Chapter 233

“The model of the data has become blurred…”

Liu Lian’er looked at the tall figure standing in front of the net with a little surprise, and didn’t know what to say for a while.

The aura of selflessness that suddenly appeared on Huadi’s body suddenly disrupted his deployment and plan in the second half of the journey.

“Is he an imitation of Shinjuku Yushi, or a self-opening non-self?” Liu thought of Hua Di’s horrible ability before, and there was a hint of doubt in his heart.

But now it’s useless to say anything. It doesn’t matter whether Huadi’s selflessness is an imitation of forbearance, but he did use the powerlessness just now. This side-spinning tennis ball, which has the taste of footbearing, is the best proof. .

Temporarily suppressing these mixed thoughts in his heart, Liu returned his gaze to Ninzu and Huadi.

Now the game is not over, even if there is no me data, he may not be able to repair it again.

On the court, the two milky white brilliances one after the other echoed each other, and everyone who was knowledgeable outside the court was amazed.

“Is this the real strength of their Ice Emperor?!” Dashi only felt bitter in his heart.

Only when he really saw the top two teams fighting, did he understand that their Qingxue still had such a big gap with each other.

That kind of dazzling brilliance, their youth school has so far only been possessed by Tezuka.

The service line in the backcourt.

A hint of comfort flashed across Shinzu’s face, and the deep eyes were like an old wolf with fangs.

This move by him and Huadi was to wait until Li Haida was about to reverse the situation.


Ignoring the surrounding or exploring, or excited gaze, toss the ball up with his arms calmly tossing his feet.


A roaring fire light was about to be lit at Nioh’s feet.


The dull sound made the eyes of everyone outside the court sore, and the intuition of the tennis ball across the court in an instant.

“It seems to be underestimated…”

After finding that Shinobu was facing him, he used a heavy cannon to serve again, the expression on Nioh’s face was solemn.

Although the ball was fast, it did not exceed his limit.


With a stroke of his arm along the side of his foot, Nioh’s shot was taken directly into his racket by Nioh.


The tennis ball tried hard to stretch the face of the racket, but was firmly blocked by Nioh’s arm.


With a crisp sound, the tennis ball flew back directly along the diagonal diagonal line.

“Sure enough, this king is not that simple.”

Seeing Nioh hit back Fengchang Taro’s serve fairly easily, Shiobe narrowed his eyes sharply.

The other party does not seem to have anything special, but the handling of many details is also quite delicate.

However… just in the next moment.

“That’s not mine…”

A look of shock appeared in Shioto’s eyes, and a gray electric light flashed across the court.


Nioh felt a sharp wind pressure from his ears.


“That was… a lightning half volley!”

Looking sideways behind him, Nioh found a pale yellow tennis ball embedded in the wire fence behind him.

The wind pressure that made him feel very harsh just now was really caused by the tennis ball flying over his ears super fast.

Huadi stood up straight without expression, after closing the shot, silently moved a few steps and returned to the position where he stood at the beginning. There was no emotional change at all because of his own ball, and the aura of selflessness slowly spilled over him.

“What a strong sense of oppression…” Marui Fumata stopped chewing in his mouth and looked at Huadi with a serious face.

Huadi is a terrifying person who makes you unable to guess your mind. Especially in doubles matches, there are too many possibilities that the ice emperor can cause without self.

“This shit has no me, how can you use so many moves!!”

Scratching his curly hair vigorously, Kirara Chi also had sharp eyes, and said rather uncomfortably.

Not to mention anything else, now Senior Liu and Senior Nioh can’t grab the initiative to attack from their opponents at all. This kind of rhythm is really terrible.

Despite Kirara’s unwilling words to himself, Sanada and Mori knew that there was a high probability that they would not have a chance in their first doubles match.

With the tennis quality of the Bingdi players, Liu will not be given more time to adjust. The truncated data stream can not be completed in one game or two games if you want to correct it again.




“Game, Ice Emperor Academy, 5-2!”


“Game, Ice Emperor Academy Shinzu Yushi, Huaji Takahiro, 6-2!”

“At the end of the first game, Bingdi won, with a total score of 1-0!”

Seeing that the last ball was heavily printed near Li Haida’s bottom line, the referee directly announced in a loud voice.

Suddenly, there was a burst of cheers and applause outside the court:

“Bingdi… will win!”

“Victory will belong to the Ice Emperor!”

Bingdi’s neat cheerleading slogans made many foreign scouts look at him. This kind of vigorous momentum makes it hard for them to think that this is just the school team of the middle school.

Winning the first game instantly boosted the morale of the ice emperor’s side, taking advantage of the first-hand advantage of this opening, and the burden of doubles playing later was obviously much smaller.

“Try your best, no matter if you win or lose!”

Xiang Riyueren and Shido Liang folded their hands and pressed them down to cheer themselves up.

The next game will prove to be a match. After more than a year of hard work, they finally met Li Haida’s doubles combination in the official game again.

Wherever they fell, they got up from wherever they fell. Now this is the second-to-last goal of revenge in their hearts.

Time passed quickly in an atmosphere of high pressure. Soon, the clear sound of the broadcast made the players on both sides look solemn.

“Following, the final doubles number one match is about to begin, with Shinto Ryo and Mukatatake from Ice Emperor Academy, against Marui Fumata and Jackal Mulberry from the High School Affiliated to Tachikai University.”

“Please be in place for both players!”

At the referee’s signal, Shido Ryo and Mukata walked from the referee’s bench to their own half.

The two sides met again in the center of the venue.

“Let me do it, positive or negative?”

Looking up at the two people in front of him, Shiroto erected his racket on the ground, pressing a finger perfectly on the letter on the grip.

“It doesn’t matter, so be it.” Marui Wen blew a bubble too softly, and said very casually.

However, just as the racket was spinning, his eyes also secretly looked at the two in front of him.

“It seems that they have become a lot stronger…”

Feeling the breath of Mukai and Shito, and the mental outlook completely different from last year, Marui increased his vigilance in his heart.

If Mukai and Shiobe held the belief that they will lose every time last year, then the eyes of the two of them this year are already full of confidence in themselves.

Shaking and shaking, the racket fell to the ground with a clatter.

With his thoughts pulled back, Marui glanced at the front and back of the racket letters on the ground, a random smile appeared on his face, “It seems that our luck is short.”


Blowing a bubble, Marui and Jackal both walked towards the backcourt.

“Xiang Ri, give it to me in the backcourt.”

“no problem!”

Xiang Riyue made a gesture towards Shido Ryo. Although they did not grab the right to serve, the expressions on their faces were still stable.

“At the start of the game, Fumata Marui and Jackal Mulberry from the middle school affiliated to Lihai University will serve and the game ends.”


As soon as the referee’s words fell, a light yellow golden light shot out from Jackal Mulberry’s hand.

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