang found that each of them looked tired.

And the minister who finally made him decide to join the club is also racing on the court at this time.

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