Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 649 646 Shura with one sword!

Chapter 649 646. Shura with one sword!



After Shirazu took out the heavy particle mode, Akashi lost his lead.

When the score was tied, he fell into silence, seemingly unwilling to do so.

Even though it was not the first time that Bai Jin had suppressed him, this time it was full of bitterness.

At the end of the World Championships, "Akaashi" was even one step behind in terms of moves.

The gap in this gap is really unbearable for ordinary people.

Bai Jin's bottomless background may never have been seen through by anyone.

How much you can see and know his details all depends on how far you can force him.

This feeling of despair can really hit the opponent to pieces.

(Let me do it.)

A light tone sounded as Ura Akashi spoke. When Akashi's Emperor's Light was defeated, it already meant defeat.

That is the strongest form enlightened in the world competition.

If even this is suppressed by Bai Jin, then it is impossible to say that he can win.

(Leave it to you. If possible, this last round)

(Take it down!)

They no longer care about the reason for inviting Shirazu to play in the first place, but Omo Akashi and Uto Akashi have only one goal now.

That is to win this game!

Only when facing Bai Jin, the two of them were determined not to admit defeat.

That's the stubbornness I've had since childhood.

The atmosphere has changed, and the momentum has erupted violently.

Bai Jin immediately felt the presence of Akashi Akashi. His iceberg-like face was completely incompatible with Akashi's gentle personality.

"It's you next"

"It seems you do have secrets that I don't know about."

Until now, Bai Jin has initially confirmed one thing, that is, something must have happened to Akashi.

Otherwise, there is no reason why there would be such an improvement all of a sudden.

The seamless integration of the three types of things, Bai Jin admitted that it was definitely not something that could be achieved easily.

That requires a certain degree of accumulation and experience, and then you can do it silently.

This is not something that can be completed in a short time

He usually gets along with Akaashi the most, but he still doesn't know how much his minister weighs?

"He obviously used that kind of power, but you still haven't felt it?"

"Are you special or is the game not intense enough?"

Seeing Bai Jin's expression still as usual, Riakishi was silent for a while and then spoke.


When Riakaashi said this, Bai Jin felt confused.

Feelings? What do you feel?

(Maybe the triggering conditions are more stringent than we thought.)

(Let’s continue playing first. Only after finishing the game can we make a correct judgment.)

Akashi had an inner exchange, and then began to look straight ahead.

At this time, the benefits of humanoid interdimensional incarnation are reflected.

As a part of becoming stronger, Akashi is divided into two types.

Just like Oote Akashi's Emperor's Light, Uto Akashi also has his own future memories.

After all, if we really want to talk about it, Omo Akashi is still suitable for the team type, while Uto Akashi is to deal with Shirazu's singles type.

And the ultimate point in which Ura Akashi will become stronger in the future is...


He could faintly feel Riaki's vigorous aura erupting, and Bai Jin looked at his raised arm, waiting for the serve.


The speed was so fast that Kise and others could not even see the path of the ball clearly, but Shirazu still reacted and barely intercepted it.


(This kind of strength is far superior to that of Akashi.)

Having become accustomed to wrapping the power of his weapon around the racket surface, Bai Jin frowned and felt the huge gap.

If we look at Omoto-Akaashi's previous strength as a benchmark, current Uto-Akaashi is at least twice as strong as him.

You must know that Akashi, the Emperor of Light, is already the fifth dimension of a "super monster", and Akashi can even be stronger than him. What is this concept?


The racket was knocked away, and Bai Jin rubbed his slightly numb wrist.


"Is this the surprise you two gave me?"

Picking up the racket and looking at Riakaashi's body wrapped in the pressure of the flames, Shirazu admired.

At this moment, he released the heavy particle mode, and his cyan coat gradually faded away and turned into a soft light.

"Really or not? Knocked away Baijin-chan's racket?"

Kise looked at that scene in disbelief, his tone full of astonishment.

"Hey, hey, why can't I even see the ball?"

Kagami is more concerned about another thing. He is confident that he will not lose to anyone in terms of explosiveness, but the ball played by Akashi just now was too scary.

With his ability, he couldn't even see the trajectory of his racket and ball.

"Chicai in this state"

"too horrible."

Murasakihara felt terrified after making such a comment.

"It's hard to imagine that a body like his could explode with such amazing strength."

Midorima became more and more curious about it. Logically speaking, if Akashi really had such strength, it seemed that he had never shown it before.

It would be a bit unrealistic to say that it was only mastered recently.


Kuroko looked at Akashi with envy, full of yearning for his strange abilities.

Once upon a time, he also wanted to make a difference in singles, but unfortunately, his talent destined that doubles was his strongest area.

"Climb to the top and strive for victory."

The surging power filled his body, and Akashi had never felt so powerful.

In the future world competition, in order to face powerful enemies, Akashi surpassed the limit and then realized the most powerful "special skill".

Unfortunately, this move can only be used once a day, and the use time can only be maintained within five minutes based on his physique. After using it, the body will rapidly weaken.

Five minutes seems to be a short time, and it can even be called insignificant in the best-of-three-set world championship.

But just five minutes were enough for Riaki to defeat any opponent who stood in his way.

This is a stunt

Shura with one sword!

"There is nothing more simple and crude than physical augmentation."

Rakaashi agrees with this sentence very much. Just like Bai Jin, the unlimited growth after opening the perfect suit is enough for him to cope with any situation.

In order to defeat Shirazu, the future Akashi also became enlightened as "One Sword Shura".

That is the effect of greatly increasing one's own physical strength.

If the Emperor's Light's performance level can be said to be "50", it can be said to be at least "100" after Akashi uses One-Sword Shura.

It's not enough to call him a superman.



"It's very similar to Kaio Fist. It's true."

The racket was still knocked off when he caught the ball, and Shiratsu had already noticed the strange strength and speed of Riakaashi.

"But, won't that state last long?"

Seeing Ura Akashi getting ready to serve again, Shirazu said.

"It's only five minutes but there are two goals left after the game, so I don't even need 10 seconds."

With such confidence, Riakaashi said coldly.

The increase that Yida Shura brought him was what gave him the confidence to speak.

"Really? Then let me show you something new."

Seemingly thinking of something interesting, Bai Jin grinned.


Suddenly having a bad premonition, Riaki frowned and looked at him.

Omo Akashi's past experience prevented him from simply thinking that Shirazu was joking.

This also aroused everyone's curiosity and attention.

"Can you still fight back in this situation?"

"What exactly is Baizu-chan going to come up with?"

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