Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 651 Changes everywhere in 648! (4k)

Chapter 651 648. Changes everywhere! (4k)

"Although I don't know what you want to do, I am very happy about today's competition."

"It really scared me, Akashi."

"I didn't expect you to become so strong."

Walking to the net, without caring about the ruined court, Shirazu looked at Akashi and spoke bluntly.

Even though he knew that Akashi's situation was not that simple, he did not ask how Akashi did it.

There are some things that you will naturally say if you want to say them. If you don’t want to say them, there is no need to ask in detail.


After losing the first battle, Akashi's mood was very subtle.

Originally, I thought it would be fine if two Akaashi each competed for a round.

But who would have thought that this guy Bai Jin is simply extraordinary.

The World Championship hasn't even started yet, and he's already so well prepared.

Emperor's Light, Yida Shura

Being able to be fully defended was something I had never thought of before.

One can imagine how diligent this guy is at ordinary times, always groping for new moves ahead.

(Not yet successful.)

For a long time, Akashi could only stop thinking so much for the time being.

Considering that if Bai Jin didn't use "Heavy Particle Mode" and "Extreme Technique", he would have a chance to win, but he just thought about it.

This was only a short game of two games. If it were a regular best-of-three game, except for the Emperor's Light, which had a slight chance of winning, the One-Sword Shura would probably be dragged to death before he could decide the winner in a short period of time.

(We need to consider more comprehensively how to defeat him when the power we rely on is ineffective.)

(We have no clue at the moment, but I believe we still have a chance)

Today's failure did not make the two of them give up, but instead strengthened their ideas.

After all, fortunately, he has obtained the memory of the end of the World Championship, so Akaashi has plenty of time to change.

It can be said that he has now stood on the shoulders of "Future Akashi" and started to move forward, and has gained a lot of experiences for no reason.

If he doesn't do it in the future, there might be a glimmer of possibility for him now.

"Let's take a rest first."

Seeing that Shirazu had not changed at all even after the competition, Akashi was unsure of the situation for a moment.

Judging from the previous confrontation with Yukimura and others, as long as the competition is intense to a certain level, there should be no problem.

But it happened that he and Bai Jin had both fought to that point, and it was impossible not to trigger it.

(Is the competition process too short?)

The only thing worthy of suspicion may be that the schedule is too short and the prerequisites are not met.

Before, they had played a complete game.

(But that’s not right either. As long as the intensity of the process is high enough, the other party can receive it.)

After thinking about it, he returned to the previous question, and Akashi couldn't come to a conclusion yet.

He needs to rest for a while to catch his breath before finding the next person to test.

"Shintaro, you and I will have a show in half an hour."

Turning his head to look at his teammates watching the game, Akashi suddenly found Midorima and spoke.


There was no obvious rejection, but Midorima was a little unhappy.

Although he didn't know what Akaashi was going to do, he just rested for half an hour and then planned to fight again. This was obviously a bit underestimated.

He knew the effectiveness of the Emperor's Light and Yida Shura.

And with the intensity just now, he didn't think Akashi would be able to fully recover in half an hour.

Is it possible that he can't beat Akashi who is not in perfect condition?

Even if it is a short game of two games.

"Can you recover in half an hour?"

"I'm afraid it's a bit difficult."

"But even so, Akashi did it. He knew exactly what would happen."

Others also somewhat didn't understand Akashi's idea of ​​"rushing for quick success".

Why are you so determined to play these two games?

Is there any particularly important meaning contained in it?

Compared with the duel between Akashi and Shirazu, competitions in other schools are also constantly unfolding.

"Xiao Jin, is this what you want to convey?"

"That's really impressive."

"Excellent pleasure!"

Playing a game with Kintaro, Shiraishi felt the message and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"That guy Shiraishi, why did his movements change so much all of a sudden?"

"Not only that, the details of some of his skills have obviously improved a lot."

"And even my energy and spirit are much better."

The people in Tiantianbao Temple who were watching the battle did not quite understand the changes.

At first, Kintaro could still take the lead, but as he fought, Shiraishi suddenly became stronger, and then suppressed Kintaro.

This strange reversal is really incredible.

Mainly, Shiraishi's strength is reflected in the use of skills and various details, which is obviously not something that can be done better in a short while.

But Baishi had changed so much that they couldn't understand it.

"Yo ho!"

"It is indeed the familiar Shiraishi, he is very powerful!"

Kintaro danced happily in the air, and then hit a fierce smash.

Strong wind pressure began to sweep across the surrounding area, even threatening to drive away those watching the battle.

"If he wants to fight that one, he will kill him!"

"Stop him quickly, Shiraishi!!"

"Ah, don't worry."

Faced with the smash that caused drastic changes in the environment, Shiraishi used his fantasy killer.


"Hey, hey, Atobe, what does this mean?"

Seeing Atobe knocking down Tachibana Kippei and Himuro one after another, everyone else was a little confused.

They were not surprised that the two were knocked down, but that Tachibana Jupei and Himuro suddenly grew up in the process.

"Ah hum, you should know how to survive today, right?"

"It will be very troublesome if the minister does it alone."

Seeing that Tachibana Jupei and Himuro really got the memory, Atobe said relaxedly.

"Tsk, so that's it."

"What an astonishing fact."

Compared to Tachibana who got the memory first, Himuro was much slower, so much so that he was still reflecting on it.

I have to say that Atobe's strength is too strong for them.

Even Atobe, who is half-serious, can quickly defeat two people who are trying their best.

It can only be said that the level difference between Hyokui and him is a bit high, unlike other schools that have such reliable second-in-commands.

"After you two rest, you will go to work for me."

"Try to finish it in the morning"

"Hua Di, you come in first."


He ordered Tachibana Ping and Himuro unceremoniously. Before the latter could reply, Atobe had already ordered the next person.

"Tsk, even though he is a minister, his attitude is as bad as ever."

"Haha, but that is normal after all. He is Atobe Keigo."

Knowing what Atobe said, the two of them had no choice but to proceed.

Transmitting future memories is a bit mysterious just to talk about it.

If I hadn't experienced it myself, I'm afraid no one would believe it.

"Isn't it a bit too much to tell me this kind of thing now? Tezuka."

With a hint of displeasure, Fuji stared at Tezuka, and then hit a return ball.

"Sorry, Fuji, I just got it yesterday."

It was obviously just Fuji's casual comment, but Tezuka still explained it to him seriously.

"What are these two people talking about?"

Kikumaru asked strangely as he didn't quite understand what Fuji and Tezuka were talking about.

"I don't know. Could it be that something happened that we don't know about?"

Kawamura Takashi shook his head, not understanding what the two men were referring to.

"Let's not talk about other things for now, but Fuji's movements and moves have changed."

"It was like something suddenly clicked."

"How is it possible that both awareness and skills have improved?"

Inui Sadaharu touched his chin, still unable to figure out the principle. How could such experience, which requires days and months of accumulation, be improved in a short period of time?

"Yes, you can tell just by looking at him that Fuji has become a lot stronger."

"It doesn't feel like it was yesterday at all."

"And there are new moves"

Dashi was also thinking. Compared with yesterday's Fuji, today's Fuji was obviously not at the same level.

"Look, what is that?"

Kikumaru suddenly shouted with one hand and one finger. Everyone followed his gestures and saw that there seemed to be some phantom behind Fuji.

"That is."

"Incarnation of another dimension?"

"Even Fuji.?"

The familiar scene immediately aroused everyone's consternation. They did not expect to see Fuji's other-dimensional incarnation here.


But before they could react, Tezuka's strike struck, directly defeating the avatar that appeared on the field.

The results were so fast that people were stunned.

"Xuanwu, one of the Five Saints."

"Three Heavenly Clothes Styles. Strike Style."

Tezuka and Fuji read each other's moves.

(You are so strong, Tezuka.)

The incarnation was defeated and could not even build a defense. Fuji could only close his eyes and sigh.

The extra-dimensional incarnation that he sublimated using his moves was instantly penetrated by Tezuka using his "strike move".

It’s just like what the memory of the World Championship depicts

He is still no match for Tezuka.

“But there is still room for me to work hard.”

Opening his eyes and looking at Tezuka, Fuji didn't give up, but was full of energy.

Now that we know where each other's limits are, we can naturally pursue each other better.

"Come on, Fuji."

"Our duel is not over yet."

"Haha, yes, there is nothing more gratifying than being able to compete at a higher level."

The two people who have known each other for a long time can naturally understand each other's mood and continue to fight with a happy attitude.


"The disease is like violent fire!!"

"Sanada, if you insist on using combination techniques, your body will be overwhelmed."


Looking helplessly at his stubborn deputy minister, Yukimura patiently tried to persuade him.

While chatting and laughing, he responded with the incoming combo ultimate move.

"No, Deputy Director Sanada's moves were so powerful, and Director Yukimura immediately counterattacked."

Kirihara watched this scene nervously, not worrying about other things at all.

"Pfft, that's weird."

On the contrary, Niou noticed the clues and opened his mouth to speak.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Not quite understanding what Nioh was saying at this time, Kirihara turned to look at him.

"Why did Sanada change so much all of a sudden?"

They had the same questions as other schools, and the peers at Rikkai University were also curious about the secrets.

Especially Nioh, he just practiced with Sanada yesterday and knew the opponent's situation very well.

But the Sanada who was fighting Yukimura today was too unfamiliar to him.

It was so strange that he even wondered if Sanada was cheating yesterday.

If he hadn't known Sanada's character, he would have thought this was possible.

"The preliminary conclusion is that Sanada learned something during the fight with Yukimura."

"But I can understand when you say you have new moves."

"But that progressive play style and style can't be said to be something that can be achieved temporarily."

"If you ask me, I don't know how to answer."

It is rare for a group of people to argue over this matter.

After all, from their perspective and standpoint, Yukimura was fighting with Sanada, and the latter began to advance by leaps and bounds.

This is indeed not a reasonable phenomenon

But for Yukimura and Sanada, this is what they should be.

After all, if you can't change things after getting such long-term future memories, then something is wrong.


The way he plays is quite aggressive, which fits Sanada's character very well.

Yukimura, who has long been accustomed to it, will naturally not be used to him.

"Sealed my creation with darkness."

"Use light to cope with my changes"

"Under the same situation, use the combo skills of Baosen Yanfeng to break through the situation."

"You've become a lot stronger, Sanada."

I have to say that Sanada at this moment is a player worthy of Yukimura taking seriously.

Even if each other's bodies are not at their peak, this will not affect the collision between them.

"The light and clouds are as unobstructed as the void!!"

An absolutely penetrating blow was heard in the field, but Yukimura did not give in, but faced the incoming ball.

"Ah? Yukimura plans to pick him up head on?"

"It's impossible to block Sanada's light."

"Is it possible that he has a way to deal with it?"

They were all shocked to see Yukimura actually blocking the path of the ball.

"The power of light indeed makes even me look askance at it."

"That is recognized as one of the strongest offensive methods in the world."

"As the emperor, you are a symbol of recognition."

The power of "light" is exceptional even in the World Championship where armed colors are rampant.

It is no exaggeration to say that except for players of Midorima's caliber, almost no player can fight back "Light" head-on.

"Forcing people into desperate situations."

"Even I am no exception."

"But precisely because of this, I can use my strongest move."

The conditions have been met.

Moves gradually unblocked

"It's impossible to fight back, it's impossible to score, it's impossible to win"

"All these odds, overwhelming desperation"

“Exactly what it takes to perform.”

A frontal shot was taken and Yukimura's words continued to come out.

It was like chanting some unblocking spell.

His own momentum is also rising.


A shining white light emitted between the ball and the racket. In the astonished eyes of everyone, Yukimura really hit the "light" back.

That is the final and strongest method as a "god".

"I am the only one who is at an absolute disadvantage"

"The only attack that can only be used."

"Open up the future!"


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