
  Chapter 978 Departure

Rhodes recalls that when he first got the combination Divine Item Ghost King cloak, Also obtained a racing achievement, named [Blessed One].

The basic rewards contained in [God's Favor] have fully increased Rhodes' full attribute by 3 points. Compared with [Collector], which can only provide 1 full attribute, Naturally it caught Rhodes' attention.

Having two Divine Items at the same time is definitely more difficult than having only one Divine Item. Since the system admits it as a racing achievement, naturally there will be no discounts on rewards.

A full 10-point attribute awareness, which exists between these two racing achievements, Rhodes understands that there is naturally something in it that he has not noticed.

What makes Rhodes very concerned is the [Collector] racing achievement, the blessings that can be obtained after wearing it.

At this time, Rhodes has two Divine Items, which are completely split, and there are seven Divine Items in total.

According to the effect indicated by [Collector], Rhodes can immediately get a 70% damage bonus with the blessing of the two Divine Items after wearing this racing achievement.

According to Rhodes' prediction, this damage bonus should apply to all damage, whether it is casting spell or melee attack, you can enjoy a 70% damage bonus.

Rhodes understands that such a high damage bonus is the real power of this racing achievement, and few racing achievements can provide this level of damage bonus.

In Rhodes' impression, there are many special skills that increase damage in the system of melee professionals. With the increase of rank, after increasing the level of these special skills, a lot of increased damage will be obtained. Effect.

For example, the special skill sword technique that Rhodes once learned, each level 1 can bring a 10% increase in damage, and it can also be superimposed with offensive skills. When used in conjunction with combat skills, it can increase the damage caused. Great improvement.

Compared with the special skills of melee professionals, there are only a few special skills that increase spell damage. Except for the special skills of the four elements magic element, only each level increases all types of magic damage by 2%. special skill magic.

Under the circumstance that the character's rank is not high, spending skill points on magic will bring little benefits. Rhodes has never increased the level of special skill magic before, only high-rank or Legendary mage, choose to learn this skill.

In the case of the overwhelming majority, mages have no other methods except to use their own professional expertise and a few special skills to increase the damage of the magic panel.

As the apex of the orthodox mage advancement path, the powerful source of Legendary mage is also because of their professional expertise, which can directly increase the damage of the panel that the spell should have caused by 50%.

There are very few that can increase melee and spell damage at the same time. Except for some special treasures, only racing achievements can do it.

Rhodes recalled that in the previous game, the existence of racing achievements could not meet the needs of all players at all. Except for the first player who met the conditions, he could get all the rewards of racing achievements. Most of the racing achievement rewards obtained by all players will be greatly reduced.

Even for the first player to become a seventh rank professional, the racing achievements they get can only give them 30% of all damage bonuses, not to mention the reduced rewards.

At this time, Rhodes noticed that the [Collector] racing achievement can increase all damage caused by 70%, which can undoubtedly make his overall combat capability a qualitative leap. , not to mention, this damage bonus still has room for improvement.

In Rhodes' hands, he also holds another Divine Item, which is the Divine Item used by the god of mage, one of the parts of the source of magic. Once Rhodes successfully collects it, then this additional The resulting value will continue to change.

With such a powerful active effect, the basic reward of [Collector] is naturally not too high, and it only increases the entire attribute by 1 point.

For Rhodes, the real difficulty is when to replace his racing achievements. There is no wearing effect of the [Undead Mage] achievement. For the improvement of the Soul Evocation Technique level, even if you have Ghost King cloak, Rhodes' Soul Evocation Technique is also only Legendary Grade.

The level of Soul Evocation Technique directly affects the damage of the cloud of death and the transformation of the undead creatures under it. If the level of Soul Evocation Technique is insufficient, Rhodes can only transform into ordinary corpse witches.

【Collector】Although it has brought a huge increase in damage to Rhodes, it still needs Rhodes' own judgment whether to change achievements in battle.

Compared with the [Collector], the [Lost Items] reward is quite satisfactory. In addition to bringing a lot of skill points to Rhodes, it also gives him the ability to perceive other Divine Item parts within a certain range. ability.

After returning from the acid mist, Rhodes turned his gaze to Savina next to the ghost dragon.

For the hero Savina, Rhodes' original plan was to bring her back to Verning to prepare for the next battle.

The existence of Death Knight is the way for Rhodes to get a lot of EXP. At the same time, by giving orders to Death Knight through spiritual imprint, he can also control the situation of the entire battlefield.

For this, Rhodes needs a lot of Death Knights, preferably low tiers.

When in the territory of Titania, Rhodes never showed his full strength in order to prevent the ability of Ghost King's cloak from being completely exposed. Even without Death Knight, Rhodes did not hunt down the territory hero.

But at this time, when Rhodes really mastered the Titan's Arrow and felt the power of this combination of Divine Items, his focus on the next battle began to change, and he no longer needed to focus on In the territory of Eri, but like Sandro in the previous life, it swept the entire surface world.

I also mastered two Divine Items, Rhodes and Sandro in the previous life, and even the body parts corresponding to the Divine Item parts are the same. When the Titan Arrow started, Rhodes has already Make all the preparations before the battle begins.

For this reason, Rhodes did not intend to let Savina follow him and return to Vernin, but to let the hero of the lizardmen stay in the familiar Titania, waiting for the battle to begin. .

Rhodes raised his hand, and many ordinary creatures who had died by the lake of plague climbed up from the deep underground in the form of a corpse witch king, but Rhodes did not control these undead creatures.

Finally, I gave Savina a few words, so that she could complete the transformation of the corpse witch as unobtrusively as possible during this time. Rhodes then boarded the ghost dragon and was ready to leave from here.

(end of this chapter)

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