
  Chapter 976 Titan's Arrow II

Through the system's prompts and his own attempts, Rhodes also understands Discover the true power of this Divine Item in your hand.

When Rhodes swings the combination Divine Item Titan Arrow in his hand, there will be a spell of the same name, the [Titan Arrow] composed of lightning is shot rapidly, hitting the target pointed by the blade. superior.

apart from this , the Divine Item's casting of [Titan Arrow] is not limited by the cooling time, no matter how many times Rhodes swings it in a short time, there will be as many [Titan Arrow] shoot.

From this thing in hand, Rhodes deeply felt the power from the Divine Item. That is completely different from the power of the Divine Item Ghost King cloak, which is a combination of the undead mage that Rhodes has taken.

After getting the Ghost King cloak, Rhodes will need a period of time to accumulate, complete the transformation of a large number of corpse witch kings, and combine with other undead mage, in order to maximize the power of this Divine Item.

And the power of the Titan's Arrow is extremely intuitive. As long as it is waved, the fifth-order magic [Titan's Arrow] will be shot out.

In terms of the most intuitive combat capability, Titan's Arrow is naturally slightly better. The appearance of this Divine Item has subverted all modes of Rhodes' conventional combat, and the true power of Ghost King's cloak is even more powerful. Mostly reflected in the strategy.

According to Rhodes' own spell level, the [Titan Arrow] shot by combining Divine Item is also the spell level of Lv3.

Due to the limitation of the Divine Item itself, Rhodes cannot add mana to the [Titan Arrow] shot, but the Titan Arrow of Lv3, the basic damage alone, reaches 240 points, relying on swinging Divine Item, under continuous casting, does not need Rhodes to continue to add mana to increase damage.

Has a previous life memory, in Rhodes' impression, as the Legendary mage recognized as the strongest single spell, the fifth-order Earth Element magic [Thunder Bomb] cast requires 200 mana points, causing 200 plus the panel damage of mage's own spirit attribute *10, each increase of Spell level by Level 1 can increase the base damage by 20 points.

In the hands of a Peak Legendary mage, the thunder bomb is enough to cause thousands of damage. Even the most tenacious Beamon giant beast in life force cannot withstand the thunder bomb head-on. strikes, not to mention other creatures.

Bracada was able to maintain its long-term rule over the surrounding area, naturally, not by other means, but by the power of magic. When the forbidden magic ball has not been found by Tanan, just hearing the name of the thunderbolt is enough to make the surrounding creatures terrified.

At this time, Rhodes noticed that the [Titan Arrow Lv3] he had mastered had a base damage of 240 points, which had already exceeded the 200 base damage of Thunder Bomb. With the same mana value, the panel damage can reach 1240 points, which is already the level of Peak Legendary mage's thunder bombs.

The spell [Titan Arrow] mastered by Rhodes, after reaching Lv3, undoubtedly showed its powerful effect, even better than the regular fifth-order magic.

If Rhodes is willing, pour all his mana into a [Titan Arrow], then the damage caused by this spell will be able to reach several thousand points. Rhodes is convinced that, if hit by this spell, no creature will survive it except the presence of magic immunity.

The [Titan Arrow] released by combining Divine Items can cause 240 panel damage. Although there is a huge gap compared with the thunder bombs with nearly 1,000 damage, it is enough to solve most of the damage. regular creatures.

For example, Rhodes once saw the werewolf in the Colosseum. For Rhodes at this time, he only needs to wave the Divine Item in his hand to solve it, even if it is a giant beast of Beamon, It is also difficult to withstand the successive attacks of [Titan Arrow].

Rhodes noticed that in system's evaluation of the Titan Arrow, there was such a paragraph, saying that only the real Titans can exert the power of this Divine Item.

Recalling the Titan giant I saw in the inheritance quest, if it is Krom, who has the Lv3 Titan Arrow, to use this Divine Item, under the blessing of the Divine Item's power , his Titan Arrow will reach the level of Lv5.

Rhodes calculates based on the previous data, the base damage of the Lv5 Titan Arrow will reach 960 points, with the Divine Item itself being infinitely cast, no wonder the system will evaluate, only the real Titan giant can Harness the power of this Divine Item.

At the same time, Rhodes seemed to have noticed something. It seemed no coincidence that he could directly obtain Lv3 [Titan Arrow] under the influence of the Divine Item combination.

Rhodes recalled that the way he cast the fifth-order magic [Titan's Arrow] was originally obtained from the inheritance quest, and it was only at the level of Lv1. When two of the Divine Item parts were collected, the Titan The arrow has been upgraded to Lv2, and after the combination of Divine Items is truly revealed, it has reached the level of Lv3.

In the original inheritance quest, there is actually a fifth-order magic [Titan Divine Lightning], which can be chosen by Rhodes as one of the rewards of the quest.

Due to the low overall damage of [Titan Divine Lightning], Rhodes did not choose it, but chose [Titan Arrow]. Now it seems that Rhodes' choice is extremely correct.

The feedback from the system made Rhodes understand that it was precisely because he had mastered the spellcasting method of [Titan Arrow Lv1] from the very beginning. Raised to Lv3, the panel damage reached 240 points.

If another player gets this Divine Item, because they have not mastered the [Titan Arrow] casting method before, under the action of the Divine Item, they can only get the Lv1 [Titan Arrow] just now. , the panel damage it has is only 60 points. Although it can be used infinitely, it is obviously not a level compared to Rhodes' 240 points of damage.

Rhodes noticed the [Titan's Arrow], the spell has the same name as the Divine Item combination, but he didn't think much about it. He chose this spell because of its effect. strong.

Now it seems that these two special things have the same translation name in the system detection, which is obviously not a coincidence. Whether or not he has mastered the fifth-order magic [Titan Arrow] can affect the effect of combining Divine Item Titan Arrow to a great extent, which undoubtedly explains this point.

Like the Ghost King cloak, the fully formed Divine Item cannot be included in the space ring. After checking the special effects of the Divine Item, Rhodes will no longer stay here for a long time.

Holding the Titan's arrow in his hand, Rhodes turned and moved towards the place where the spiritual imprint came, the direction of the ghost dragon and Savina.

Combination Divine Item Titan's Thunder

Tier 5 Magic Titan's Bolt

Divine Item Part Titan's Gladius )

Translated names are confusing.

(end of this chapter)

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